[The Lost Shards Return] [Scouting North by Northeast] Water Water everywhere.

Night Without Moon

Once it was clear that Lieh would take more than a few minutes to complete whatever work she'd set herself to, Hati moved towards the true heart of the manse to attune and claim the stone, should it be there.
Going through the old Solar's chamber you see that she was a person who loved lore. You recognize some of the books on theories both sorcerous and other. Quickly passing by it you get to what is likely the Hearth Stone room. Sitting pretty as could be a gem is floating in a column of water. The gem blends in nearly seamlessly with the fountain except for the swirling vortex slowly turning in the middle of it.

Settling yourself down to attune to the great manse you focus on the energy coursing through it. Over the hours you can feel the connections radiating out. Six of them, three still active. There energy coming in to the manse to help power it. Two of the other seem like the connection is mainly severed or changed and the last seems dark to your sense.

After you finish attuning it the stone passes out hanging on a thin bit of water waiting for you to take it.
Night Without Moon

Hati stood up and received the hearthstone. Excellent. Between the map and what she sensed, they had a nice set of directions to nearby manses. Three would be easy to pick up, two might be difficult and the last might be a pain.

She turned and headed back out to the main room.

"Done? I have the hearthstone." She held the stone out for Lieh to see.
A ping came upon their communication devices.

'Adamant Level Threat Warning: Use extreme discretion, stay covert if possible. Situation FUBAR. Will return as soon possible for detailed briefing. -Ulysses'
Night Without Moon

"Hm." Hati murmered. "It's a good thing there was no one else here aside from the demon you banished. It seems that it might be an unwise idea to go to the manses that aren't responding properly."

She studied the surface of the hearthstone, "This is the lead manse in this chain, so we should be able to at least check what defenses the three manses that are within normal operations have, right? Possibly take care of some before we arrive. We wouldn't have to reveal our Exalted status anymore than we already have if we prepare as we should."
Lieh Tzu

Adamant, he said? Yes indeed he did!So all Lieh's thoughts had come to this; the inevitable collapse of the Solar Deliberative, with all its failings. She swept up. "I believe we are leaving."

Her gaze turned the vast machine. Perhaps... it would be fitting to test this device...


Fiddling about with the parameters, she keyed in some minor soul and engaged the summoning.
The runes light up as you place the proper amount of essence in. The environs darken slightly as the condition optimize themselves to the summoning. A rift opens up as glowing chains of blue lash through it to drag the demon out. The demon is a large round sphere with a jagged mouth filled with serrated teeth. Above the mouth is a large eye that seems to be filled with colors unending as it looks out. Under the floating sphere are a dozen tentacles all ending in hooked claws.

It floats serenely as it looks about then looks at Lieh. “I am bound to your service it seems. Command me oh master.†It's tone sarcastic at the end.

Behind you the dragon blooded leave to see if they can make the submersibles function properly.

The leader of the detachment looks at Hatti. “Me and my men can scout out the other manses if you want to hurry back to the ship. We won't be that far behind but if it is an emergency it might be best if you and Lady Tzu hurry back.â€
Night Without Moon

Sigh. "If you and your men think they can handle it."

Hati looked at Lieh, "So what are we doing with our new friend?"
Lieh Tzu

"No need to call me master, sir Occule -- I am a firm proponent of equity. You are to accompany us to another location; with any luck your presence in this realm shall be short."

Lieh had never been fond of demon summoning, just as the treatment of the Primordials repulsed her. Not so much out of empathy for them (how does one have empathy for a cosmic principle?), but more out of a question of hypocrisy. Do the assembled Exalted host believe this is how one treats a surrendering enemy? Would they accept such treatment?


"I bring him home to make a point. And besides, they are interesting creatures, don't you agree? We should be off."

There was always the possibility this Adamant threat might be nearby.
“My lady we are well trained and can use the submersibles. We will have the geomancer with us and he can make sure we don't blunder into any arcane traps. Worst case we'll run. We will also keep the gibbering down to minimum if that happens.†You can hear the smile of the dragonblooded as he talks.

A slight chuckle from the demon at that. “So I'm a proof of concept for you. Then lead on oh traitorious one and I will put on a fine act for your circus.â€
Lieh Tzu

Lieh spun on her heel, clasping her hands together like an excited child. "Oh, a circus you say? Occule, can you juggle?"
"Of course, though I am working on my fire breathing trick. Can't seem to remember not to breath into the crowd yet." The demon rumbles as it slowly moves around the room looking about. "My magic act is to die for on the other hand."
Lieh Tzu

"Ah!" 'Twould be grand! Not only could she use him to make a point about the blasphemous occultic experiments going on in this age, she might make a show of it. "Please, you will have to make a show of it for my comrades -- " Then came the usual list of caveats -- can't use this to turn on us, no actually sawing anyone in half, the sword-through-the-box trick has to actually let the volunteer survive, and so on -- "I am sure you will receive much acclaim, oh Occule!"
"Such acclaim would be still my corrupted heart. I am sure I will see unique experiences."

As you are conversing with the demon the dragon blooded have been getting the devil-rays ready to deploy. Checking everything to make sure it is in good working order. Preparing to leave. The Occulus is looking around the manse as you make your preparations.
Lieh Tzu

"Your oversoul was stationed here. Do you know who assembled this machine?" Lieh asks, softly, out of earshot of the rest.
Lieh Tzu

Interesting. She will have to have a chat with this fellow. In any case, Lieh is prepared to leave.
With quick preparations the teams set out from the manse. The lunars heading back to the ship as a detachment heads to check out the other manses. The demon floats serenly behind Lieh as the chariot returns to the Enterprise.

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