A fight for memories (rp)

Lizzi tick

Junior Member
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Joyce slowly walked through the training room, looking at the weapons that were around her so of them looked nice but she pefered to use her own. she walked to one of the stations that had a few dummys in frount of it. she got her sword and trew it at dummy it got the heart. she looked aroud feeling prowd of herself when one of the templist walked towards her " you cannot begin training yet" he said to her "now go over there and wait with the others" he finger pointed near the doorway where there was a range of adults and children, some of them with their fighting level up to 20 and others still low, and some of them fully recovered from their lost memories and other still in progress. She walked to the dummy and took back her sword from it's heart, she then it to the templist "now can we learn to fight if we just sit on our buts all day?" her questions seemed to catch him off guard he snered at her and walked away as people started getting up and were either, looking for weapons from the weapon room not far from where she was or they were just gosiping to each other about who was leaving, dying and thoes who claimed to have seen Inania.

She was about to start training when she felt like she blacked out and then she saw the boy she'd seen the other night in her sleep her brother "come on Jo hurry up we have to get there before Alex!" her brother said laughing at her. There were in a feild and they looked younger about 8 or 9 running to an old cottage. she fell down and he was about to say somthing else but then she open her eyes.

When she oppend them she was sitting on the floor, she looked around some people where looking at her and some didn't even seem to notice. 'who's Alex' she thought but that was something she was going to figure out later right now she had to start training because she could seem some of the templists eyeing her suspisiously.
A young child with blonde wavy hair stood with a sword, with no idea what to do with it she just stood still, trying not to get noticed as she pretended to be observing it. She wanted to cry, her shy nature made it hard for her in such a place, she had no idea what to do. Or how to ask someone that questions.

She looked around trying to see someone with a sword who she could imitate, her eyes where gray and observant, they matched her gray skin and blonde hair, light colored the girl would stick out in the dark.
Jaxon stood on the sidelines, his eyes watching every movement like a hawk. He would not be forced to participate in such ridiculous pastimes. Why was he even here? He didn't understand it at all. Ever since he had woken up in this place his memories were all a blur and he didn't understand the purpose of this place. Why were they being forced to be here? He watched as a woman was told off for throwing her weapon at the dummy. She has skills he thought with some surprise. How had she aimed that well? He wondered, frowning slightly. He pulled his hood up over his silvery coloured hair, his eyes flashing between violet and obsydian black. This place was pointless, he thought to himself. They weren't going to learn anythign they didn't already know here. To prove his point he drew his longsword, sending it spiraling through the crowd of people to hit the dummy in almost exactly the same place as the woman a moment earlier.

'If you can teach us anything more than we already know, I'd like to begin now.' He said in a deeper, bored voice. His eyes flicked around the room beneath the shadow of his hood as he dared anyone to argue. His gaze met the woman's. Would she look away or meet it? Would they become allies? Or foe?
Beth got to her feet and looked at the sword that had came flying her way and had hit the dummy in the exact place that her sword had got, she went and retrive the long sword and walked it over to the man that it had she asumed it had came from. she gave him the sword "be careful where you throw this at, it might come back to you in a way" she said as she smiled, He was dressed all in black and he had a long cape to her he looked cold and like he suspected everyone was a suspet to a crime that never happened. "nice outfit by the way" she said poking him and shocking him as she did. She knew she didn't know him but she was only trying to make friend that could help her take Inania down after she got her memories back. And automatically her wings spred hanging low on her back and her feathers touching the growd, she hatted her wings sometimes they annoyed her so she kept them hidden most of the time, she didn't know why she had them but in her current situation she wasn't sure of anything.
Jaxon raised an eyebrow at her but said nothing about her wings as he took the sword from her. 'Thanks. I'll be sure to remember that.' He said in his deadpan tone, not displaying any emotion. 'If I were you, I'd put the feathers away or else someone may accidentally attack them with a weapon and their terrible aim could remove the entire things.' He pointed out before slinging the sword over his back. He turned back to one of the temple masters. 'Can we get this over with then? i kinda want to get home?'
Kasai had her weapons put away, she stood as hidden as she could watching the two people talk, she hid behind the dummy that had been hit with the sword and was trying to decide on weather it would be safer to move or stay. She didn't like all the people here, she felt so left out, even do they where all on the same page or so she supposed. She felt different, but then she had always felt that way, always felt shy and supposing the worse when really there was nothing wrong.

