Legend of the Rangers

In this RP you play as a Ranger. Townsfolk are NPCs and can be RPed by anyone.

For bio add:




Appearance:(Description here, if you have a picture put it on the top or below the bio.)

Aura Stone:(What does it look like?)


Home Town:(One of the listed towns or cities under the map sections.)

Backstory:(Doesn't have to be deep, as long as it makes sense. Example of a backstory: How your character found his or her Aura Stone.)

Moral Code:(All Rangers have a similar moral code, but what injustice ticks off your Ranger and how do they plan to help.)

Weapon(s): (Limit of three weapons.)

Aura Attack(s): Start the RP with a basic one and run new ones by me first before adding to bio.)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf23e115a_Fantasywarriorgirl.jpg.2f43f67477e6c60049f13fb2885c24ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf23e115a_Fantasywarriorgirl.jpg.2f43f67477e6c60049f13fb2885c24ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ariel D'Coolette "the Lioness"

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Aura Stone: Blue stone with a black marking shaped like a silhouetted lioness head.

Personality: Despite being a woman, "manly" is one way to describe Ariel D'Coolette. She's a serious minded warrior that can hold down her ale. She ignores flirtation or is insulted by it depending on the man. The only "feminine" trait she outwardly shows is her soft spot toward children.

Home Town: De Leone

Backstory: Ariel was born into a wealthy family in De Leone. She grew up wanting to be a knight. Her father trained her and when she turned 18 she registered. She soon found herself assigned to guard the queen. When the queen was on a picnic, the princess came across a strange stone and brought it over. It glowed when Ariel touched it. The queen knew what was from stories she read and Ariel started her life as a Ranger.

Moral Code: I enjoy helping where I can, but if filth decide to harm children I'll make them wish they hadn't.

Weapon(s): Sword and shield.

Aura Attack(s): Basic: Aura in the shape of a lioness head forms around her, her aura roars before she charges forward with an energy trail following behind.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-29_13-25-59.jpeg.f7ab2c821be8a5b92863132ba9bac7bc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-29_13-25-59.jpeg.f7ab2c821be8a5b92863132ba9bac7bc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kai Yamamoto

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Aura Stone: My Aura Stone is shaped like a snakes head, with beady black eyes that seem to stare deep into your soul

Personality: Kai is quite a deceiver, he tricks and deceives his foes using his cunning mind. Kai is quick and cunning like a snake and once he has an enemy in his grasp he won't let go. Kai also loves to flirt, and is a gentleman around ladies, this causes difficulties when Kai is forced to battle a girl.

Home Town: Adaria Forrest, the heavy wooded area helps him set up fun tricks

Backstory: Kai's family wasn't rich, but they weren't poor. The whole family relied on his fathers skill in hunting, and when illness took him away, they relied on Kai to keep the family running. Kai used his various tricks and traps to capture many animals to sell at De Leone. While skinning and gutting a deer that he caught, Kai found a small, snake like stone, first Kai thought it would be worth a lot to sell, but as he walked home, he felt attached to the stone, like it was part of him, so he kept it.

Moral Code: Kai will bring anyone to justice if they are breaking any law. If a person is harming a girl though, Kai may "deal" with the person before he hands him in, so to speak.

Weapon(s): A knife, A crude bow and arrow, his trap making kit.

Aura Attack(s): Kai is able to "suck" some power from his Aura Stone to make his movements slightly quicker. If he touches the tip of his blade or arrows with his Aura Stone they will be tipped with a light poison that isn't strong enough to kill.

Please tell me if there is anything I need to change.




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Name: Yui Asukawa


Gender: Female

Appearance: Thigh-length hair tied in a ponytail with sea green eyes, until she absorbs power from her aura stone, witch turns one of here eyes bright green and the other bright dark blue. She also has permanent ears as a side effect of using the stone. She wears skinny jeans and t-shirts with her stone on a cord around her neck.

Aura Stone: It looks like a cat with one blue and one green eye and is made of a smooth riverbed stone.

Personality: She is confident, but shy on the inside and is completely useless when it comes to boys.

