[The Lost Shards Return] In Difficult Ground

The bosun would look down at the map as he scratches his chin. “My lady, one problem that I can see. If the Terrestials did go into popular revolt then the area around mount Meru would have been prime real state. If the sword is working then they likely have an army sitting on it and defenses to stop the Enterprise. I'll gladly serve and fight for it if you order but I'm just thinking it might not be the best to dive head first into the maelstrom.â€

She lets out a sigh. "No, of course we won't be doing that. I can always wish for the easy way out for once, can't I?" Ailera gives a little chuckle. "And I don't suppose that the current group of ruling Dragon Blooded will want to just hand over control of the most powerful weapon ever made to us just because we ask, and we don't have the strength to fight our way in. So, we try a different approach. Instead of flying the Enterprise in where she would be destroyed, a small party on foot. The Solars we have on board ship now are far stronger than anything running around on Creation, and we should be able to make our way into the heart of the Sword and take control. Easier said than done, of course. Before doing this I would like to add a few second circle demons to our ranks to aid in this." She looks up for a moment in thought. "What is the current date according to the local calendar? How long is it until Calibration? If there is a short wait, a third circle demon added to our side couldn't hurt."
"If I may be so bold, Your Excellency," says Ayame tentatively, "would it not be wise to investigate the situation on the Blessed Isle thoroughly before risking the lives of any Celestials? As I said earlier to my lord Ulysses, you and your Exalted peers are all that is left of the lawful government of Creation. And, tactically, the loss of even one of your Excellencies would weaken us significantly.

"It might be the better part of valor to have a few Terrestrials visit the Isle first, to perform reconnaissance and identify at least some of the hazards your team will face."
"Well, funny you should mention the Isle...it seems there is, or was, a powerful being in control. The Scarlet Empress, and a false religion put in place, the Immaculate Order, which is in charge of finding new Celestials and slaying them in grand fashion. Celebrated as heroes for their treason, but, alas, they have been fed these lies since their birth...wiping out this current Realm does not punish those guilty...in fact, I wonder if any of those guilty even remain anymore...it has been quite some time. Anyways, here's the primers on the Immaculate Faith, and Realm history...mind you, as with alot of this other information, this is all heavily filled with propaganda and lies...they wouldn't allow me the rest of the files, but, at least this will let us know what the world believes is reality."

Ulysses went over, piece by piece, a collection of maps and books

"Some maps of major wyld zones and fae courts, details missing...a minor primer on prominent yozi cults, details missing... maps of well-known shadowlands, details missing... well, I think you get the idea. However, something incredibly disconcerting has come to my attention, which I think needs immediate resolution, and could possibly hold a key to fixing some of these problems."

He patted a large black leather bound book, with an iron padlock.

"It seems a new threat has only recently surfaced upon our scarred and broken home, that needs to be stopped before it consumes what is left. This is a primer on deathlords. Mind you, it appears there are only a few known ones, and sources hint at maybe a dozen or so in total. Their powers, or what ones they have written in here, seem to be on par with experienced Celestials, even the most noble Sun Kings. They wield necrotic Essence, command armies of the dead, spread death, famine, and shadowlands where they march, but, most disconcerting is their most powerful servants, known as deathknights. These writings barely tell anything beyond a few encounters, and how to identify them from merely powerful ghosts..."

He opened the page, describing weapons of soulsteel, blood drinking fiends, and, most disconcerting of all, unholy symbols that marked their brows. Ulysses merely shook his head as he looked at the page once more. Had his brethren truly had a reason to kill the Solars? If those they had left behind had fallen to this...
He looked to Aleira, "By summoning demons we also allow them to be aware of our existence, and possibly our plight. And in kind that means the Yozis themselves become aware of such things. Many of them, I am sure, would enjoy nothing more than to rid themselves of us given what we represent. This might also apply to the assorted gods and elementals in kind. Given the original order of things compared to now we might very well have quite a bit of opposition to changing things. And last, but certainly not least, I do not care for politics, especially if we try to do things as they were done before. Something in the old ways didn't work and brought about this, so I would recommend we avoid looking to control our fellow Exalted. There may be a chance that some of those we knew are still around, and if so that makes them very old, very powerful, and very-well connected."

