Legend of the Rangers [Inactive]

Issei said "They'll catch up eventually so might as well start the walk." Issei began the trot to Adaria Forest. Such places could be considered his specialty and he was fired up for the journey. His stone reflected that by glowing periodically, sometimes green and sometimes red.
Moxie looked up at Issei abruptly when he talked about the dragons he met, and how nonchalantly said he killed one. "Well, dragons aren't just animals, many of them are actually quite civil. Unless you tick them off," she said with a laugh. Ariel announced they would be heading out soon so Moxie let out a loud whistle. A few moments later a handsome bay Criollo horse came around the side of the alehouse. Moxie walked over to him and put her face against his. He nuzzled her cheek then looked at her hands expenctantly. She let out a chuckle and pulled a pear from her pocket and held it out to him. He gave a small whinny before eating it, then stood stock still while Moxie mounted him. "This is my handsome lad Jack. Say hello Jack!" The horse let out a happy snort and waited patiently for his companion and master to lead him on. "But I'm ready to go when everyone else is, so I suppose I'll see you at the gate!" Moxie twitched the reins and Jack started trotting, then began cantering when he got on the road.
Galatea leaned against the wall just outside the city gate of De Leone, the cowl of her mottled grey-green cloak pulled up against the curious eyes of the commoners who passed in and out of the city. Her longbow was slung over her shoulder and her sword was settled loosely in its scabbard at her hip.

She unconsciously fiddled with the stone talisman that was made part of a leather bracelet on her left wrist. She ran her thumb across the hawk's head etched upon it as she glanced at the passers-by from under the edge of her hood. She had had the talisman for as long as she could remember – it was given to her by her foster father – and only recently she had learned of its latent power that enabled her to fire an arrow with deadly accuracy.

Four days. Galatea had been tracking the band of slavers across the better part of the land. Their terror had swept through more than one simple village as farmers, sons and even daughters were abducted with ease. The villages had no real defense against a marauding band of reasonably equipped mercenaries.

When Galatea first heard of the abductions, the band had already moved on so she followed their wake as she traveled from village to village. More by reputation than actual sight, the rumors of their handiwork led her to De Leone and it was here she hoped to pick up the trail that had grown ice cold.

Some moments had passed as she stood her silent vigil before she saw a small group of adventurers beginning to assemble near the gate, one of which was proudly mounted on a fine horse. They were all equipped with assorted weaponry and other traveling attire. At a first glance, it seemed as if one of the younger women were the leader of the band although to term it as a “band” might have been generous.

Galatea waited and focused her attention on them in hopes of learning their purpose. It was plain that they weren't the slavers that she had been tracking – none of them came anywhere close to the descriptions she had heard.
Kain had managed to keep up after buying some supplies, he noticed the other girl by the wall but he didn't acknowledge her. he just continued walking with the group, eventually starting to whistle without purpose.
Ariel noticed Galatea standing near the gate and her talisman. Looks like another ranger, she thought. She quickly glanced over at the nearest sun dial. Still have a few more minutes to wait on the others. She walked over to the new potential ally. "What brings you to De Leone?" she asked Galatea in a friendly manner.
Galatea turned her head within her hood to appraise the warrior-woman who had approached her. She considered, for a moment, her reply. What business of it was hers, anyway? Still, she needed answers as her trail had completely vanished.

"I'm looking for someone," Galatea said as she returned her attention to the other commoners who passed in and around the gate. She casually covered her leather bracer with her other hand as she continued, "Or, rather, a group of someones. They have taken somethings of value from me and some friends of mine. I mean to see those things returned."

She turned back to the woman, "What's with your little band over there?"
"There is a lot of that going around, seems like there pandemic on losing things of value to others" Ariana counted following the sound of Ariel. She stood close to the group, resting on her cane place on the ground and her head bowed."Were on a similar quest, though our something is a someone and a few if those at that."
"Uhhhh, come on no time for talk we have people to save. " Issei said to the group. "Anymore time wasted and we'll lose the slaves, then they'll never be rescued." Issei was fuming now mostly out of complete boredom.
Galatea glanced as another of the small band approached. She hadn't realized that her reply had been loud enough to hear from that distance so she determined to watch her volume.

"A similar quest, eh?" she asked the newcomer before she shifted her cowl-covered gaze to the first warrior woman. "Do tell."
"It has come to my attention that a group of slavers are illegally gaining slaves," Ariel replied. "My party and I are trying to find them and after stumbling upon the seal of Del Leone we have determined that the slaves are being held in Adaria Forest." She unsheathed her blade and held her weapon in the air. "We're going to rescue them," she said before sheathing her weapon. "An extra party member is always welcome, but there is no time to waste."

Ariel whistled for her horse. A dun mare appeared and she mounted it. "Whoever doesn't own a horse, quickly choose who you'll ride with," Ariel ordered.
Slavers, the woman had said. Galatea suppressed her excitement. Could it be that her trail, long grown cold, deserved such a break? She glanced at the rest of the group as they were teaming up to ride out of the city. Their numbers increased the odds of success, that much was certain. She decided that she simply could not pass up this opportunity of good fortune.

Galatea shifted her bow from her back and into her grip. From beneath her hood, he looked up at Ariel on her horse and spoke with an inner fire of someone who would not be denied their quarry, "It seems that you and I do indeed follow the same trail. My name is Galatea. As I have no horse, I would ride with you if you will accept me?"
"I wouldn't mind the company, intact i could use it."Ariana commented before tapping her cane on the ground and making several clicking sound. She stood motionless for a moment before a white horse approached, gently nudging its head at Ariana shoulder before moving itself so its rein were near Ariana's hand. She smiled as she moved to face the horse, taking hold of the reins with one hand and stroked the mane with the other."Off we go ahead my friend, you see the armored lady on the horse? You must follow her ok?"The horse nodded as if understanding before sitting down to allow for Ariana to climb on. She did so before turning to the others."Who will ride with me?"
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