Legend of the Rangers [Inactive]

"None taken."She said a guilty look coming across her face."Since well...Yeah, we are going blind here for the most part. I try my best to make for my blindness but you cant do everything, investigating is still a bit tricky for me part of the reason i called for your help. However, can provide a little something..."She reached in to another once of her pockets taking out a letter and handing it over."Took this from one of the gangsters, i think i felt a noble seal on it and the paper is good to."
Ariel looked over the letter. "But this would mean that the slavers operate inside and/or outside of De Leone!" she said with a surprised look on her face. "According to this letter the slavers can't hide their "product" inside the city. That narrows down our search to two locations: Fafner Valley and Adaria Forest." She sighed, "But...that still leaves a large amount of ground to cover."
"Adaria forest makes of better hiding place of the two, not to mention less dragons to nibble on the slaves....or the sellers for that matter. "She pointed out after a moments thought."That and i am not keen to run into dragon.Hope they slavers have the capacity to have the same idea."
"If it's dragons then my blade would be the last thing they see" Issei remarked. He was now staring at his gaunlet, now he was itching for some Heroic Action. "My sword has a Dragon Slaying property to it. So dragons would fall to my blade easier than to others.
"Well, far be it for me to prevent a man from dying the way he wants to, you can look for the slave at Fafner Valley."She said sarcastically in the general direction of Issei. "Sure gonna miss that face of yours."
"You can't exactly see faces, so what does is matter? Anyway i'll search Fafner Valley, but i'll need a partner and a good one." Issei wasn't one to pull punches especially on insults, so he didn't think he was over doing it.
"Exactly it doesn't. Not bad for reply, but my blindness is too obvious. Try my disfigurement, i dont hear it enough so would make a more bitting insult."She said with smile with no malice to Issie. She rarely ever means her insults, these were just her little test of character. She turned to the rest be before continuing."Right, any other for the Valley?"

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Now that Talos has found this stone thing. He decided he needed a fresh start, so his first act as a new person was to make friends. Whats not the best place to do that then the bar! He walked into it slowly, sweat dripping down his forehead faster then it ever has. He sees a group a people sitting near the back of the bar. He slowly walks over and asks "hey I'm kind of new here, do you guys mind if I hang out for a while?" They all looked at me like they have just seen a ghost. Talos looked at them for a while then asked "I'm sorry, I'll just be going now."

PS:I needed a way to get in this some how, so HINT HINT if someone could stop me and tell me whats going on, then I can get in the story HINT HINT HINT HINT
"Hey hold up, who are you? Are you a skilled warrior? Are you up for a mission in Fafner Valley?" Issei as he pointed at the man with his right arm, also his gaunlet arm which has his stone in it, which glowed for a second.
"Wow what just..." He stared at the mans right arm which he could of sworn just started to glow. Talos looked at everyone to see that they were staring at his pants, his pocket was glowing too. He reached in it to find something he totaly forgot about, the stone. Does this mean there's more people then just him with this stone?
"If you go to Fafner Valley I doubt you'll find the slavers and slaves there," Ariel said to Issei. "The dragons there would risk their profit and I doubt a group of simple slavers could handle dragons, even a lone dragon would be a challenge." She stood up. "We're heading to Adaria Forest. But first we should drop the money off at the orphanage and get supplies for the journey."
Moxie saw another guy go into the alehouse and caught a glow in his pocket. She resisted the urge to make some crude joke and instead followed him in. He joined the group of people she had been listening on and she realized that they were all Rangers. She figured she'd join the group as well. "I hate to just barge in here, but from what I've figured, you're all Rangers, aren't you?" She pulled a chair from another table and sat in it backwards, leaning on the back of the chair as she looked around the table. The Aura Stone in her pocket was warm and hummed.
"Wait what are you guys talking about? What trip, can you guys explain this a little more to me." Talos was very excited, he finally got to go on an adventure. He's never really done anything interesting. The coolest thing that happened in his life is when he killed a bear, but that's it. "Whatever you guys are doing, I want in."
"Essentially we're rangers going on a quest to beat up slavers & kidnappers," Kain chimed in, "and discussing whether or not it's worth it to go to Fafner Valley to search." He pulled out his stone again, "we all met here and," he got up and held out his hand to the other guy, "name's Kain what's yours."
"Welcome newcomers, we wer simply discussing Ranger duties and maybe have come to a conclusion to not search Fafner Valley. My name is Issei and my stone is in my gaunlet as you can see. But don't try pulling it out unless i consent not trying to blow up the tavern." Issei explained.
"We decided on the forest, Kain, the valley is too dangerous to be a hiding place."She said getting up from her chair and lifted her hand expectantly."Who of you fine rangers are going to be a ladies seeing eyes?"

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"I met a dragon once. He was a fine fellow. He came over to tea once in awhile," Moxie said. She figured no one would take her seriously, because no one ever did. But the Old Man was a strange one, so it was no surprise he kept a dragon as company, or centaurs, or the occasional sprig for that matter. She looked around at her company. The one called Issei was slightly annoying, but that was typical when you worked as a sword for hire; she didn't hold it against him. "I want in, if you wouldn't mind having me," Moxie commented with a shrug as she swiped an ale from a passerby's tray.
"If you want to come then come," Ariel said as she stood up. "We're wasting time chatting." She walked outside and looked inside her satchel to check if she needed to buy anything from the market. I think this will do for the journey, she thought as she waited for the other Rangers.
"What? No one volunteer to do his good deed for the day and help a blind lady?" She said with mock disappointment."Ow well..."

She made her way out of the tavern, a miracle in its self.

"Ah...Great to be out of there."She said to anyone that would listen."Stale vomit, urine and sweaty men doesn't smell as nice as with heightened sense of smell."
Moxie followed closely behind the blind woman as they made their way outside. She sat down on the porch as she waited for the others and carved on a nearby stick with one of the Twins--which is what she named her daggers. "I suppose I could be your eyes, if you want me to," Moxie said without looking up. She nicked her finger and held it up to her mouth for a moment before continuing on with what she was doing.
"Thanks but dont worry much about it. I was kidding i can manage?"She said smiling kindly."All i need is some talk so i have something to follow."
Issei bought another cup of ale then chugged it. Then he joined the group outside and began walking in the direction of Kain. Issei said "Come on, we don't have all day to do this. No time to waste!"
Kain got up and chuckled, "sorta ironic that all us rangers met up," he followed the others and saw the girl from earlier that spilled the drink but didn't say anything. He instead turned to Issei, "so another hunter eh," he was happy to see a fellow hunter who was also a ranger.
"Yeah well i can't actually hide it considering i always have my gaunlet on and my stone is in my gaunlet. Yeah i have to stop it's flow of energy to remove the gaunlet or stone. One time i did it without and there was a big explosion. By the way thay reminds me, Moxie i think it's cool you met a dragon, i met a few too but they were quite unpleasant and i ended up making minced meat out of the first one." Issei said. He was reminiscing about crazy moments in his life.
"If everyone has enough supplies for the journey into Adaria Forest, we're heading out," Ariel announced. "If you're running low, then I'd suggest that you quickly buy what you'll need or share your food stuffs with each other." She slung her satchel over her shoulder. "I'll be waiting outside the gate, if you're not there in the next fifteen minutes I'll be on my way to the forest." After giving the announcement she headed toward De Leone's city gate.

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