A fight for memories *info and sign up*

Lizzi tick

Junior Member
In the past you were a normal person, you went to school or work, you had family and friends, you had loved and had been love, you had the basic and perfect life of a human. until you wake up one day and nobody knows who you are not even your family or anyone you ever cared about, you don't exist. Then you realised that your life had been a lie, everything you thought you did, the people you thought you met and loved, none of it was real instead you in this place called Ruduesk, you don't know anything about who you really are or what you're doing there.

Ruduesk is where you are trained to become a fighter what you learn in Ruduesk would enable to kill anything and anyone, if you gruaduate. You're here because you want to be or you're holding a debt with Inania or simply because you have no where to go. Inania runs evertythinig, from what you do to who they want to make you think you are.

Your goal is to kill Inania but if you do (there's always a twist) you rule Ruduesk and it has to be a place that breeds fighters (for anything).

But to kill Inania you have to find her, but no one has seen her in her actual from in nearly 100 years, not even her workers (they're called themplist and they are everywhere) she can be anyone but you don't know till she tell you privatly and she never does she prefers people to find out who she is themself.

Just remenber you don't know what you did in your real life, and you occasionally get your mermories every now and then. And they try to make you forget your real memories.


  • You can't kill Inania until you have all your memories
  • You can't get your all your memories back in a short period of time it has to take at least 2 fortnight.
  • Romance should be at kept PG-13 anything else would be written as .....
  • you can be in anything as long as you're able to speak or fight
  • you can have any power but not invisiblity
  • If you want to make powers up that's fine, just tell me first
  • you have to be over 25 for your fighting level to be 20

once your level is over 20 you get to leave but to fight of course and you can come back but not to train but to help or tourture the others which means you have your mermories back and cannot defete Inania. And if you want you can be Inania.

Character/s sheet







Fighting Level (1-20 and 20 being the highest)

Fake life story:

What you curently remenber:



My character

Name: Joyce tammy




Weapon/s:whips and sword


Fighting level: 17

Fake life story: Joyce had the perfect life she was going to finish uni and get her dream job. when she was little she had tried to run away because her parents were going to get a divorce bbut she had been found and after many sessions of therapy her life was back on track again she had the perfect family and friends and the perfect boy friend to until one day she woke up and she was forgotten by everyone, she frist thought they were all joking until she closed her eyes and when she opened them she was in Ruduesk, she didn't know who she was, she only knew her name but one thing was for sure the life she thought she lived was a lie.

What you curently remenber: Joyce is looking at her past self talk to this boy, he looked familiar but she couldn't figure out who he was "Jo are you listening?" the past her noded, only one person ever called her that "do you want to go or not?" he asked her "definatly" the past her awnsered, she was confused she was just getting everything together when the voices and light dimed, every thing went dark and she woke up.

That was her twin brother, she realised and if she was here was he here as well?

Personality: Joyce isn't the shy type she says anything she wants when she wants even though it can get her into a lot of troble. She's not afriad of anything and hate it when people say they wish ther were as strong as her she belives people should do things instead of whis for things to happed.And she's nice to everyone and can stand up to or for anyone expect for those with a much more higher level than her and she is not open. She also hides her wings bucause they get in her way.


(May I be Inania? So if I can be here is the character sheet. If not I can edit it.)

Name: Inania (Fake name: Katherine Claw)

Age: 2,597 (guessing she is pretty old right? And this is fantasy)

Gender: Female

Race: vampire/Banshee

Weapon/s: Primary: Scythe Secondary: Stone Hammer

Power/s: Reaper form (I didn't make it up it's on a video game!)

Fighting Level: 17/20 (can she face her level since she owns the place from my understanding)

Fake life story: She used to have a system before this all happened. Wake up early, start breakfast wich was usually a simple cheese omlet with bits of Bacon. She then awoke her five year old daughter, Fiona to get ready for school. "Hurry mommy or we will miss the angels!" She always used to say before running down stairs. Fiona's school bus had painted Angeles on the side wich always exited her when she got to see them. She sent her husband to work and Fiona to school as she then took a walk to her small bookshop. Not many people came by but that was fine since she could do what she loved. Read all the books in her shop. She was heart broken to find that her life was a lie all of it fake. What you curently remenber: a little girls voice saying. "Hurry mommy or we will miss the Angeles! "

Personality: She can be sweet and nice however betray her and you face a demon that will tear you apart mentally.


