Half-Breed High (IC) (Semi-Open)

Clara laughed. "That's a good point. I never imagined I would be rooming with someone like this. Well, at least he knows what he likes." She sighed before smiling at Cherico. "Food sounds great." She laughed again. "Yes, go put on a shirt while I. Uh...attempt to take care of this." She looked around the room, frowning slightly. "I'll meet you outside. I won't be long."
He smiled. Cherico was not straight at all. He liked both. Cherico nodded and headed to his room. Inside he slipped a blue shirt on and fixed his scarf. He pulled out a locket and put it on. Inside was a photo of his parents, a piece of his father's hair and a scale from his mother. Cherico liked material things from people. Made him remember easier. He looked at the glass bottle. "Well dad...I hope I don't blow it with her." He kissed the bottle and set it down. He locked the door and went over to her door. He sat outside her room and played with his water fish. Unknowingly he began to sing.
After Cherico left, Clara began rummaging around her bag. "Where did I...Oh, there." She pulled out a stack of sticky notes, and sat at her desk. She began to write. "When you wake up, please go to your own bed and clear out my side of the room. Thank you. Your roommate, Clara." She read it a couple of times, hoping that it didn't sound too rude. Finally, she shrugged and carefully stuck the note on her roommate's forehead. Perhaps she should be a bit nicer. Sighing, she pulled the blanket over him and put his head on a pillow. "And that's as nice as I am going to be today." She got her bag, checked herself in the mirror, and left the room, locking the door behind her. Outside, Cherico was playing with his fish and singing. She smiled. "Sorry for the wait. Let's go."
The fish bursted onto the floor when he was interrupted. He stood up and sighed. "I gotta work on that. And it's fine. So...anything in mind?" He smiled as he slipped his hands in his pockets. He looked forward and occasionally looked at her. Cherico bit his lower lip and could feel his palms sweat.((block sorry >o
((That's alright. Also, sorry if I disappear, I might lose wifi from time to time.))

She shook her head. "I was thinking of checking what's available first, but maybe a salad. What about you?" She turned to look at Cherico and smiled when they made eye contact. He was a bit shy, which was rather endearing. She remembered that she used to be shy was well. Hmm...Those were the days. She looked ahead and pointed. "There's the cafeteria. I hope they sell bottled water." She smiled again and quickened her pace slightly.
Murton yawned sleepily and rose up again, he smacked his lips and saw two people in his room, some dude and a HOT chick. He rolled out of bed and fell face down with a painful thud, he lifted off the floor and went to talk to his guests,"Wazzap?" He scratched his head and looked at the girl and casually said,"Nice tits." He then turned to the dude and looked at his chest he gave a disappointed look,"A certain lack of boobs present." He looked up at his face."You bore me." He then cracked his back,"To what do I owe the pleasure? Are one of you my roomie?" He gave a suspicious grin,"Or is this some prank for first timers..." He then took a slightly standoffish stance as he awaited their answer.
Cherico smiled at her. "I think...fish." He giggled a bit and his hand brushed her hand. He blushed brightly and found a seat. He sat down and tightened his scarf. "I'll get the water. You got the food?" Cherico smiled and headed to a container that had many drinks. He grabbed a bottle for himself and five for her. Just to be generous. He smiled and paid for the stuff and braught it back. He decided to go with her. He felt so strange with her. Cherico tightened his scarf again.

ooc: block sorry
((Alter, post confusion? ^^;; Also, sorry for the late reply, I was out T-T))

