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  1. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] (OOC) Nations of Men: Story Suggestion

    D: .......................
  2. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] (OOC) Nations of Men: Story Suggestion

    Personally, I would like to see more from an NPC action for the regions that have been more active in the RP. Specifically China since it's been split and there are two active powers in Asia right now, it would give us both something to work against. It also gives Europe something to do because...
  3. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Grand Palace

    "I am pleased to hear your enthusiasm for open trade with my country. We Japanese understand very well your perceptive of the prevention of Western influences in Asia. In our history, we too have struggled with the threat of Western conquest, with little choice than to adapt Western...
  4. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Grand Palace

    Goto stood upright at the sight of the ambassador and gave two quick, deep bows. "T-Thank you, you-your highness." He panted and quickly gulped down a glass of water filled with ice. Closing his eyes for a few seconds, he pulled himself back together and spoke in a more collected voice...
  5. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Goto nodded he listened to Adela, taking a stroll down a gravel lane surrounded by articulately decorated bushes and a small pond with a trickling waterfall where a bamboo pipe made a knocking sound every time it filled with water. "It is good to hear that Germany survives and is seeking peace...
  6. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The receptionist gave two quick nods, saying in a meek voice that the Ambassador's Japanese was very good. She gestured to an empty overstuffed velvet bench on the left side of the hall and shuffled towards a door. After giving a deep bow, she went through to fetch Foreign Minister Goto. After a...
  7. Tea-cakes

    Is it bad that whenever I see the name Kato, I think Green Hornet?

    Is it bad that whenever I see the name Kato, I think Green Hornet?
  8. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Grand Palace

    Walking through the city, Foreign Minister Goto uncomfortably loosened his tie, and tugged at the color of his white starched shirt as droplets of sweat ran down his neck. He knew that Southeast Asia was humid, but he did not expect to become so stifling in the simple task of walking from the...
  9. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Located in Tokyo, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is managed by head diplomat and Foreign Minister Goto, and exists to extend communications throughout the world of Japan's foreign policies and deepen relations with other nations.
  10. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Prime Minister Katō

    He's the leader of the country. Prince Hirohito is just the symbolic leader.
  11. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] The Tokyo Diet Building

    The Diet Building, and house of Imperial Japan's "Taisho Democracy." Here, the two-party system discusses laws and foreign policy that will benefit the Japanese people.
  12. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] (Statecraft) Leaders

    Prime Minister Kato of the Greater Japanese Empire. Incumbent Democratic Leader and voice of His Excellency Crown Prince Hirohito. Leader Bonus: Master of the Seas: Before being appointed Prime Minister, Kato was promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1915. Kato is...
  13. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Foreign Minister Goto

    General Information Name: Goto Shinpei Gender: Male Age: 63 Appearance Visual Appearance: Physical Appearance: He was a president of a medical school in his younger years, therefore he is remarkably healthy for a man his age, and takes great care in matters regarding his...
  14. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] (Nation) The Greater Japanese Empire

    Nation Name The Greater Japanese Empire Flag Leader Prime Minister Kato Emperor Hirohito Government "Imperial Democracy" Political rule by elected politicians who formed cabinets run by party members, but all prominent advocates of parliamentary rule are vociferous...
  15. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Crown Prince Hirohito

    General Information Name: Hirohito Gender: Male Age: 21 Appearance Visual Appearance: Physical Appearance: As he is still in his 20s, he enjoys a great amount of physical activity such as horseback riding and the physical attributes required of a Major in the Imperial Japanese...
  16. Tea-cakes

    Thank yee.

    Thank yee.
  17. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] Prime Minister Katō

    General Information Name: Kato Tomosaburo Gender: Male Age: 59 Appearance Visual Appearance: Physical Appearance: His health is very frail, and he has been known to give orders to his sailors through bouts of vomiting during the war with Russia. Therefore, he very rarely leaves...
  18. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] (Info) Signup Thread

  19. Tea-cakes

    [Nations of Men] (Info) Signup Thread

    I would like to take Japan, Manchuria, and the Korean peninsula, please.