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  1. Pokebulba

    A fight for memories (rp)

    "I already have one" she said pulling out some duel blades "I can't remember where there from, but I had them when I woke up, I like them, there small and light" she said holding them carefully, they where sharp and she feared them in a way, but she knew they would be the best weapon for her if...
  2. Pokebulba

    Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

    (OK Thanks ^^) Flame passed around in the slave house, the idea of being a 'slave' disgusted her, she knew she was too weak to fight, she had fought vampires before, but the idea still hurt her. She fought of her life before now and wondered if anything would ever be the same, she wanted to...
  3. Pokebulba

    A fight for memories (rp)

    "That sounds fun!" she said smiling brightly, a plan, something to do, finally she could stop wondering around without any idea as to what to do. The fire on her wrings had stopped shaking showing that the girl was now calm.
  4. Pokebulba

    A fight for memories (rp)

    "I don't like weapons, but I'll learn to use them if I must" she said nodding her gratitude "and I wish I could, but so far all I manged to do with my wrings is burn my bed and end up sleeping on the floor" she said laughing slightly. It had been a long an uncomfortable night but it could have...
  5. Pokebulba

    Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

    Ooc- Sorry, my internet stopped working recently, I've got it fixed now. But yeah, so sorry for late reply. I'm a bit behind now, I hate my broadband for it.
  6. Pokebulba

    A fight for memories (rp)

    "Um... I'm not... I dont like using the weapons..." she said quietly, her voice shook, she trembled looking around desperately. She seemed quite nervous, which was the other reason she hid in the corner, taking in a deep breath she calmed down. "I don't like training, I don't want to learn to...
  7. Pokebulba

    Translations in Azzure {{RP}}

    Name: Kasai Translated Name: Flame Appearance: Short and thin, a small shape, her eyes are big and dark pink, look red from a distance and have a glint of purple up close. Her long black eyelashes compliment her dark red hair. Her hair is about waste length and wavy, not quite curly but...
  8. Pokebulba

    A fight for memories (rp)

    Kasai had her weapons put away, she stood as hidden as she could watching the two people talk, she hid behind the dummy that had been hit with the sword and was trying to decide on weather it would be safer to move or stay. She didn't like all the people here, she felt so left out, even do they...
  9. Pokebulba

    A fight for memories *info and sign up*

    Name: Kasai Age: 12 Gender: Female Race: Phoenix (the angel like version do, so human body with phoenix wrings and abilities, they aren't as common in movies and books do so I fought I best tell you ^^') Weapon/s: Dual blades (type of swords) Power/s: Control over fire...
  10. Pokebulba

    A fight for memories (rp)

    Oh sorry, I didn't know you had to sing up ^^'
  11. Pokebulba

    Translations in Azzure {{RP}}

    So I sign up here right? Like so I can RP in the thread? (just making sure I'm still no confused)
  12. Pokebulba

    Translations in Azzure {{RP}}

    Oh you mean I sing up to RP here? I'm sorry, live in Spain, I'm a bit slow with making sense of certain stuff, generally I'm alright just times like this I'm very easily confused.
  13. Pokebulba

    Hi, I'm new too, it's nice to meet you ^^ My names Hannah, you can call me pokebulba of course...

    Hi, I'm new too, it's nice to meet you ^^ My names Hannah, you can call me pokebulba of course, I don't care either way XD
  14. Pokebulba

    Translations in Azzure {{RP}}

    Whats a sing up link? I mean I know what a link is and all but I'm confused..
  15. Pokebulba

    A fight for memories (rp)

    A young child with blonde wavy hair stood with a sword, with no idea what to do with it she just stood still, trying not to get noticed as she pretended to be observing it. She wanted to cry, her shy nature made it hard for her in such a place, she had no idea what to do. Or how to ask someone...
  16. Pokebulba

    Deep in the dungeon...

    Inside one of the cold cells of the big dungeon. A young girl began to wake up. She couldn't remember how she had gotten there and guessed they had got her in her sleep, no worried, it couldn't be to hard to escape. As she sat up her head ached, she had been hit on the head hard, she wondered...
  17. Pokebulba

    Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

    Ooc- Sounds cool, can I join? I'm new here, so I'm a bit clueless, but I have experience with RPing. Are we allowed to have either human or vampire or do we have to have human, or do we have to have vampire or...? Sorry obsessed with doing this right.
  18. Pokebulba

    Character sheet - Flame

    Name: Flame Birth Date: 27th of April Age: 10-15 Flame is a young outlaw, but not to be misjudged. She had a bad life, that drove her to her present. Does who take care of her encourage her to kill, and cause pain. She does as she's told under the fear of being alone again. What...
  19. Pokebulba

    Hiya, it's nice to meet you X3

    Hi my names Hannah, you can call me Pokebulba if you wish ^^ I've been rol playing for around a year and a half, I have rol played plenty of different kinds. And enjoy it very much, my fav genre is fantasy all do I quite enjoy the fandom at times, always depends on which fandom. I'm also a...