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Blood Magic (negumi/PrincessToby)

It wasn't unlike Fern to avoid responsibility. In fact, many people would likely say that he did it out of habit by now. A boy his age should have a healthy sense or irresponsibility, Fern would argue, but even he knew how foolish that sounded. Fern didn't like to look foolish. Still, When you acted that way it gave you a sort of reputation. Fern's was one of a boy perhaps half his age who still liked playing with toy soldiers and idealized the thought of war and nobility. Since he was next in line for the throne, Fern had to make sure that people still thought of him as someone who they could trust with their lives and livelihoods as well as the decisions it took to be a true King. But as the years passed, it became more and more apparent that Fern was not going to grow up anytime soon.

No one in the castle objected when Fern was tossed out on his backside two years ago. He'd been given vague instructions to "get his life together" and then come back when he was good and ready to take his princely responsibilities seriously. Fern grimaced at the thought as he angrily took a bite of an apple.

'What a stupid order,' he thought to himself as he walked down the same dirt path he'd walked a hundred times before. 'I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing here much less how I'm supposed to take back my throne.' He sighed aloud, looking up at the tall wooden houses than loomed above them. Every single one of them was painfully familiar. He'd lived in this village for so long that he knew just about everyone and every place in it. The initial excitement of living in a new place had worn off a very long time ago and now Fern was left only with a residual sense of annoyance.

'Well... One day I'll take back the throne and then I won't have to see this boring old town anymore,' he thought. Things in this village were getting far too boring.
Jamie loved everything, and to make a statement like that wasn't even putting it lightly. He was the sort of person who didn't mind waking up at dawn each day, because it simply meant he could take advantage of the whole day he had been given. He was the sort to look at illnesses as a way to challenge a persons strength and death as a way to relieve a life well spent. It wasn't that he was particularly morbid or anything, he just had quite a way of looking on the bright side... of nearly everything.

He loved the small home he had grown up in. An attached town home with only four rooms that had belonged to his grandmother and was now fully his. He loved the way the sun shone into his bedroom window each morning, helping him wake and letting him know it was time to tend the plants. For the plants were the thing Jamie loved the most. He had been blessed with a bit of magic to help in their growing and if asked, would not have exchanged that power for anything. He was a nurturer and known as one of the towns best botanists, even though he was only nineteen. His green eyes never lit up more than when one of his plants was doing well, or one of his herbs was about to be used to help someone out.

Today was a day like most, Jamie was working in the shop. It was on the edge of the bustling town, with a lavish and lovely garden in the back for him to tend to. He often had one or two other workers, but today he had sent them out to retrieve some roots from the river side. Today he was cleaning up, fixing some broken pots and things of that nature. He wore a ragged apron with a flower painted on it, over his plain clothes that mostly consisted of a too big tunic. His shaggy, black hair was held back out of his face by a a piece of scrap fabric fashioned into a bit of a headband.
Fern had deposited the apple on the ground about halfway through his morning routine of walking around the village. It wasn't even that good. He could still taste the castle's food on his tongue and this village's food couldn't compare. He sighed, knowing good and well how much of a complainer he was being even if he didn't have anyone to actually complain to.

He reached up, running a hand through his short white-blonde hair as he sat on the edge of a raised garden. Lazily, he looked below. The garden held many brightly-colored roses and daffodils, the only flowers that he could name. The others ones were small, white buds and bursting purple flames whose petals ended in a bright red. Those he liked the most. Fern thought about reaching down to pick one of them but something stopped him. Did these belong to somebody?

Looking up, he scanned the horizon. There was a well nearby and a large compost heap in the back.

"Is this some sort of flower shop?" Fern asked aloud as he looked at the other flowers around him. This place was rather serene, and he couldn't quite place a name to this area though he knew he'd been here before.
Jamie bustled around the shop, fixing up things as he worked around. He was having a quiet day, but that was the sort of thing that he wanted on a day like this. The shop would get a head to toe cleaning and then it would stay that way for a week or two, until he had time to clean it again. He was glad that he was considered to be the head of the shop, because he could run things the way he wanted. He wasn't exactly particular about the cleaning and organizing.... well... actually he in fact was, but he always bit his tongue when the others were around.

When he had other people around he would simply smile and nod, acting as if all was well. He was that sort of person, always putting others needs before himself. It was also the reason he sent the others out to fetch him things on days like this when he needed to get things done.

It was about time for him to head out to the yard and see how things were going out there. He grabbed his watering pail and headed out the shops back door. Just as he was heading to the well, he noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye. "Oh! Hello there!" He said, turning with a smile. "Can I help you with something?"

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