Clara nodded and smiled when their hands brushed, an inquisitive look on her face. Still, she left to get the food. "A smoked salmon and a simple green salad with olive oil and balsamic please," she told the lady at the counter. She stood, waiting patiently, and smiled again when Cherico came back. "Hey, thanks for getting the water. I got a smoked salmon for you. I hope that's okay." She laughed when he tightened his scarf. "Do you not feel stuffy, wearing it so tightly? I think it would be much more comfortable if you loosened it a bit." She pulled at his scarf a bit so that it was more loose around his neck, and much more comfortable looking. "There. Is that not better?" She patted his scarf before turning to the lady again to pay for the food and get the tray. She thanked her and turned back to Cherico. "Come, let's sit somewhere." She walked over to a table in the corner and sat down, getting the plate off the tray. She smiled and gestured for him to sit.
Cherico tightened it right after. "I like the scarf tight. It makes me breath easier actually. I don't f5el like a freak as much. I have spots of scales on my neck. Also a siren marking that I'm not to fond of." He shrugged and sat down. He fixed his glasses and grabbed th food. "Yummy." He smiled and handed her the bottles of water. He took a tiny bite at first. "Oh my posiden!" He laughed a bit and continued to eat the great fish.
"Hmm." Clara murmured while salting her salad. She picked up a fork and diligently removed all the cucumbers in her salad. "You know, I think that's kind of the whole point of this school. It's so that we don't feel like...freaks. Because really..." she accepted the bottles of water. "Thanks! Anyway, really, everyone here is like us. Halves of something. For some of us, it shows. For others, not really." She shrugged and lightly tossed her salad before taking a bite. "But if you like it tight, who am I to tell you not to wear it like that?" She giggled as she watched Cherico enjoy the salmon. "I'm glad you like it. The food here is actually really good. A bit surprising, to tell the truth." She smiled and went back to her salad, carefully picking out more cucumbers onto a napkin.
Cherico nodded. She was right. He slowly removed the bright green scarf and set it down. His neck had a few light green scales and a winding tattoo that went around his neck. He coninued to eat. "I guess you are right. And yes. It is rather suprising." He took a sip of water and poured some on his head. t didn't drip all over. It was soaked into his skin. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief. "Ah." He smiled. "Want some?" He chuckled. Cherico was happy to meet someone so much like him.
Clara smiled brightly when Cherico removed his scarf. "See? It's not bad. Though I can't guarantee that people won't stare anyway. People are curious by nature." She opened a bottle of water and sipped it carefully before nodding in approval. She chuckled when he poured it over himself. "That's what showers are for," she teased. She looked at his salmon when he offered it to her, and grinned. "Don't mind if I do." She reached over to his plate and cut off a small portion of the fish, scooping it with her fork and slowly bringing it to her mouth. She chewed a couple of times before smiling. "It is really good! I normally love smoked salmon, but this is really something. Out of courtesy and my own curiosity, would you like to try some salad?" She chuckled at her own question, because really, who would want to try salad? Still, she pushed her plate towards him and raised an eyebrow in mock challenge.
He shook his head. "No thanks." He smiled and took a bite of his food. He glanced up at her and blushed. He quickly drank some water. He went to throw away his plate when he tripped. He sat up and rubbed his head.
Clara went back to her salad, and watched as Cherico got up to throw away his things, half lost in thought. But then he tripped and fell, and she gasped and quickly went over to him, bending so she wouldn't tower over him. "Oh my gosh. Are you okay? That made quite the sound." She chuckled a bit and held her hand out to him to help him up. "Sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you. It was just a tiny bit comical." She smiled apologetically and waited for him to take her hand.
He blushed brightly as he took her hand. "I'm just clumsy." He stood up and grabbed his scarf, tightening it. "My scarf gives me confidence too." He smiled behind the scarf and sat back down. Cherico rested his head on the table. "Gunna be a LONG year." He sighed.
Warren sighed in relief,he finally got the tree back to pages in his book.Took him a bit but he was happy,he placed the books on his bed and got up. He stretched his arms up as he walked to the door and out,looking around he walked down the hall with no shoes since he didn't feel like putting them back on. And he wasn't used to them anyway,he could hear talking and wondered if the girl from before was there. He went to go see and just saw some dude with a scarf and a girl with him,he sighed disappointed that it wasn't the girl.

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