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  1. negumi

    Blood Magic (negumi/PrincessToby)

    Fern had deposited the apple on the ground about halfway through his morning routine of walking around the village. It wasn't even that good. He could still taste the castle's food on his tongue and this village's food couldn't compare. He sighed, knowing good and well how much of a complainer...
  2. negumi

    Blood Magic (negumi/PrincessToby)

    It wasn't unlike Fern to avoid responsibility. In fact, many people would likely say that he did it out of habit by now. A boy his age should have a healthy sense or irresponsibility, Fern would argue, but even he knew how foolish that sounded. Fern didn't like to look foolish. Still, When you...
  3. negumi

    One x One Blood Magic (negumi/PrincessToby)

    @negumi, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  4. negumi

    One x One Blood Magic (negumi/PrincessToby)

    @negumi, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  5. negumi

    Blood Magic (negumi/PrincessToby)

    @PrincessToby super cool awesome RP between negumi and PrincessToby~
  6. negumi

    That would be fun! Moving can be super stressful like ughh... I'm moving in June and I am really...

    That would be fun! Moving can be super stressful like ughh... I'm moving in June and I am really not looking forward to it at all aside from living someplace that's slightly more interesting than where I live now.
  7. negumi

    I can imagine! You seem to write a lot too so more free time will totally help with all that. :3

    I can imagine! You seem to write a lot too so more free time will totally help with all that. :3
  8. negumi

    Constant overuse of exclamation points is my specialty!!

    Constant overuse of exclamation points is my specialty!!
  9. negumi

    Wow, I bet you are excited!! Finals/Exams are almost over!

    Wow, I bet you are excited!! Finals/Exams are almost over!
  10. negumi

    Pretty good! I just came back from an unexpected trip to Texas so I'm finally able to catch up...

    Pretty good! I just came back from an unexpected trip to Texas so I'm finally able to catch up on my RPs! ;w; How about you?
  11. negumi

    Thank you so much!! I like yours too it's sooo cute~

    Thank you so much!! I like yours too it's sooo cute~
  12. negumi

    Ready to cruise into Coolville

    Yeah! The Rune Factory was pretty challenging for me so I enjoyed it a lot. 999 and Catherine are both puzzle games but your choices in-game effect the story so there's a ton of endings you can get! I got one of the worst endings on Catherine. ^^; But for 999 since it's a mystery game you kind...
  13. negumi

    Ready to cruise into Coolville

    2000? x.x Yikes! I found it hard enough just reaching level 30! I feel like a game like this would have been really good to have dating elements to it (or maybe it was just my wishful thinking to romance Odin x.x). TP and Okami are some of my favorites, too! Hmm... I think it'd be hard for me...
  14. negumi

    Ready to cruise into Coolville

    200!? I had no idea you could even get up that high! Does the game have a level cap? I'm about halfway through, I think. Just went to the Elderwood Village but yeah, I do get the sense that it's more of Butterfly's story than your own? It's kind of strange considering the whole premise is to...
  15. negumi

    Ready to cruise into Coolville

    Holy shrimps, really?? :0 I just started playing Fantasy Life and it doesn't really seem like there's too much of a fandom or if there is, it's quieter! But it's really addictive so far and I'm only like... level 30 I think? Rune Factory 4 and Harvest Moon pretty much consumed my entire last...
  16. negumi

    Ready to cruise into Coolville

    I loooove fairy and dragon types too! When they announced sylveon I was kinda torn cause I was still hoping for a ground or rock type eeveelution (I just think it'd look cool!) But it grew on me! Especially the shiny sylveon! I googled the best pairings too since near the end of the game I was...
  17. negumi

    Who wants to write with me!? (Don't everyone jump up at once)

    Bump~ Just added a few new plots as well!
  18. negumi

    Ready to cruise into Coolville

    Ahh, I love flygon too! I think my favorite would be scolipede or volcarona since bug types are my absolute fav! And no worries, I play pokemon a LOT so I'm probably considered a Pokenerd, too! Except when it comes to competitive battling... Not so good at that. ^^; I really like video games...
  19. negumi

    Ready to cruise into Coolville

    I'm watching One Punch Man right now and it's really good! Noragami I've seen around a few places so I think I might give that one a shot, too. Also hhhhhh yess, I'm so pumped for Fates!!! Do you know which side you're going to pick?
  20. negumi

    Ready to cruise into Coolville

    Okay that's suuuper relieving to know! I'm mostly playing for the storyline, anyway, so I'd hate to get put off by really difficult gameplay! Oh, but you mentioned that you like Pokemon and Fire Emblem, right? What type of pokemon is your favorite? And what do you think about the new FE games...