Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

Flower chuckled. "Just alittle joke." She said and then looked at the tree branch. She looked at Sky who was falling asleep. She smiled at Sky and then looked at Zukate. "Hmm...wind?" She chuckled.
Zukate looked at her, "what do you mean? It fell down from the wind?" he asked, smiling at her slightly, then looking around.
Flower shrugged. "Why not? It gets pretty windy sometimes." She looked at him and then looked back to see a Black german shepherd running around. She smiled, it was Hunter. She whistled and the dog came running. She sat down beside her.
Zukate laughed slightly of the arrival of yet another pet, "you've got a lot of pets." he said, grinning at the dog, sky and her. He smiled to himself and spun his hand around as fast as he could, trying to use air powers to make a large gust of wind, yet all he could do was make a very very light breeze since he hardly ever practiced with air.
Kokoro walked to a vending machine nearby, and bought a small bottle of water. She swallowed the water in big gulps to quench her sudden thirst for blood.
Logan was walking in a hallway looking for something to do. He sighed and rubbed his head. "Hmmm....what to do what to do." He said and then stopped looking at a girl. He sighed and then looked around. He went to the vending machine and then looked at the girl. "Excuse me." He said putting in a dollar and then getting a coke.

Flower smiled and nodded. "Only these two trouble makers." She said watching as Sky landed on Hunter's head. Hunter didn't seem to mind. She just sat tere wagging her tail. Flower looked at him and then looked around. "Well I think I better check what these guys want....probably food. You can come if you like."
Zukate smiled slightly at her and her pets, "if you're alright with that. I doubt we'll have to worry about my sister showing up and throwing me into something else. I don't see her that much these days." he said, grinning at her weakly.

Aleasa looked at a vending machine and sighed as it started to get crouded around, she walked past another one that only had 2 people; she walked over to it and looked at the people, giggling to herself and got some water from it. kicking Zukky into trees is thirsty workshe thought to herself, drinking the water.
Logan looked at the other girl who had gotten herself some water. He smiles slightly at her and then took a gulp of his coke. He looked at the two girls and then smiled. "Hello." He said not really in the mood to pull out something stupid to say about how pretty they are. He looked around and then back at them trying to make new friends.

Flower nodded and then petted sky and Hunter. She whistled and they got up following her inside the school. She stopped and looked back at him with a smile. She made a new friend it seemed. However....he was cutting into her sword training time. She had to get her sword from her room and go someone alone. She didn't want to leave this guy alone though.
Zukate looked at Flower slightly confused, "you ok? You seem... distant." he said, grinning at her and, weirdly, running his hand through his red and black hair.
Flower looked at him and then blinked. "Hm? Oh yes, just thinking is all." She smiled at him and then looked as she got to her room an opened the door. Hunter and Sky ran in and went to their food bowls eating. Flower giggled and refilled their water as well. She walked out and smiled at Zukate. "They're all set." She said now holding a sword behind her back.
Zukate smiled at her, "that's good to hear. Wait what've you got behind your back?" he said, trying to see behind her.

Aleasa paused in drinking her drink and smiled at the boy, "hello." she said back, then leaned against the wall, watching the two people.
Flower looked at him and then smiled. "" She showed him her sword. It was fine crafted and had jewels on the handle. It was light weight but strong. She unsheathed the silver blade with gold swirls and a lovely blue lining on the eage of the sharp sword and tip. "I do fencing." She said and then smiled. "Also known as Sword fighting."
Zukate stared in awe at the amazing sword, "it's so pretty." he said, smiling at it looking like he wanted to touch it, "must have been expensive, eh?" he said, looking at the door to the right of hers and walking in, then walking back out a second later with a clentched fist, closing the door behind himself.
Flower blinked and sheathed the sword. She watched him and then tilted her head as he came back out. She leaned against the wall as she wondered what he was doing.
Zukate smiled at her and secretly put the thing in his hand into his pocket, "Have you got that out to practice? Can I watch?" he asked, grinning at the beautiful sword.
Flower smiled and nodded. "Yeah...and yes you can watch if you like." She said and then put the sword's sheath around her waist. "Come on then." She said and then walked outside trying to find an open area, where there were no people. She found a nice spot and then walked over.
Zukate sat in grass a bit of a distance from Flower so he wouldn't get hit then he watched her, waiting for her to start. He began to play with a tall bit of grass.
Flower looked at him and then pulled out her sword. She moved fasted and was very balanced in her movements. She jumped and spun with ease and landed perfectly. She was great with her sword.
Kokoro smiled "Sorry, I'm always in the way of something.." she said, moving a few steps away from the vending machine and drinking her water in big gulps. She finished in just half a minute and got another water and muttered under her breath. "Anything to stop the craving for blood"

Tsuki was sitting down on a bench near the big fountain in the middle of the school campus. He watched the other students quietly, looking for some old friends from last year.
Logan looked at her and then smiled. "You seem very thristy are you ok?" He asked and then crossed his arms wondering what was wrong. He looked at the other girl and then back at Kokoro. He wasn't sure if he should give them his name or something.
Zukate glared at her in awe, amazed at her skills with the sword.

Aleasa smiled at the girl, "that's ok." she said, hearing what she muttered, but ignoring it.
Aleasa smiled at her, "here, let me get you another." she said, before Kokoro had finished the second bottle. Aleasa was tempted to just kick the bottom of the machine like she used to, but just put money in and got Kokoro another drink then handed it to her.
Kokoro smiled "Thank you." she took a sip and stop drinking for a second. "May I ask of your names?"
Flower continued and then stopped panting slightly. "Hm..." She set down the blade and then looked at Zukate. "..." She looked up at the sky and then smiled. " was that?" She asked sitting down.

Logan looked at her and nodded. "I see....I'm Logan." He said to the two girls and smiled. He looked behind him real quick.

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