[Nations of Men] Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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Located in Tokyo, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is managed by head diplomat and Foreign Minister Goto, and exists to extend communications throughout the world of Japan's foreign policies and deepen relations with other nations.
A Green, German, 2 seater, Opel 4Ps Pulled up beside the Japanese Embassy and out stepped a woman in a fine black 3 piece suite with the Teutonic symbol embroidered on her right shoulder, She walked up the steps of the embassy and into the reception area, then moved to the receptionist and in the little japanese she had been able to learn on her way to japan said I am Ambassador Adela Aleit of Deutchland, and I would like to speak with a diplomat if at all convenient
The receptionist gave two quick nods, saying in a meek voice that the Ambassador's Japanese was very good. She gestured to an empty overstuffed velvet bench on the left side of the hall and shuffled towards a door. After giving a deep bow, she went through to fetch Foreign Minister Goto. After a range of stifled voices through the door, Goto appeared, approaching the German ambassador and gave a slow, deep bow. He then spoke in soft English,

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Madam Ambassador. I am the Foreign Minister of Japan, Goto Shinpei. I give you the warmest of welcomes to our country. I apologize for my poor English, but I fear that my German is even worse--it has been almost 30 years since I have been to Germany. Come, there is a garden behind the ministry building, let us take a walk and you can tell me how Berlin is faring these days."

He turned to the receptionist and asked her to prepare some tea and sweets for their return to the Ministry.
Adela gave a quick nod as she followed the Minister towards the garden. Berlin survives, though its not as lively as I would like to see it. I do however have confidence that the knew Government will be capable of bring her back to life. As for business, I come on a mission of peace this time. Many of my superiors believe that diplomatic relations with Japan is pointless at the time, do to a lack of convienient or efficient travel between the two our nations, but I believe it is good to be on good terms with as many people as we can, grab allies where ever we can, further more japan is home to rather unique artistic works, as well as many unique spices, germany on the other hand posses some of the worlds finest engineering at the moment, as sutch Im sure a trade agreement would work well between the two of our nations.
Goto nodded he listened to Adela, taking a stroll down a gravel lane surrounded by articulately decorated bushes and a small pond with a trickling waterfall where a bamboo pipe made a knocking sound every time it filled with water.

"It is good to hear that Germany survives and is seeking peace so soon after the Great War. I am also glad to hear that your engineering industries are thriving, and I believe that some diplomatic connection is better than none at all, as your superiors may have suggested. I'm afraid it may be too soon after the great struggle we have endured to open up a new formal alliance, but maybe we can progress in a warm direction starting with basic cultural exchange and tourism. We will grant travel visas to German citizens to come to study, work, or visit Japan. From there, perhaps after the dusty cloud of war has settled and our countries have had time to rehabilitate themselves and re-develop, we can work together on a more concrete alliance agreement such as trade."

Goto stopped and sat on a stone bench next to the pond, gazing at the koi fish swirling around in blended colors of orange and grey.

"For the time being, I can tell you that we have more concern in rebuilding our economy and satisfying our people, as our democratic nature suggests. So rest assured, we have given up our claims on the German territory we had acquired in the Pacific during the Great War, and we have no intention of causing irreparable conflict with your country. However, let me ask one question: would your engineers be willing to support and contribute to the development of Japanese railways in Manchuria?"
  1. Im sure I can we can find some advisors to help with your railways. She said bowing her head.

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