He looked to Ulysses. "Thank you for bringing us these primers, as dreaded as they might be given the context. These are new threats we know only so much as this tome tells us. We do not know their level of power, what they are capable of, or where they truly come from. And if they are truly connected to the Underworld than much has changed, obviously, there as well that is unaccounted for. Which means, at some point, we may wish an expedition to find out more information."

Looking to them all, "We are in need of allies, resources, and connections as well. We have, perhaps, the greatest First Age arsenal in all of Creation, with much of it in need of repairs. We also have a vast understanding of many of the tools, techniques, magic, Charms, and equipment used in the High First Age. This gives us a great advantage indeed. And we also understand this false religion, this Immaculate Order, to be truly false and an insult to the Heavenly Mandate. We can provide much to these people of Creation and perhaps do better than our fallen brethren did before us. We must be wise about our actions. And in doing so much can be accomplished."
"I agree with you, we should do some research, beyond what these books ask. I do have some level of protection in Heaven, it seems, but, I do not know how far these graces go. My personal suggestion would to be to fix local problems, and pry the lies from their eyes by what our kind does best, saving the world. Then they will see the truth of this world, despite centuries of false prophets."
General Wolf

Wolf picked up the Glyph Reader he had placed on the table, pressed a button to recall a report, and turned towards Nightwish. "While I agree with your qualms about summoning demons, I am afraid that it may be too late for such precautions. Mistress Tzu, in disregard of the protocol surrounding an Adamant Alert, has already brought a demon on board the ship."

Wolf rotated his chair back towards Aleira, "I think, therefore, that it would be most wise if one of us proceeded immediately to wherever this demon is being kept, and performed the Ghost Eating Technique upon it, so that it can not share any further secrets with its Yozi masters. Simple banishment would only send it back to its patrons to report more swiftly. I do not see the harm in further summoning, supposing of course that summoning takes place away from the ship, and the demons in question are not made aware of the ship's location. While it is now likely too late to hide our ship's return from the Yozis, at least we can confound them as to our location. I agree that we must look towards regaining control of the Sword, but I think it would be unwise to go there first. I agree with all the plans and points you stated Aleira, but I think we should first make sure we have somewhere safe to set the Enterprise before we strike for the Sword, given that our return could have already been betrayed to the Yozis."

Wolf sighed, "On the subject of demons, I was very distressed by a note in this report. A device which attempts to abrogate the judgement of the Unconquered Sun and the sanctity of the Surrender Oaths is an unconscionable blasphemy against the Incarnae. It must be dismantled immediately. Aleira, would you be willing to oversee the dismantling, or should I assign some of the sorcerer-engineers to handle the task?"
Leih Tzu

"I have already dismantled the components responsible for releasing demons from their oaths. As it is, the machine is merely a device that summons demons at no cost to the summoner. A useful tool if we mean to repulse the fair folk, don't you agree?"
Wolf raised an eyebrow, "Your report was nonspecific on that point."

Wolf is activating Judge's Ear in response to the statement; please flag any lies or half-truths spoken for the rest of the scene. Wolf's essence is high enough to win roll-off from the auto-successes, presuming anyone has a charm that contests the auto-detection effect. (Also, was that statement truth or a lie?)

Wolf continues with a slight wave of his hand, "Presuming they retain their status as Creatures of Darkness, the blasphemous nature of the device is less of an issue, though I am not entirely comfortable with leaving such a thing in existence. If you recall the furor that raged through the deliberative when Devon first innovated The Time Is Now, and the subsequent efforts to ban its use without authorization from the Sidereals, I'm sure you can understand the potential danger of such a device, even in its limited form. You were able to subvert control of the device in an afternoon and bring a demon into Creation; think of the potential peril if a foe gained possession of that device, and subverted it just as quickly. We'd have to permanently station a guard contingent to prevent such an occurrence, lest an unnoticed foe sneak up and arrest control of it and turn its powers against us all. As much as I agree that it would be a very helpful resource in the coming fight, I think we'd be taking far too great a risk allowing it to continue to exist. If we need the services of demons for battle, we can simply summon them normally.
The demon is only a first circle demon. Lieh changed it to summon a lesser demon as a proof of concept.
Reaver said:
The demon is only a first circle demon. Lieh changed it to summon a lesser demon as a proof of concept.
Oops. The thread was unclear on that point; edited Wolf's responses to remove the reference to the specific circle of the demon. The reasoning still stands. Ignoring the time parameters for demon summoning is really high essence solar magic, and dangerous stuff to have running about.
Lieh Tzu

