[Nations of Men] Prime Minister Katō


New Member
General Information

Name: Kato Tomosaburo

Gender: Male

Age: 59


Visual Appearance:


Physical Appearance:

His health is very frail, and he has been known to give orders to his sailors through bouts of vomiting during the war with Russia. Therefore, he very rarely leaves his quarters, and does not travel abroad.

Personality Information

General Personality:

Kato is a very flexible man. Although his naval background assumes a desire to see Japan's fleet grow in size and prestige, after the World War, he gave in to the realities of a political upheaval at home. Therefore, he displays a more diplomatic and calmer nature which allows him to appear less threatening than his other navy counterparts. Kato adopts a realistic attitude towards the international structure and seeks to find a rational explanation for his country's actions that will not damage Japan's outside image. He has a fascination with the historical background of the United States.


Class: Leader

Job: Prime Minister of the Greater Japanese Empire


Rank: Rank 1

Character's History


Born in Hiroshima as the son of a samurai, he has become one of the three leaders of the Imperial Japanese Navy. He excelled at naval school and was appointed as the head Navy Minister in 1915. After the World War, he became one of Japan's most successful administrative leaders, and his knowledge of military appropriations was critical to his political success, earning him a nomination and eventually election as Prime Minister. ?Taking a lesson from the atrocities that had been committed, Kato realized that war had become an industrial, economic, and social exercise as much as it was a military routine, and as Prime Minister strives to rapidly industrialize his country, one that is poor in natural resources. Domestically, his biggest challenge lies in finding compromise between the Diet and the ambitious military. In order to find ground with the Seiyukai, the chief parlimentary force before and during the War, Kato gave his support and received support from the political party, which allowed him to pursue his goal of naval limitation in the wake of the World War and its damaging effects. That is not to say that he does not have military expansion in mind--he is just against military expansion that is not within the means of the country.
This isn't your leader, or your Diplomat. What use is the character? A General? A Dog of War? Please tell me.
Okay add your custom leader bonuses to this page, and it will all be good. The other one is a Dummy, you can create it in a High Ranking Officer if you want.

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