View attachment 6772
Yes you can be Inania, just remenber you can be anyone, so you'll need another appearance. Just tell me which is your original as Inania. So I guess we wait for more people now.
Name: David Francois

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human (enhanced)

Weapon/s: 1 "Desert Eagle" http://www.self-defender.net/weapons/desert-eagle.jpg 1 "Tavor Assault Rifle" with scope and laser sighting http://preview.turbosquid.com/Preview/2010/12/03__17_00_00/TavorTAR-21shot2.jpgc9f4d52d-e71f-4bb5-ad29-f9b1e47d8782Larger.jpg 1 1.2ft long blade http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2182/2213997907_093255920e.jpg

Power/s: Illusions.

Fighting Level 18/20

Fake life story: Born and raised on a small farm outside of Echica - Australia, David spent his life helping his dad on the hot, dry plains, herding cattle and sheep, while spending his nights out hunting foxes, his father was an Israeli ex-Mosad, retired, his mother was a local lass, his parents were touch but they were fair, this was untill he turned 20, where a gas station explosion claimed his father's life and his mother soon became sick with brain cancer, he tried to maintain the farm while his mother was sick, but things just went from bad to worse, he abandoned the farm when his mother died, and bushfires claimed his crops and fields, and all of the livestock was either dead or escaped, so he sold the property to a mining firm... just after he signed the deal and planned to relocate himself to Japan for a fresh start... it all ended.

What you curently remember: an old, sick woman saying "i love you sweetie..." and an old man saying "sometimes... you can't wait for permission, you just need to grab life by the short hairs and take what you want, no matter how it cries and says "no" remember that if you try hard enough, it can't refuse you" whenever he looks down the site at his enemy, when looking at his enemy the sight of a fox's eyes glowing int he dark back at him flash in his mind just as he puls the trigger, and whenever he wins, he hears the old man's voice saying "you did good, boy..."

Personality: He is a rational man, thinking practically in all things, he doesnt like to show his emotions, but they are most definately there.

Appearance: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lSxy4S7hgW0/SP3wZxkoxPI/AAAAAAAAB28/-pVD5mG3yLg/s400/ryan2.jpg has some tribal tattoos doing down his right arm, with another tattoo of a family crest on his left upper arm and a small tribal mark on his chest, over his heart, his right ear is pierced in 3 places, his left ear in one.
Name: ​Lucy Rivers

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Witch

Weapon/s: two fans made of metal with razor sharp edges

Power/s: Lucy can manipulate fire, cast flame spells, and summon a flame atronatch http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls2/de/images/5/5a/SR-creature-Flame_Atronach.jpg

Fighting Level (1-20 and 20 being the highest): 17

Fake life story: Lucy was just about to graduate high school, an impressive feat due to her lack of good grades and lack of interest in school months before. Towards the beginning of the year, she skipped often and never did her homework. Then she met Jade. He was a top student, always got the best grades and was working towards a scholarship. Lucy fell for him instantly. But with the grades she had then, he would never notice her. So she started working as hard as she could, going to school everyday, and soon she had all A's and B's. Jade finally noticed her, and asked her on a date. They went on multiple dates and soon they were an official couple. Lucy was the happiest she could ever remember being. and then it all fell apart. it was the last day of high school before graduation. Lucy was on top of the world, grinning from ear to ear. She didn't notice all the strange glances she was getting from other students as she made her way through the halls of her high school. She caught sight of Jade through the crowd and started to yell to him, but her words caught in her throat as she saw some blonde prance up to him. She stood there dumbstruck, unsure what was happening or what to do. Her heart contracted painfully as Jade wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and playfully kissed her nose. Just like he used to do to her. Before she even registered what she was doing, she was standing front of him, red-eyed with a tear-streaked face. "How could you do this to me, Jade! You said you loved me! Yesterday, you told me we would be together forever! I gave you everything and you.... you....!" Her screams broke off into sobbing. "What are you talking about?" Jade asked, his eyes reflecting his honest confusion. "I don't even know who you are." Those words echoed in Lucy's mind as the world around her started to spin. She felt light-headed and suddenly she was falling backwards. When she opened her eyes she was in Ruduesk with a splitting headache and memories of two lives crashing in her head. Jade wasn't real. He never loved her. The life she thought was real was all a lie, and all she could remember from her real life was a mysterious old woman who seemed so familiar. One thing she knew for sure: She would do whatever it takes to get back home. Back to her real home.

What you curently remember from your real life: The smiling face of an old woman. That same old woman laughing brightly as a much younger Lucy tries her hardest to conjure a simple spell, but fails miserably. Lucy at about 12 years old, dressed in all black, tears streaming down her blotchy red cheeks.

Personality: Lucy is very honest and sincere. She is very loyal and once you befriend her she would never betray you. She is very sensitive, if she were to be used or betrayed she would break down. Lucy sometimes struggles with her magic so she relies mainly on her fans.