OOC said:
Lieh has not said anything deceptive so far. If she has, that's an error on my part.
"More or less. However, simply because the device can be subverted does not make it useless; it would take some effort, yes, but I imagine it would be entirely possible to install safeguards and defenses into it, along with a self-destruct mechanism we could activate remotely. The weaknesses in its design are not insurmountable, and it strikes me as terribly unimaginative to ignore what uses it has for the problems it currently suffers from. Might I have a time to work on it and overcome such flaws? The device has struck my interest." Lieh sipped her glass, thoughtfully.
He sighed knowing how stubborn Lieh could be and not unlike a certain other powerful Solar Sorceress... "All the same, I have given my suggestions. The one limitation that I will not budge on is there will be no experimentation of any kind with such Artifacts or Sorcery on my ship. That can be done in Creation. "
Lothian leaned forward. "If I may, I do apologize for not having a formal report in as yet, but I have uncovered some information that should prove useful about the region and the current state of the Silver Pact. I have a map here of the nearby region. It was uncovered at the manse I located and I have made contact with some locals. Previous to your communication Ulysses, but I have tied it up as best I could for now. It seems a few Lunars have a.. group of followers and they were negotiating with a Fae court for rights to the manse. I came upon the Fae first and we fought through the guard to gain entry to the manse. I attempted to get information out of a diplomat, but he soon deduced that I must be from the "death ship" and I did not let him leave with that knowledge.

That, however, is not the most interesting part. Soon after two Lunars arrived at the manse and I was able to get the rough idea of the state of creation. The elder has gone back to his people, but promised to spread no word of our arrival for one month. He granted me his student to fill in gaps in history and appraise us of the state of the Silver Pact. She awaits without."

Lothian frowns and continues, "They spoke of losing castes and chimerism induced by their flight to the Wyld perhaps. It seems I may be one of if not the only half moon remaining... The Pact scattered to the Wyld and has had to treat with the Fae it seems, and even in some cases work together against common enemy, these deathlords you speak of. They tattoo themselves with moonsilver to prevent chimerism. As best I can tell there are few elders left, at least that maintain a connection with the Pact. Still, there is at least some organization left among Lunars, and allies and information surely would be most easily gotten there."

"I will, of course, obey all the rules and regulations that govern conduct on the Enterprise. With that in mind, I would like to requision some supplies to make a temporary lab to study the device, and perhaps learn more about how it works. Any machine that allows a demon to bypass the regulations of Heavan must be handled with care."
Night Without Moon

As the others whirled through their dance of emotions, Hati moved the cards on her infoPad about. Under her guiding fingers the cards for the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and the Earth formed the patterns necessary for winning over and over. An old game, probably one that would not be popular in this new Creation, all the suits needed to mingle –coexist- before victory could occur. She didn’t look up as the game reset to Lieh and Paxton’s exchange. The cards made the patterns she dictated, moved by decades of practice.

She politely looked up during her mate’s lecture of solidarity and took her time under his gaze unflinching. Hati had no guilt. What looked like inattendance to the matter at hand was a cool contrast to the other’s heated showboating, and she was not apathetic to shock. She attended directly to the words of their terrestrial companions. If they were to lead, they needed to be calm and reassuring to those working along side and below them. What were the Exalted if they couldn’t even competently lead?

