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  1. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] A feast to Luna (Meeting with the Lunar guest)

    Night Without Moon Hati glanced at Chaos of the Moon and back to Luna, “If I understand the situation Lunars find themselves in now, many have been twisted into chimera. This individual must be quite something to have you speaking on his behalf.â€
  2. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] A feast to Luna (Meeting with the Lunar guest)

    Night Without Moon It was foolish to believe she could understand the mind of one of the great divinities, worse that the one present was the closest to a diety of the Wyld as ever could be. Hati made no pretenses to knowing the mind of her Exalter, but there were clearly some tasks that made...
  3. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] A feast to Luna (Meeting with the Lunar guest)

    Night Without Moon Hati’s eyes widened ever so slightly before she quickly found her feet and bowed low to their god(dess), the bright whimsical moon. “You honor us all with your time.†Perhaps she, the one who Exalted all of the silver could explain the breaking of the caste and the...
  4. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] A feast to Luna (Meeting with the Lunar guest)

    Night Without Moon Would she seem a bit rude now? Or simply too important? Ah well. “There are many glories that echo through this ship indeed, to go over them would take a great deal of time.†Hati smiled at the lady, “However, just as you’re interested in why our caste marks are...
  5. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] A feast to Luna (Meeting with the Lunar guest)

    Night Without Moon Hati smiled with sincerity. This neonate was small in power and presence, but as a link to the modern Lunar society she was critical. Key figures were always to be treated with kindness. How else could she have known to match her clothing with the southern feast than by...
  6. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

  7. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

    Hati would prefer to be in on the talk with the Lunar, but if Lothian wants to go solo, then she'll probably join/form an expedition for the materials to repair the Enterprise.
  8. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] In Difficult Ground

    Night Without Moon As Hati thought, there was no need to voice her objection to Paxton’s foolhardy proposal. Others pleasantly stated the obvious, leaving her to organize digital cards. She was glad that the ship was being moved; the owner of the unsettling door would surely want to...
  9. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

    That was exactly my point. Siddies may have been involved in this fall! WHO IS THIS SIDDIE!!!!!111!1! I'd be pretty freaked out if some guy in my house was acting like he knew me and everything about me when he fits the description for people who might've killed all my friends.
  10. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

    *laughs* The only ones who seem to be leading towards 'we all hate each other' seem to be Lieh and Paxton. Everyone else, while occassionally trampling other members or other having disagreeing views, haven't crossed the hate-you threshold that I've noticed. Also, how wonderful it will be to...
  11. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] In Difficult Ground

    Night Without Moon A smile came to Hati’s face, ready to make a quip about how the dinner wasn’t her event for the captain to invite himself to, but Paxton went suddenly returned to an older point in the conversation. A brow went up in small increments. Hadn’t they agreed to be cautious...
  12. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

    Hahahaha, I've a little army of buttons and I would gladly join in plotting. Is there much chance of getting a large collection of us on one medium or another at some point? Individual chatting is wonderful, but general consensus of any number of topics would be incredible.
  13. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] In Difficult Ground

    Night Without Moon Hati’s lips curled upward as she was reminded of a reason she liked Nightwish. Yes, the ship should be first priority and the collected should be reminded of that in case curiosities and jumping upon the cult distracted them from this fact. They could worry about dashing...
  14. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

    Whahahaha, sorry for my away. xD Both my net and health have been on the fritz! Both seem to be on the mend, however, so hopefully I will be making much speedier replies!
  15. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] In Difficult Ground

    Night Without Moon As the others whirled through their dance of emotions, Hati moved the cards on her infoPad about. Under her guiding fingers the cards for the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and the Earth formed the patterns necessary for winning over and over. An old game, probably one that would...
  16. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [Scouting North by Northeast] Water Water everywhere.

    Night Without Moon Hati was also ready to go.
  17. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [Scouting North by Northeast] Water Water everywhere.

    Night Without Moon Sigh. "If you and your men think they can handle it." Hati looked at Lieh, "So what are we doing with our new friend?"
  18. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [Scouting North by Northeast] Water Water everywhere.

    Night Without Moon "Hm." Hati murmered. "It's a good thing there was no one else here aside from the demon you banished. It seems that it might be an unwise idea to go to the manses that aren't responding properly." She studied the surface of the hearthstone, "This is the lead manse in this...
  19. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [Scouting North by Northeast] Water Water everywhere.

    Night Without Moon Hati stood up and received the hearthstone. Excellent. Between the map and what she sensed, they had a nice set of directions to nearby manses. Three would be easy to pick up, two might be difficult and the last might be a pain. She turned and headed back out to the main...
  20. Foxtailed_Teki

    [The Lost Shards Return] [Scouting North by Northeast] Water Water everywhere.

    Night Without Moon Once it was clear that Lieh would take more than a few minutes to complete whatever work she'd set herself to, Hati moved towards the true heart of the manse to attune and claim the stone, should it be there.