Ready to cruise into Coolville

Bug types? They're great, but definitely not my favorite. Couldn't tell you what I prefer though, I'm pretty mutual about all types; most of my teams are Dragon though, with a touch of fairy. I never competitive battle, haha, I'm terrible with that and tcg games for the most part. I just collect cards and play through the campaigns, WT constantly.

Same here! Had a lot of fun with match ups. Though tbh, I googled the best pairings for future children because I dislike wasting time. Kind of a spazz, lol.
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Bug types? They're great, but definitely not my favorite. Couldn't tell you what I prefer though, I'm pretty mutual about all types; most of my teams are Dragon though, with a touch of fairy. I never competitive battle, haha, I'm terrible with that and tcg games for the most part. I just collect cards and play through the campaigns, WT constantly.
Same here! Had a lot of fun with match ups. Though tbh, I googled the best pairings for future children because I dislike wasting time. Kind of a spazz, lol.

I loooove fairy and dragon types too! When they announced sylveon I was kinda torn cause I was still hoping for a ground or rock type eeveelution (I just think it'd look cool!) But it grew on me! Especially the shiny sylveon!

I googled the best pairings too since near the end of the game I was having trouble. x.x I started off playing hard mode which, apparently, is too hard for me. Even though I play video games a lot I'm really not all that good at them so I suppose that makes me am incredibly casual-type?

Have you ever played a game called Rune Factory?
Sylveon took some getting used to, but, now she's always guaranteed on my team. I couldn't see a rock type eeveelution considering I'm used to the fur, but yeah, we need a new 'lution.

I'm the casual type of gamer, too. I don't enjoy hardcore mode (even though I want the trophies, haha) I'm usually normal/intermediate, never push myself past that. I play for the story, not the challenge as much.

Yes! I love Rune Factory. Also saw your thread and I
love fantasy life!
Sylveon took some getting used to, but, now she's always guaranteed on my team. I couldn't see a rock type eeveelution considering I'm used to the fur, but yeah, we need a new 'lution.
I'm the casual type of gamer, too. I don't enjoy hardcore mode (even though I want the trophies, haha) I'm usually normal/intermediate, never push myself past that. I play for the story, not the challenge as much.

Yes! I love Rune Factory. Also saw your thread and I
love fantasy life!

Holy shrimps, really?? :0 I just started playing Fantasy Life and it doesn't really seem like there's too much of a fandom or if there is, it's quieter! But it's really addictive so far and I'm only like... level 30 I think?

Rune Factory 4 and Harvest Moon pretty much consumed my entire last year. x.x
negumi said:
Holy shrimps, really?? :0 I just started playing Fantasy Life and it doesn't really seem like there's too much of a fandom or if there is, it's quieter! But it's really addictive so far and I'm only like... level 30 I think?
Rune Factory 4 and Harvest Moon pretty much consumed my entire last year. x.x
I've never seen a fandom myself, maybe one person a few months ago mentioned it, haha. It's a cute game, really disappointed me at the end though, I honestly felt like the main character never mattered. Get the dlc though, it's really fun and enables infinite play. I'm at like... 200 out of boredom.

Omg just realized I haven't seen the actual cartridge in months, I bet it's totally lost now. ;3;

Very cute games, last year was severely deprived of gaming for me. I need new ones so bad it hurts.
I've never seen a fandom myself, maybe one person a few months ago mentioned it, haha. It's a cute game, really disappointed me at the end though, I honestly felt like the main character never mattered. Get the dlc though, it's really fun and enables infinite play. I'm at like... 200 out of boredom.
Omg just realized I haven't seen the actual cartridge in months, I bet it's totally lost now. ;3;

Very cute games, last year was severely deprived of gaming for me. I need new ones so bad it hurts.

200!? I had no idea you could even get up that high! Does the game have a level cap? I'm about halfway through, I think. Just went to the Elderwood Village but yeah, I do get the sense that it's more of Butterfly's story than your own? It's kind of strange considering the whole premise is to "build your own fantasy world".

Oh, actually last year I lost my game case and all my games in it!! x.x So no I pretty much only do digital copies since losing them all was horrible. What systems do you have? If you have a wii or wiiu you should check out Okami (if you haven't played it already!). It's a really gorgeous game and has a pretty interesting storyline! It reminded me of Twilight Princess.
I can't recall... I believe I read somewhere it's around 2000, and many people have gotten there. I'm like, how?? Yeah, there isn't really any building at all, and aside from having characters accompany you later there's no more interaction, no dating, everything is about the butterfly. Was really bummed about that.

I like digital copies better, but my 3DS has very limited space and I can't afford a new chip for storage atm. I've played and finished both Okami and Twilight Princess, two of my absolute favorite games ever. Okami is so rich and gorgeous, haven't played in years, but I've so many memories!

I've a PS3, 3DS, and an N64 tucked way somewhere.
I can't recall... I believe I read somewhere it's around 2000, and many people have gotten there. I'm like, how?? Yeah, there isn't really any building at all, and aside from having characters accompany you later there's no more interaction, no dating, everything is about the butterfly. Was really bummed about that.
I like digital copies better, but my 3DS has very limited space and I can't afford a new chip for storage atm. I've played and finished both Okami and Twilight Princess, two of my absolute favorite games ever. Okami is so rich and gorgeous, haven't played in years, but I've so many memories!

I've a PS3, 3DS, and an N64 tucked way somewhere.

2000? x.x Yikes! I found it hard enough just reaching level 30! I feel like a game like this would have been really good to have dating elements to it (or maybe it was just my wishful thinking to romance Odin x.x).

TP and Okami are some of my favorites, too! Hmm... I think it'd be hard for me to think of a game that I've played that you haven't but I want to try and offer some suggestions! For ds/3ds I've played 999/Zero Escape which is really good and has a good bit of replay value since it has so many alternate endings, same with the game Catherine! I have that one for 360 but I think it's also for PS3. I play Story of Seasons too which is a Harvest Moon game and then Rune Factory Oceans which I think is also for PS3. hhhh I'm sure I'm forgetting some... Dragon Age and Bioshock I've played (only a bit of Bioshock, though). Oh! And for PC I've played Hatoful Boyfriend which sounds incredibly goofy at first but actually has a really amazing storyline!
Haha, completely agree. Loved him. Not as good a game I hoped, have to admit it wasn't worth the $40 :(

Haven't played many DS games, I usually only buy the handheld consoles for anything Pokemon, since it's a tradition of a sorts. (An expensive one, lol.) Catherine and Zero escape, got it! Rune Factory for PS3? I'd love that, definitely looking that one up first. Harvest moon games are relaxing, so I'm in. Haven't played Bioshock, really need to but I was considering fallout, first.

I've heard of that game! Sadly I don't PC game, can't afford the upkeep or the model, haha.
Haha, completely agree. Loved him. Not as good a game I hoped, have to admit it wasn't worth the $40 :(
Haven't played many DS games, I usually only buy the handheld consoles for anything Pokemon, since it's a tradition of a sorts. (An expensive one, lol.) Catherine and Zero escape, got it! Rune Factory for PS3? I'd love that, definitely looking that one up first. Harvest moon games are relaxing, so I'm in. Haven't played Bioshock, really need to but I was considering fallout, first.

I've heard of that game! Sadly I don't PC game, can't afford the upkeep or the model, haha.

Yeah! The Rune Factory was pretty challenging for me so I enjoyed it a lot. 999 and Catherine are both puzzle games but your choices in-game effect the story so there's a ton of endings you can get! I got one of the worst endings on Catherine. ^^; But for 999 since it's a mystery game you kind of have to get all the endings in order to solve the whole mystery!

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