When Ulysses handed out the pamplets on the new Immaculate Order, Hati eagerly took a set. Perhaps everyone would calm down if they played a game comparing this false religion to all the cults that had come before? Given the propagandist nature of the words her eyes flicked over, it wouldn’t be difficult to do. She smiled slightly before returning to her card game. She couldn’t even think of her Anathema title with anything other than bemusement in that context.

At Lothian’s words, Hati’s movement in the pattern making paused. Now, these were concerns of much more immediacy to her. Castes breaking and chimeras sounded dire and impossible. How did a caste mark break? To have the very intentions of Luna defied? It was a greater concern to Hati than the revolting Lunar who led others to eat their own kind. That one’s death was a pleasing end. Hati’s firm belief a Lunar who guided such atrocities should end in breaking bones, severing muscles and finally a giant pyre to mourn the lost potential and to create the smoke to waft the silver shard back to the beauteous moon.

Though Hati was distracted from an immediate reply by Ailera’s words; it looked as the two sorcerers would need to speak about who got that device as a new project.

She shook her head, “Lothian, I am interested to speak with this young Lunar. It also seems of the factions we’ve touched upon so far, they are the least likely to lie to us. Surely someone will wish to make friends to new found Elders. Perhaps even, as a part of our dealing with the Silver Pact, we can find others than our unfortunate Fifth to teach?

“Ah, that does remind me of something that our dear Bosun and lovely Ayame nearly touched upon. I too vote in favor for caution at least in the short term. While in the Wyld, the Enterprise caught our shards to elevate one of its residents. Should we die in Creation, our shard will just become one of the many likely to choose a brave and noble, but still impossibly uninformed, individual in Creation.â€

She tapped various parts of the projected map. Creation had shrunk, a small pathetic version of itself, but it was still immense enough to be of note. "Any part in Creation."
"Each of you has your particular role and area of focus. And we have all depended on and trusted those decision in such times. Nothing should change that as it kept us strong and together even in the midst of the deepest Wyld. I am a captain and I guide the ship, and the crew, while keeping us together and on course. I shall continue to hold to my role."

He stood up and stretched and briefly noticed his mate working through her strategies and such as she liked to do. He could tell from her balanced expressions that she, not unlike himself, was not fond of the pomp, the showcasing, or politics. Unfortunately for him he was chosen as an Eclipse and such was his place in the grand scheme of things. "I am open to any and all project ideas that you all might have, with the understanding that we should all be aware of these things so as not to step on each others' feet or hamstring all of us in the long run. So with that in mind the ship is first priority for resources as I am sure you would all agree that it is a great asset in many of ways. And it is the closest thing we have to home right now.

He looked to the Bosun, "I will want the crew educated on the basics of Creation in its current state while making them all aware that we, to include all of the Celestials, do not hold any of them responsible, nor look at them with suspicion or prejudice given such past events."
Cross had just lisnened at the rather expanding list of threats creation faced and more and more and kissed goodbye his chances of any R and R within the next few years.

He just sighed at Paxton and Lieh's continued arguement, that was just pathetic.

So, they had the wyld, the new dragon blooded realm, the siderals and ultra powerful ghosts to worry about, and that was just the threats they knew about. With the gods apparently now sitting on their asses all day, who knew what the yozis were up to.

On the other hand, those lunars they mentioned heralded good news.

"I agree we should make friends with those lunars you mentioned. We need every ally we can get. On the other, I need to urge you to caution about them. We met a freak of a lunar. Completly mutated, bugfuck crazy, and dangerous. Had to put the bastard down. Don't know if its one of a kind or if that's common, but we need to take in accounat that solar or lunar exalted here doesn't always mean good news now. In the meantime, I'll have some recon down to find some place we can land the ship at and get supplies."
Lothian nods, "I would much like to rush to learn more, but as you point out captain, we each have our duties here. I will ensure what operational weapons we have on board are ready for use and work with Paxton to detail security plans once we reach the landing site. In the rest of my time I will do what I can to fulfill my promise regarding our lunar guest, Chaos of the Moon. She is under my personal protection for the duration of her visit so please see me if there are any issues. I will arrange some time for a meeting of minds Lady Hati, perhaps a dinner with the Lunars on board."

