[The Lost Shards Return] [Scouting North by Northeast] Water Water everywhere.

Night Without Moon

She shifted her weight between her talons before shedding the skin in favor of her war form, “Devil Rays could be useful.†So would be the materials used in making Devil Rays. Hati crouched and ran a finger over the surface of the wreckage she stood on. “Do you think the pay off worth facing Water that Thought? I can’t image it’ll be friendly if it destroyed this ship.â€

Hati is checking to see if the ship's wreckage is worth salvaging for parts/materials. The perception plus awareness roll yielded

six successes.
You notice one further over used to be a First Age ship. You can likely salvage it if you get a team to grab it.
Lieh Tzu

"Hmm? Oh, should be simple enough to banish him. You and Jiro need only guard me long enough to for me to execute the spell, and he will be returned safely to Malfeas."
Night Without Moon

She grinned, "Well then, chose the spot you'd like to cast from and let us begin. We aren't getting any younger."
OOC: the tainted water isn't the things body. It has a small node somewhere in the middle where it's controlling the water from.
Lieh Tzu

Don't worry.

We have a plan.

Activating Beast Power Concentration -- this enables my Warform with no physical alteration, thus allowing me to operate my powered armor easily.
Night Without Moon

When Lieh looked prepared, Hati walked to a neighboring chunk of ship and pulled it out of the water. Turning, Hati threw it towards the reef with full force. Hopefully the demon would equate it with an attack and come up to greet them. She readied her wave cleavers in the meantime.
With a flare of light a shimmering field of blue appears where the keel of a ship would of struck. Suddenly the water drops about five feet and a series of large water tentacles rise from the water. You notice the wood touching the tainted water sizzles and starts to melt as if it was a powerful acid.

Join battle of a 3, please roll.
Night Without Moon

"Looks like it worked," Hati remarked with a madcap grin. No running on the water would make this an interesting challenge, but she'd have to be grabbed to be forced to hit the surface.

Lieh Tzu

Lieh uses the Meerkat Alertness Practice.

14 successes!

Lieh raises her arms in a triumphant gesture, fingers forming a sign of victory. Torrents of Lunar essence erupt from her spine as her banner jumps to life. The tendrils take hold of the demon and prepare to banish it.

Casting Sapphire Circle Banishment.
The water rised higher and higher the ocean growing turbulent when Lieh-Tzu flashed a series of hand symbols invoking the Sapphire Banishment. His anima flaring to full power as he pours an almost visible amount of essence into the spell. Mere moments after their wills clash a flash of light is barely seen inside the manse as the water comes tumbling down. Creating a roiling mess of waves including a massive one that comes from the water settling.

Roll Dex/Athletics to maintain footing and avoid the waves as the ocean settles.

Banishment does not apparently need line of sight to work.

Lieh grabs hold of Jiro. Jiro grabs the side with his teeth. His snakes also grab onto whatever they can reach. He's useful that way.

Using the First Dexterity Excellency to add 4 dice to the roll.

Two successes.
Sorry you needed 4 to stay on your wreckage. The waters where to much for you. The Acid is quite powerful. You take 5L/Action Trauma 5 this is environmental damage
Night Without Moon

Why stay on the wreckage of a feeble ship when a giant wave of acid came barreling down when the air was so close? As easily as Hati lost the eagle's form before she reclaimed it and took to the air. Seeing Lieh misstep, Hati circled above the other Lunar.
Lieh Tzu

Already the acid water started to eat at her skin.

Where there's a Lunar there's a way.

Lieh reached into the belt around her armor, finding the appropriate vial and clicking it open.

...ah, sweet safety of the air. May she never trade it for acidic waters again!
Night Without Moon

Seeing her comrade safe from the acid waters, Hati drifted down back onto the wreckage once the wave passed. She took up her warform once more in case more than the demon were set to guard the manse. "Do you need a break? Your anima is spectacular."
Lieh Tzu

"Ah, yes. That would be lovely." Lieh looked back at the lightshow. "Quite spectacular, yes? No fun to be had in risks with a demon like that."

She retires to the skimmer to gather up her essence and calm her anima banner. Jiro looks worried, as he is wont to do.
At the Chariot one of the men salutes. “My Ladies if you wish us to be first through we will do it gladly. I am sure that we can survive and get to the control center intact.â€
A grin at her. “My lady we are the chosen of the Dragons. A little acid would just give us an excuse to make large tales.†A slight joking to his tone.
Night Without Moon

"Well, I can hardly stand in the way of another tall tale to add to our collections." Hati turned to stare at the water, "I will be coming with. Lieh took care of the demon without any assistance on my part but spent enough energy I'd like some to stay behind with her just in case." A glance at the leader, "You may choose who shall go and who will remain here."
A bow. “Thank you my lady. I and the two water castes will come with. I figure we can come at a sharp angle and hit the water at speed. Use the skimmer's guns to break the water up as we hit and then go as fast as possible. Please let use take point. Your loss would be greater then this entire unit. We will need you if there are any dangers within.â€
Lieh Tzu

She observed this exchange before retreating into quiet meditation. She would follow soon enough, her essence restored. She had faith in Hati -- they had seen much together.

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