A fight for memories (rp)

"That sounds fun!" she said smiling brightly, a plan, something to do, finally she could stop wondering around without any idea as to what to do. The fire on her wrings had stopped shaking showing that the girl was now calm.
Joyce looked at the girl and laughed a little "aren't you exicted" she said only just noticing the fire wings had stoped shaking "better start training now and we'v got to get you weapon or do you already have one?" she said to the girl "By the way what's your fighting level and power if you have one, my fighting level is 17 and my power's electricty" she looked at the girl waiting for her to start heading towards the middle of the large room, she'd tell the girl as much as she was going to hear from her because she never told people about her self and she hadn't really got her memories back yet.
Lucy nodded, listening to Jax's reaccounting of what he remembered, out of the corner of her eye she noticed a man watching them. "Um Jax..." Lucy whispered, sliding a bit closer to him, "That guy over there.... He's staring at you..." (Karlen)
Jaxon followed her gaze and smirked. 'So what if he is? He's probably gay or something.' He said with a glint in his eye. He didn't have a problem with the sexuality, he just found it funny. He remembered when a guy in his class had liked him. He'd found it a little flattering actually. But still, a creey guy he didn't know, well it was always slightly unnerving.

'He can look if he wants. But I'm not gonna fulfill any of his needs.' He joked, winking at her slightly.
"I already have one" she said pulling out some duel blades "I can't remember where there from, but I had them when I woke up, I like them, there small and light" she said holding them carefully, they where sharp and she feared them in a way, but she knew they would be the best weapon for her if any "and I'm fighting level 2, I don't like fighting" she said.

"And I think my power has something to do with fire" she said looking at her wrings and shrugged, she'd figure that out later.
Karlen's smile turned into a frown after he noticed the faint hints that they were talking of him. To confront this, he pulled the small pad of parchment from his belt, followed by a pen. With this, he wrote a message. And, after completing said message, he walked over to the two and stuck it out.

It reads 'Why are you looking at me?'
Jax almost laughed. 'Because you were looking at me. I'm a little concerned really, but it doesn't matter all that much. I was just wondering if you had like a crush or something.' He said sarcastically, studying the guy. Why didn't he speak? It was a little concerning. Maybe he shouldn't try and mock him. It would be kind of rude to mock a mute.
Karlen eyed him for a moment before proceeding to tear out the sheet and write a second phrase. This time, when completed, read; 'Firstly, you shouldn't be concerned. I mean you no harm. Secondly, I'm a homophobe. Honestly. If God made us to be gay, there'd only be one gender. And lastly, you're probably thinking "Who is this guy and why is he mute?" Well, I'll tell you. After learning that my entire life was a lie, I've sworn silence until I know the truth. I can't bear to hear the same voice after knowing that it could too be a lie.'
Lucy tilted her head to the side, "But what if you need to speak in order to regain your memories? What will you do then?" She smiled a bit, her eyes sparkling.
Quickly scrawling the next line, Karlen revealed another statement; 'That's just a risk I'm going to have to take. Besides, most memories will be surfaced in other ways.'
Joyce looked at the girl "so where do you want to start?" she asked her looking at every point of the room. during her look around the room she noticed the boy she had talked to eairlier and gve him a simle, it looked like he had made some friends.
Again, Karlen tore out another page and wrote out yet another phrase. 'I wouldn't mind companions. A forest can survive a fire longer than a tree, right? Or, so they say. Do you wish me as your ally?'
Lucy smiled mischievously, "I wouldn't mind one or two allies. And this forest will have an even better chance of surviving when I'm the one making the fire." She took that opportunity to hold her hand out palm up, and whisper the words to her spell: "Fire! Fire! Restless wall of flame. Roaring higher, your fury to never tame." She almost jumped for joy when a ball of fire suddenly appeared, levitating about an inch above her open palm. But she kept still and calm, like this result was expected. Then she closed her hand into a fist, extinguishing the flame. She dropped her hand back to her side, "So you in?" She asked Karlen, then she turned her gaze to Jax, "And what about you?"
Karlen nodded, accepting her alliance as he tucked his notebook back into his robes. He was looking forward to leaving with a small band. Maybe some progress towards his lost memories could finally be made.
"So... When do we actually get to leave the training room?" Lucy asked no one in particular, she didn't care who she got her answer from, she just wanted to know when she could actually get out there and, well, start remembering things!

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