"Regarding the local tension between Lunars and Fae, I think perhaps the locals will know best what their situation requires, but I find it hard to negotiate with Fae as may be needed. Especially after all they have taken." Lothian gestures to the shrunken map of creation. "I will not go back on my word to protect this tribe, but should they wish an alliance with these Fae... I may beseech one of you friends more inclined to keep to such a mission."
"Personally, I prefer the essence cannon school of diplomacy when it comes to fair folk.... just my opinion."
Night Without Moon

Hati’s lips curled upward as she was reminded of a reason she liked Nightwish. Yes, the ship should be first priority and the collected should be reminded of that in case curiosities and jumping upon the cult distracted them from this fact. They could worry about dashing through Creation and leaving a wake of corrective influences after the Enterprise was fully functional once more. And of course, the urge to educate their soldiers so they would actually be useful at the same time as assuring them they would not be punished for something they could not have been a part of.

The captain having the generals well in hand, Hati refocused upon the pleasant topic of the modern Lunar. Cross shouldn’t feel like it was a ‘had to’ but a ‘glad to’. No good would come to leaving a corrupted version of themselves if they were to be a holy beacon leading all to a glorious future. She felt, and thought Cross should as well, draw comfort from the fact that a great deal might be explained by this ‘chimera’ process. If the modern Lunars found a way about it, then they could enforce measures against the downfall of more of the Silver Pact.

“I would love dinner,†Hati remarked with an easy smile. She could not and would not ask about a split in Lothain’s responsibility though she was eager to spend time with this neonate. Let the sorcerers be the eve’s unfortunate double up on one project. Besides, if there was a threat it was fair that their entire silver circle know it. “I think we may be able to leave off scheduling a dancing partner with the fae until we are certain what type of dance we’ll do.â€

She wasn’t any more eager to treaty with the fae than Lothain and knew the hulking form of her brother held a view more dismal on the subject than the two of them put together. It was, after all, his job before the Enterprise to fight the never ending chaos and all its manifestations.
Ayame bows to the Captain. "On the subject of diplomacy, I would suggest that the girl you rescued be sent to stay among us until your Excellencies find it convenient to return her to her family. If she is indeed of Gentle birth, it is only proper --" And she'll feel a lot safer with Dragon-Blooded than with you, given what we've heard about attitudes in Creation, goes unsaid, "--and we might learn things from talking with her. Also, if her family is of Terrestrial blood, they could be helpful in the future."
Looking to Ayame he nodded, "By all means. I think there is a lot to be learned while her being most likely to speak amongst her own kind....especially given the current thoughts of Celestials. Please let me know how she comes along."

Feeling that was settled he looked to his mate. "My dear, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe something caught from the sea...", He said almost wistfully with a small show of euphoria.

Paxton cannot help but smirk as he recalls all those complaints from the era he left; miserly whining over the expense and need for super-weapons like a Directional Titan, for training such immense armies, for walking out into the Wyld or Hell itself to test their mettle... He wonders who whines about such things now.

"Forgive the interruption, but if anyone should go to the Blessed Isle, it's me." Paxton states proudly. "I've never met man nor beast nor... Anything else, for that matter, which could find me when I did not wish to be found. I can go, investigate, and report back with fine clarity."

"Of course," he adds, "I wouldn't put myself before the will of my peers. If any of you would bid me stay away from it, I can put myself to use elsewhere. I'm simply positing where might be the best use of my talents."
Night Without Moon

A smile came to Hati’s face, ready to make a quip about how the dinner wasn’t her event for the captain to invite himself to, but Paxton went suddenly returned to an older point in the conversation. A brow went up in small increments. Hadn’t they agreed to be cautious, and besides that, it was best to gather more information before charging into the heart of these long-aged and well-secured cultists? Possibly sending in some of the dragon blooded simply because they could walk into a place and not cause a riot and/or several attempts on their lives simply for existing?

Of course, the details weren’t hashed that finely yet, but Hati believed the bureaucratic system would support future meetings for everyone to argue about the little things. She simply wished that the time for playing cards on the infoPad had passed in this meeting.

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