[Nations of Men] (Statecraft) Leaders


Code Monkey like you...
Remember, unlike diplomats, Dogs, and Generals, Leaders cannot be a third party: A nation's leader must be the person who runs that nation.

Please post link to your leaders full profile, and name of the Nation and your leader's bonuses!
The President of the Confederate Union of America, David J. Williams.

"Leader Bonuses:

Hardened Politician - Decreases the effect of dissentient (foreign or domestic) propaganda and increases the effect of positive (Confederate) propaganda.

Loves the homestead - Increases the morale of all forces, when defending Confederate territory."
Chancellor Adolf Hitler

Charismatic Speaker: When Hitler speaks people listen, and when Hitler directs people follow. Hitler knows how to talk to people in a way to truly emphasise what he wishes and is naturally charismatic. (People are more likely to have a positive attitude to plans and reforms Hitler decises, and speeches have a more dinamic effect on people when he gives them.)

Surounded by Great people:

A truly great leader knows that he is not infact good at everything and know to surround themselves with those who are great at things that they are not to make up for their particular short comings. By doing this it means that he can put these people whom he trust in charge of responsibilities that they are more particularly suited to preform freeing him up for other projects that might require his attention.
King Rama VI

United Under Siam: King Rama VI's rhetoric ofunity under Siam allows him to command greater loyalty of the people, reducing the chance of civil revolt, and increasing effectiveness of inter-territory infrastructure like roads.

Ambition: it is the dream of the Siamese Kingdom to fully liberate and bring unity to Asia and the world. Siam has a higher war tolerance than other nations, and can react to threats with greater effectiveness.
King of Spain, Carlos de Fuentes I

Return to Glory –

King Carlos’s determination to return Spain to its former glory – especially its fearsome Armada - has resulted in a more effective navy. (The Spanish Armada receives a bonus when attacking)

Rebel with a Cause –

King Carlos’s years as a rebel has given him a deep insight of how to run an effective army (Spanish land units have a higher morale when fighting behind enemy lines.)
The Grand Shade of the Shadow People, Ozzimer the 195th.

War Hardened: The Empire of the Shadow People is one hardened by generations of war, and its people reflect this. Their morale and faith in the Ozzimer dynasty is hard to shake, and as such her military is impossible to rout and relentlessly vicious in combat.

Of the Ancient Nations: The Empire of the Shadow People is the undisputed oldest continuous dynasty and nation in the world. Nations and citizens across the world respect this and all that it means. The traditions of the Shadow People are older than any existing religion, steeped in honor and war, and their history in occupation of other nations is well known. As such, lands conquered or otherwise occupied by the Empire's military are notably more friendly than they would be otherwise, making integration easier.
Prime Minister Kato of the Greater Japanese Empire. Incumbent Democratic Leader and voice of His Excellency Crown Prince Hirohito.

Leader Bonus:

Master of the Seas: Before being appointed Prime Minister, Kato was promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1915. Kato is adept at navigation, navy artillery, and sea battle strategy.

Code of Bushido: This code provides a spiritual shield to allow soldiers fight to the end.The son of a samurai, Kato was well-adverse in the warrior way of life, and honors values such as loyalty to allies, fighting fair, and due justice.
"El Jefe Maximo" of Mexico, Plutarco Elías Calles


Leadership Bonuses:

¡Viva México!: Stirring up nationalistic fervor seems to be a prominent one of Calles’ many aptitudes that involve politics. As long as “el Jefe” is on the public stage inspiring the common people, Mexico’s war industry’s efficiency bolsters during war time.

Marionettes yield to the Chair: Calles’ political party (PNR) - and it truly is his party - is entirely loyal to him and only him. Good party members fill seats in government, but also in all walks of Mexican society - particularly business. Callistas work harder for their boss and the government funds that lubricate the process also go a long way toward investing in stronger - possibly inflated - economic growth. As a result, economic reform and monuments are constructed quicker.

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