Appearance: View attachment 6851
accecepted and I'll make the rp later

and you posted that twice If you want to join another rp, I know one so tell me if you do
Name: Jaxon Von Dutch

Age: 17

Gender: male

Race: Demon/Shapeshifter

Weapon/s: The longsword he always carries, various other blades, often coated in poison that he makes himself.

Power/s: Shadow manipulation and shapeshifting abilities

Fighting Level: 15

Fake life story: Jaxon had a normal life. He went to school, studied hard, was a bit of your typical emo nerd, but he had friends. He was starting a band and they were going to make it big, but before they could even get started really something had happened. Gradually everything seemed to stop. It started with his friends. They began to ignore him, to pretend he wasn't there. He tried to talk to them but they refused to acknowledge him, and then he saw a poster plastered in the school hallway asking for a lead guitarist and singer for their band. That was his position. Fury overcame him and he pushed one of his friends into the wall, demanding to know why they were cutting him from the band. a teacher walked out and dragged him off of him, demanding to know what he was doing in the school as they had no record of his existance in their school. He didn't exist. The words hit him like a battering ram and he went home, confused and dazed. The next morning his parents were screaming at him, demanding to know why he was in their house. That was it. The last straw. his own family didn't recognise him.
So who am I?

What you currently rememer: Fire, a woman turning into a bird. Suddenly feeling very small and finding that he too had feathers. Turning into different animals as a child.

Personality: Jaxon is the silent type. He doesn't speak to people unless he finds them worthy of his time and doesn't trust many anymore. He is easily angered, and when he gets into a mood he flies off the handle and is hard to control. If he were to lose control completely he would go into a full demon form. He is loyal to a tee, doesn't get in the way and only remains as long as he is needed.








Phoenix (the angel like version do, so human body with phoenix wrings and abilities, they aren't as common in movies and books do so I fought I best tell you ^^')


Dual blades (type of swords)


Control over fire, can fly.

Fighting Level (1-20 and 20 being the highest)


Fake life story:

She grew up with her parents and her big brother. She also had a little sister. She went to a private school and lived in a small town next to a big city. Her parents both worked but they took it in turns so there was always someone at home to look after the kids. Her big brother had already left home but lived nearby and visited often.

Over all she had the normal life of a child her age playing with other kids and causing trouble.

What you currently remember:

A wolf like dog watching her while she played with some toy swords probably in her room.


Shy, very easily scared but friendly, she trusts others easily. But very mischievous and sneaky. She enjoys playing and causing trouble all do she will smile more when praised then when scolded.

She is brave but still cries easy when in pain or when upset. She is very easily offended unless you call her evil in which case she will smile happily. She hated being proved wrong and is very defensive.


Short and quite thin. Her skin looked pail with her dark red hair. Her hair is long an wavy reached down to her waste. Her eyes are big and the same red as her eyes with a tony glint of purple in them. Her mouth and nose look small in comparison to her eyes and her mouth is a very dark red. Whens he blushes it is very noticeable. Even do she hides her wings behind her back when there out they are big and bright. Burning all they touch.

Name: Aryah

Age: 17

Race: Human

Weapon: No Specific One

Powers: Unrealized

Fighting Level: 4

Life Story: Was abandond at young age and never realy learned how to make it in the real world, she realized conflict was everyware and she couldnt icnore it so might as well imbrace it, she learned how to fight and how to use waepons she would need to know how to survive

Remembers: Not much, her memory has recently blured

Personality: Shy, Quiet, Easily Frustrated, Defencive, Sensitive, Scarred, Afraid

Apierence:Tallish, Brown hair, Pink eyes, Frekles doted over her face, thin, her bangs hang over her forhead
@ dististik, is that Aryah's real or fake life story, cause you're suppose to have a fake story and your real memories still in progress
Name: Karlen Brock

Age: 27

Race: Human

Weapon: Great sword

Powers: If ferocity and seriousness are powers, he has them

Fighting Level: 7

Fake Life Story: Lived quite a normal life. His father was a lawyer, his mother was a teacher. He worked in construction for eight years. Throughout high school and college, he only had one friend; Eugene. They did everything together, from hiking in the woods, playing video games rather than studying, or going on a double date. You could say that Karlen was a very straight forward but kind person, but that all changed when he discovered that his life was a lie. Frustrated, he swore an oath of silence until he discovered his true past.

Remembers: Only one thing; a lock of hair, floating freely within the sky. He was young. And he was holding the hand of a woman that seems all too familiar.

Personality: Silent, Stern, Brave, Protective, Courteous, Chivalrous, Serious


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