Of course, this time there was something wrong, not the things she suspected where wrong, but things weren't exactly going nicely either. As someone missed the dummy with an arrow just cutting her dress she ran out from her hiding place to find a corner she could sit in.

Her usual reaction to anything scaring her, a very bad one as well, if something actually scary got her she'd just be cornering herself. Perhaps her instincts weren't as clever and safe as they felt to her.

Her eyes went back to the women and man with the sword, the wrings of the woman made Kasai's eyes brighten, she had wrings as well. She wondered if the women could tell her how to hide the wrings, Kasai had tried but only managed to burn her clothes. Not a very successful attempt.
"well that was a bit rude" Joyce siad as she hid her wings again and looked at the boy walk awat to go train, she looked around the room wondering what intresting things she could find, instead of training just to piss the templist off, she noticed a little girl in the corner and decided to go ask her what she was doing or if she even knew what she was doing so she walked over and asked her what she was doing in the corner.
Aryah looked at the outside of the training center as her heart pounded in her cheast, she herd conflict from the outside making the desision whether or not to go in much harder. She had made her mind, and she was ready to start training
"C'mon, please work... please?" Lucy held out her hand and flexed her fingers then chanted, "Fire! Fire! Restless wall of flame. Roaring higher, your fury to never tame!" Nothing happened. "I give up." Lucy sighed, her tone heavy with aggravation. She pushed herself up off the ground, brushing dirt off her black skinny-jeans. Why didn't it work? She did it before, made a plume of flames shoot from her hand. She wasn't sure how or why it happened, but she woke up after dreaming about that chant and out of curiosity she said it. The flames seemed so natural, though they were hard to control. She had accidentally lit her pillow on fire. Why couldn't she make the fire again?

"Argh!" She cried out in annoyance. She took off running full speed at a training dummy on the other side of the room. When she was two thirds of the way to it, she jumped up in the air and spun around, pulling her razor-sharp fans from her pocket in the process. She kicked the dummy over as she landed, her knee firm on it's stomach. She proceeded to hack at it relentlessly with her fans. After a few minutes of this, her heavy breathing slowed and her attacks lightened.

She stood up off the dummy, disgusted with herself. She wasn't normally a violent person. This place was changing her already and she had only been here a few days. "what am I even doing here? Why bother with all this?" She whispered. She had been talking to herself a lot lately. What else was she supposed to do? She had no friends here. No allies. Lucy was completely alone and it scared her to death. "Need an ally." Lucy decided.

Lucy's fans look like this:

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"Um... I'm not... I dont like using the weapons..." she said quietly, her voice shook, she trembled looking around desperately. She seemed quite nervous, which was the other reason she hid in the corner, taking in a deep breath she calmed down.

"I don't like training, I don't want to learn to fight or ever do so, my names Kasai" she explained more calmly, the fire on her wrings shook do, the only things she had not learned how to use, showed how nervous she remained.
Joyce looked at the girl she obviosly didn't want to be here, but she was here and she had to follow the rules "Hi I'm Joyce" she said giving the girl a warm smile "don't like using weopons, I'll teach you how to get used to them" she held her hand out to the girl and looked at her wings which were literally on fire "nice wings, you know how to fly?" she asked the girl and then showed her wings to knida tell her that they were the same in some way.
Jaxon noticed a red headed girl slashing one of the practise dummy to pieces and he laughed softly to himself. Someone had a few anger management issues, he thought to himself. He adjusted the sword on his shoulder and walked over to her, his hood still pulled up over his snow white hair. 'you look like you're injoying yourself.' He said in a quiet voice, a sarcastic smile on his lips. he had to admit she was rather lovely, but he didn't mention it out loud. Just because he was annoyed at everone didn't mean he couldn't appreciate someone's appearance.

