Search results for query: *

  1. Zarath

    Legend of the Rangers [Inactive]

    "Wait what are you guys talking about? What trip, can you guys explain this a little more to me." Talos was very excited, he finally got to go on an adventure. He's never really done anything interesting. The coolest thing that happened in his life is when he killed a bear, but that's it...
  2. Zarath

    Legend of the Rangers [Inactive]

    "Wow what just..." He stared at the mans right arm which he could of sworn just started to glow. Talos looked at everyone to see that they were staring at his pants, his pocket was glowing too. He reached in it to find something he totaly forgot about, the stone. Does this mean there's more...
  3. Zarath

    Legend of the Rangers [Inactive]

    Now that Talos has found this stone thing. He decided he needed a fresh start, so his first act as a new person was to make friends. Whats not the best place to do that then the bar! He walked into it slowly, sweat dripping down his forehead faster then it ever has. He sees a group a people...
  4. Zarath

    Magicae Knights [Inactive]

    Jayce got up out of his creaking, wooden bed. Maybe he was wrong about the owners, are the nice after all? Jayce took a deep yawn that said "I'll have a tour, but one quick question, aren't owners supposed to be cruel to there mages? I mean from what I've heard, right now I should be on the bed...
  5. Zarath

    Magicae Knights [Inactive]

    Jayce looked up in fear, he has heard about these "owners" before. Cruel, and mean to there collared mages, they even beat them. The man looked at him patiently; Jayce saw kindness in his eyes, something in him seemed forgiving. Jayce wiped the one tear that remained on his cheek, "yeah I guess...
  6. Zarath

    Magicae Knights [Inactive]

    Jayce woke up with a tear streaming down his face. He doesn't know if his shirt is soaking because of his tears, or his nervous sweat. Jayce gets out of his bed and walks around, figuring that maybe it will take his mind off how depressed he really is. Jayce starts crying again, tears falling...
  7. Zarath

    Legend of the Rangers

    Name: Talos Suzoki Age: 26 Gender: Male Aura Stone: Perfect sphere with the outlines of a bear head engraved right on the top Personality: Talos is more of a calm and relaxed sort of guy, he has a small sense of humor which makes him not to fun to hang out with. He is very focused and...
  8. Zarath

    Pigeons in the Park [Need more pigeons!] [Inactive]

    EPS(Early PS):I've noticed the lack of activity on this role-play, so I'm boosting it back up. Perseus hasn't eaten in days, sometimes this happens to Perseus; he gets to distracted about how fabulous he is that he forgets to eat! Perseus gently flew over to his secret spot right on the...
  9. Zarath

    Pigeons in the Park [Need more pigeons!] [Inactive]

    Perseus flew around for a while when he saw a shiny silver thing on the ground; and because its shiny, Perseus went towards it. There it was just lying on the ground, he stared at it for a while. Peck Peck Peck, it broke. Perseus stood there for a while, staring at the broken silver pieces. He...
  10. Zarath

    Pokemon - Destiny Version

    Garrett Baelor Personality: Garrett is a fun boy who is always seeking adventure. With his favorite Pokemon by his side he never gets bored. Garrett tries to give all of his Pokemon love no matter how weak or strong they are. He is a team player and likes to just go with the flow. The only...
  11. Zarath

    Magicae Knights

    Jayce Opinius 15 years of age Mage or Knight: Collared Mage History: Jayce was born in the busy capital of Columbus Ohio. More and more mages are sneaking into Ohio due to the lack of tests, but because so many mages were moving here, there were more and more tests. Jayce was always...