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  1. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    "Yeah," Kokoro looked next to her again, seeing Tsuki "Oh, and this is my brother, Tsuki. He doesn't know many students here.."
  2. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    Kokoro looked surprised as Mikayla weaved past them. "There's a Werepanther here? I thought they were near extinction.." she shook her head and looked at Logan, "This is Erabella," pointing to Erabella "and this is Arson" pointing to Arson. Tsuki slowly walked towards the small crowd at the...
  3. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}

    Accepted :) The normal amount of classes would be 5 at the Academy. But more are just fine.
  4. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    Kokoro smiled and looked at the two when she heard her brother come over. "So how have you been?" She said, asking to no one is particular
  5. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}

    That's fine :)
  6. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    Kokoro smiled, nodding.
  7. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}

    Sure, just edit your post on his info and put then and your accepted.
  8. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}

    Accepted :)
  9. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    Kokoro sighed "Thank you..But I'm certainly not lovely.." she said, smiling slightly
  10. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    "I'm Kokoro, by the way" she said, taking another few sips of her water.
  11. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    Kokoro smiled "Thank you." she took a sip and stop drinking for a second. "May I ask of your names?"
  12. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    "Umm, yeah, I'm fine." Kokoro said, drinking more water.
  13. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    Kokoro smiled "Sorry, I'm always in the way of something.." she said, moving a few steps away from the vending machine and drinking her water in big gulps. She finished in just half a minute and got another water and muttered under her breath. "Anything to stop the craving for blood" Tsuki...
  14. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}

    The only thing wrong with this is that Blaze's nickname cannot be Tsuki. My character's name is Tsuki, and I don't want to get things mixed up, so please change that first ^^
  15. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    Kokoro walked to a vending machine nearby, and bought a small bottle of water. She swallowed the water in big gulps to quench her sudden thirst for blood.
  16. iLozer

    I got your message about my Roleplay. I haven't been able to get on the laptop, nor get wifi for...

    I got your message about my Roleplay. I haven't been able to get on the laptop, nor get wifi for an internet connection. I'm sorry for replying late. I'll get to that right away. :)
  17. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}

    All Accepted :)
  18. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

    Kokoro sat on the bench outside, watching the other students as they passed by.
  19. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}

    Accepted :)
  20. iLozer

    Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}

    Meant to post this is Character Sheets..Sorry! Rules [*=center]No Godmodding [*=center]Nobody's Perfect! [*=center]Don't kill unless it's okay. [*=center]Anime only. [*=center]No humans allowed! [*=center]Makes a Girl for every guy. Vice Versa. [*=center]I have the right to add more...