Home Town: De Leone, until her house got destroyed in a explosion she moved to Adaria Forrest

Backstory: She lived a peaceful life in De Leone with her parents until one night, an explosion destroyed her house and killed both her parents. She then moved to Adaria Forrest to live with her aunt and there children. Her aunt gave her the stone just before she left to go back home and told her to keep it on her at all times.

Moral Code: All people should be treated equal. Any such violation of her code she will personally attend to.

Weapon(s): A katana, her trusty bow, and her deadly fans (Fans with hidden blades on the end that can be retracted)

Aura Attack(s): When used, her stone gives her some feline ability's. Her speed increases and she becomes very acrobatic. Her sword becomes sharper and her arrows deal more damage.

Name: Moxie Farrah

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's about 5' 3" and petite. Her dark brown hair is longer in the front, but cropped short in the back.

Aura Stone: Her Aura Stone is a smooth orange fire opal with a fox's head carved into it. It's about the size of a child's closed fist.

Personality: Moxie is very outgoing and spunky. She loves climbing, whether it be trees or buildings, but she loves challenges more. Moxie is also impatient at times, but she is very loyal. Her temper is short and her tongue is loose when she drinks too much--which has gotten her into trouble before.

Home Town: Ashford.

Backstory: Mabel Farandal's parents owned a small alehouse right outside the town where shady men came more often than not. It wasn't uncommon for fights to break out, but there was one where Mabel was involved. A man mistook the girl for a prostitute and tried to grab at her in his drunken stupor. Mabel had also had a little too much to drink so she decided she was going to fight him. The fight was broken up quickly, but not before she broke the man's nose. In the early throes of the morning he came back with a bruised ego and a bone to pick. (. . . .) Mabel woke up, choking and gasping for air. She lived upstairs above the alehouse with the rest of her family. She couldn't make it to help her parents or siblings. The building collapsed. (. . . .) An old man drug her from beneath the building and tended to her wounds. The blazing building was imprinted in the back of Mabel's eyelids and she made a vow, a vow to protect the innocent. The old man helped her recover, then one day, he simply vanished. He left behind a pair of daggers, food for a journey, and a mysterious orange stone throbbing with power. She changed her named to Moxie Farrah to start a new lift, one where she could be whomever she chose.

Moral Code: Moxie can't stand thieves, so she waits until the time is right to punish the wrongdoers. She also has a problem with people hurting others who can't protect themselves, like animals and children. Needless to say she is quick to jump at the attackers.

Weapons: Her fists and a pair of daggers she calls the Twins.

Aura Attack: Her aura allows her to blend in with her backgrounds and move silently so she can sneak up on her enemy then strike them in quick succession on quick feet.
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Name: Talos Suzoki

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Aura Stone: Perfect sphere with the outlines of a bear head engraved right on the top

Personality: Talos is more of a calm and relaxed sort of guy, he has a small sense of humor which makes him not to fun to hang out with. He is very focused and work always comes first.

Home Town: Adaria Forest

Backstory: Talos's dad was always off working to make money which they were desperate for. Talos would always go out in the forest and practice his blade skills, his motto is quick but focused. One day when he was hunting he stumbled upon a sphere shaped rock lying next to the killed dear, when he picked it up it started to glow. He shoved it in his pocket, and sprinted back home.

Moral Code: I help who ever is in need, good or evil. When they are in danger, they are both the same.

Weapon(s): Talos carries a Katana that his uncle gave him when he was 17

Aura Attack(s): When his aura stone is used, he will gain strength and his sword will grow slightly bigger, but he moves a little slower.

Name: Issei Dragneel

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/IMG_20140429_221301.jpg.d48b6e562fcc7b36d8ee03dcc5411021.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17384" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/IMG_20140429_221301.jpg.d48b6e562fcc7b36d8ee03dcc5411021.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age:(18+) 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: A green stone with a red dragon's head on it. Sometimes it will turn blue with the dragon crest white.

Personality: Issei is a very impulsive rambunctious person, for an example normally he enters a room by kicking open the door and roaring. He ultimately like being brave and awesome as a true hero should.