"Ha, yeah." Lucy sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "Just letting out some stress. I've been really frustrated." She put her fans in her pockets then held out her hand to the man. "My name's Lucy... You are??" He was good looking, and he seemed friendly enough, maybe this was her chance to make an ally?
Jax studied the hand skeptically, as if debating whether he ought to shake it or not. He shrugged, why not? It wasn't like it could hurt. He took it gently, shaking it only slightly. 'Jaxon, or Jax. I prefer Jax.' He said in a quiet dialect. Never having been a loud person to begin with, Jax's transportation here had caused him to become almost completely silent. He had sought out company simply for the thought of an ally. If that weren't necessary he wouldn't have bothered at all. He released her hand after a moment, folding his arms casually across his chest. 'So what are you? A hunter? Demon? Angel like that girl over there?' He gestured to Joy,m who was now talking to some kid. He almost laughed. This place was sick. Everyone here had been forced out of their lives, he knew that. He'd overheard some girl crying over her lost life only an hour ago.
Lucy blushed at that question, "I'm a witch actually, but I'm not a very good one. My specialty is supposed to be fire, but I couldn't even conjure up a small flame. That's why I mutalated the poor dummy," She answered, jerking her thumb at the dummy's hacked up remains. "What are you?"
"I don't like weapons, but I'll learn to use them if I must" she said nodding her gratitude "and I wish I could, but so far all I manged to do with my wrings is burn my bed and end up sleeping on the floor" she said laughing slightly. It had been a long an uncomfortable night but it could have been so much worse. She decided if one day she learned to fly it would be worth sleeping on the floor, she had dreamed of flying in her fake life.
Jaxon studied her carefully before answering. 'Apparently I'm a demon/shapeshifter crossbreed. Its really very enthralling.' He said sarcastically, not meaning to sound cruel. he just didn't like his new life. His other one had suited him just fine. 'I don't like this place much, it's a bit irritating. i mean, why do we have to learn to fight? Why can't they do it themselves?' He said in a bored voice, removing the sword from his back and running his hands over the blade. 'I suppose I ought to be glad that I have this at least. it's a great weapon.'
Lucy nodded, "I feel the same way when it comes to the fighting... My old life was just fine. Sure it was all a lie, but I was.... happy. I had friends, people who I loved, people who loved me... Or at least people I thought loved me..." She felt tears coming on but she took a deep breath and pushed them back quickly, putting on a bright smile. "I've never met a demon, or a shapeshifter, it really does sound interesting." She tapped to fan in her pocket, "I happen to be quite fond of my weapons too."
Jax shrugged again, wondering if this girl was okay. 'You know what makes no sense? If they weren't real at all, why did people forget us first before we woke up here? Why didn't we just wake up? If it was all a lie, if it was never actually happening, why did they go through the trouble of making us feel rejection? I don't think it was a dream at all. I think it really happened, but in order for them to get us they had to make sure no one remembered our existance.' He paused to let it sink in, before shrugging once more, his favourite gesture it would seem. 'Of course I'm probably just reading more into it than I should and its really just as they tell us. But it gives us something to think about, right?'
"Maybe.... But I know my real life was completely different. All I remember is that I never went to regular school, I was just taught magic at home by this really kind old lady... My grandmother, I think. Do you remember anything from your real life?" Lucy absentmindedly pulled out one of her fans, opening and closing it repeatedly. She was deep in thought about what Jax had said. Where you real, then? Did you really love me, Jade?
Jax shrugged. 'I just remember some chick turning into a bird. I think she was my mother. And then I think i did it too. It was weird. I keep dreaming about flames and stuff as well.' He shrugged, casually bumping the sword against his knee for lack of anything else to do with his hands. 'I don't know what any of it means and in all honesty I don't care. I'm only going along with this so I can get out.'
Karlen stood in silence, observing everything around him. Warriors holding all different weapons stood around him, although their ages were all too similar. He gauged their strength, dexterity, power... if any of them were to strike him, he needed to be able to retaliate. However, in light of this, he found one particular man quite humorous. It seemed like every chance that he could get, he would shrug his shoulders.

'Surely' Karlen thought, 'If one was to drink a shot every time this man decided to shrug, they would die before the conversation ended.' Karlen smiled, but refused to allow himself to laugh. His vow of silence was not to be broken until he discovered his true past.
Joyce looked down at the girl "why don't you start training now and if you want we can learn how to use our wings properly togerther" she said to the girl looking at her wing, she disn't know how to use her wings as well, she only seemed to bhe able fo control then and even then she still had troble and she did't know how to use her powers properly as well.

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