Home Town:Treeblad Jungle

Backstory: He grew up in the dense Treeblade Jungle with a few other kids. They were teenagers who were orphaned and decided to live in these woods. They taught him lots of things such as how to tune his senses to that of an animal. They taught him how to fight and recognized his rare natural talent for sword wielding. One day while exploring and hunting he stumbled across a cave that he thought would have treasure. He did find Treasure but it wasn't for selling. He found a gaunlet with a shining stone in it. When he put on the gaunlet it seemed to adjust to his size and even sprouted a sword. He kept it and trained with it. Once, he learned that he indeed wields awesome power decided to make good use of it.

Moral Code: There are alot of things that's tick Issei of but the most is mistreatment ot women such as marrying them without there consent. He basically despises rapists.


The Gaunlet: It holds his stone as well as harnesses it's power.It can be use for strong punches or for blocking attacks. It also stores his sword. It can passivley channel the stone's power to boost the physical stats of Issei and his sword.

Ascalon: The sword in his gaunlet. It's a holy sword and has a special dragon slaying attribite but as well as a Dragon Attribute as a result from being inside the gaunlet. It's specially tuned for channeling the power of the gaunlet and in turn the aura stone.

Aura Attack(s):

Dragon Shocker: It fires a beam, ball, or bullet of energy at his target.



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Name:Ariana Des Roches



Appearance:Burn scaring in right hand sight of her face and forehead, short straight blond hair. The rest what you see in the picture.

Aura Stone: Whitish-gold coloring with the profile of an eagle looking down and its wings outstretched.

Personality:Quite, proper but cheeky and joking when you get her talking and self mocking when she is clumsy with her blindness. She can be cruel and cold to criminal believing in draconian treatment of even minor offenses.

Home Town:Tyiral

Backstory:The daughter of a store owners who specialized in trinkets, oddities and items thought to have magical properties, who where accosted heavily by a gang who ran a racket in the town. Some times her family were able to pay the protection money other time the coundn't which led to the gang from stealing item and later even violating her and her mother. Eventually her father had enough and tried to stand up to the gang but was killed on the spot and Ariana and her mother locked in the store before lighting it on fire. Ariane was the only one to escape the fire, though not before suffering some disfiguring and blinding burns, with help of one of the items in the store. It was an aura stone which restored her sight long enough to escape. Orphaned and blinded young Ariana chances of life after the incident was slim if a passing ranger noticed ariana stone and took her inn, helping her manage and fight with her blindness and introduced her to the group. With her new skills she took revenge on the gang by baiting them with a helpless blind old lady routine them killing them to the last man. She serves the rangers know preventing other suffering the way she did.

Moral Code:Due to her past, she has a personal disdain for any kind of banditry or any organized gangs. Arson or other crimes involving fire earns her true ire.

Weapon(s): Cane sword: traveling aid and personal defense weapon

Katana: meant to be primary weapon but is mostly ceremonial to her

Aura Attack(s): restored vision in the form of a birds eye view of her surrounding area

Name: Ron Kenn

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Aura Stone: none

Personality: He doesn't talk much and prefers his actions to talk for him. He has little sense of humor and a bit of a determinator.

Home Town: Near De Leone.

Backstory: Ron was once a member of the notorious Kenn Clan, a group of assassins. They all believed that they were some of the most powerful people in the land, so they all got more reckless. Eventually, another assassin was hired to take them all out. The assassin succeeded, taking them all down one-by-one in fair combat. Ron was the only one to survive because he ran. After that, he became a traveling mercenary and started working on getting stronger and will eventually kill the assassin that killed his clan.

Moral Code: His moral code is very... lenient. He has no problem killing as long as he gets paid. He wants to fight tough opponents so he can get strong enough to kill the one who killed his clan.

Weapon(s): Katana, broadsword, rapier, one-handed ax, bow, two-handed hammer, flail, dagger, halberd, and scythe (he carries them with a backpack).

Aura Attack(s): none.

(Is it alright that my character has more than three weapons since he has no aura stone?)
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Name:Kain Lupus



Aura Stone:Dull Gray Wolf head with Blue eyes

Personality:somewhat easygoing and carefree enjoys a good battle, not to mention he's a sucker for adorable animals; usually not as serious as other rangers however clever when in battle

Home Town: Currently The Treeblade Jungle but was born in De Leone

Backstory: Used to live in De Leone with his parents happy and fairly well off until at 14 his dad was cheated out of his money and forced to leave by some bigger group that was expanding they moved towards family they had in Ashford however he was soon kidnapped on the way by some bandits hoping for a ransom luckily they weren't as smart as to check him for weapons and he got away with a survival knife he had got from his dad. Obviously he was chased after, though he didn't know his way around at first nor where his pursuers were,and he tripped over his Aura Stone and when he picked it up he realized he reacted faster, and he used this to escape. Though without his parents he had been making it out on his own, thanks to his improved reactions he could hunt better and sustain himself or sell it for cash; he eventually obtained metal claws from a vendor in Ashford.

Moral Code:He dislikes unfair rulers cruel bosses and manipulators basically anyone trying to strip others of there freedom and is not afraid to stoop to their level; and he greatly despises kidnappers


Metal Claws

Ssmall Throwing Daggers

A Survival Knife

Aura Attack(s): Feral Instinct allow him to dodge and strike quicker and overall improving his reflexes
If you're still accepting and don't mind a newcomer...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/_Galatea.jpg.181f6572529821b320e5012bf3f7b614.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/_Galatea.jpg.181f6572529821b320e5012bf3f7b614.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Galatea

Age: 33

Gender: Female

Aura Stone: Her Aura Stone is rounded smooth with the head of a hawk etched on its surface. It was found on her when she was orphaned as an infant.

Personality: Free-spirited, daring, extroverted, life of the party, socialite, enjoys/envies high-society. Stands tall against threats, even if having to bluff her way out of a difficult spot (although she'd prefer diplomacy).

Appearance: Fair skinned, straight blonde hair cascading between her shoulder blades. Brown eyes. Modest build. Wears leather armor (although the pic shows different armor, the face/hair and such is what she looks like) and a mottled brown cloak she uses for camouflage.

Home Town: Galatea roams, so she really doesn't have a home per se. She was born in Ashford.

Backstory: She was orphaned as an infant and found on the doorstep of her foster parents' (Darius and Heather) alehouse in Ashford. When she was two years old, her step-sister Silvana was born and the two were practically inseparable growing up. Galatea, though, had a more daring streak whereas her sister was more conservative. Later in years, when their parents passed away, the tavern was handed down to Silvana. Galatea's urge to roam would no longer be suppressed, so she now travels around helping those less fortunate and dispensing justice when appropriate.

Moral Code: Truly an advocate for the weaker and less fortunate, Galatea will use whatever means necessary to find justice for them. Primarily, she will work within the structure of the current laws to see criminals brought to fair trials and punishment, using deadly force as a last resort.

Weapon(s): Ashen longbow (a gift from her sister) and a serviceable long sword. She also carries a dagger/knife.

Aura Attack(s): By conjuring the power within the stone, Galatea is able to fire her bow with pin-point accuracy; however, damage dealt in this way is decreased at the cost of the heightened accuracy.



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Name: Amanda Davidson

Age: 25

Gender: Female


Aura Stone: It is a jagged rock that is a random shape with a sword across it and some unknown script underneath the sword

Personality: She is very helpful and wants the best for people she helps protect or serves under. She will fight to the death for her honor and will not let anyone slander it with lies of tales of wickedness. She loves a good fight but also like to keep within her means and not go overboard with everything

Home Town: Iaedor

Backstory: Born into a family of weapon smiths. Amanda was taught how to make some pretty good weapons but stuck mostly repairing them and making modifications.Women were not allowed how to make swords or weapons but here father taught her in secret and how to fix them. When she turned 18, as a gift from her family. She was given a special suit and helmet was made for, along with a sword and a crossbow. Her mother gave her a special stone that was passed down her family line for generations and would finally end up with Amanda to pass down to her daughter.

Moral Code: Amanda hates it when someone slanders her family name or her honor. She will stop whatever she was doing and fight to keep her honor. She would not back down from a challenge and will fight to the end. She hates to see people that can't really defend themselves being tormented by other people that think threy are above everybody else

Weapon(s): Handmade sword and Crossbow

Aura Attack(s): Her sword lights on fire to cut through heavy armor but if it hits the skin it actually heals wounds instead of inflicting them, much like cauterizing a wound to keep it from getting full of bacteria

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