Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

Aleasa smiled at Kokoro and bowed a little, "the name is Aleasa, and yours?" she asked, pressing a foot against the wall and folding her arms.
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]Flower continued and then stopped panting slightly. "Hm..." She set down the blade and then looked at Zukate. "..." She looked up at the sky and then smiled. " was that?" She asked sitting down.
Logan looked at her and nodded. "I see....I'm Logan." He said to the two girls and smiled. He looked behind him real quick.

Repost incase you guys didn't see it.
(yeah, I saw it just happened to be half way through when you posted and didn't see it till after >.>")

Zukate smiled at her, "That was amazing!" he said, grinning widely at her.

Aleasa nodded at Logan, "nice to meet you." she said, looking up at the roof.
Logan smiles and nods. "It's very nice to meet two lovely ladies as yourselves." He said chuckling and then put his hands in his pockets. He looks at them and then pushes his hat up so he could see them better.

Flower smiled and nodded. "Thanks." She looked around and saw a boy sitting alone. She looked back at him and picked up her sword sheathing it. "Just to let you know I rarely let people watch me." She said with a smile.
Zukate smiled at her, "but why, you're so good at it." he said, grinning at her sheathed sword then at her.

Aleasa looked around the area, "I only see one lovely lady." she said, glancing at every spot.
Flower shrugged. "This is a school you know." She said smiling a bit and then looked around. "It's not like I can show this off all the time I mean I might get in trouble." She said looking at him and then at her sword sighing a bit.

Logan laughs. "Where you see one I see two." He said pointing at both of them. He leans his shoulder against the wall crossing his arms.
Zukate nodded, "you have a point there." he said, smiling at her.

Aleasa sighed at him and looked down the corridor, "I'm many things, but lovely isn't one of them." she said, taking another drink of her own water.
Aleasa smiled at her, "that makes no lovely ladies here." she said, grinning at the two people.
(Eagle heart stop messing with me!)

Logan looks at them and then raises an eyebrow. "Geez.....shoot a guy down." He sniffed and then looked at Kokoro. He leaned in sniffing. "A vampire." He whispered loud enough for her to hear but no one else. "Oh excuse me...I'm a Werewolf." He said pointing to himself.

Flower smiles at him and nods. "Yep." She said and then yawned.
Aleasa nodded and looked at the two, "I'm a psychic. she said, giggling a little.

Zukate nodded in agreement then rolled back onto his back and gazed into the sky.
Zukate giggled a bit then rolled back further, into his head then back onto his back, still staring up at the sky like he hadn't even done that.
Kairi looked around as he smoothed down his skirt. He knew that he shouldn't be wearing one today but he had liked the color and the style. Besides it didn't matter to him how he dressed and the skirt was soft against his skin. Even more he enjoyed tricking people when they thought he was a girl.

"Mew," Akihiko said as she rubbed against his leg. Kairi kneeled down to pet her and she started to purr.

"We're here Aki."
Logan smiled and then looked up at the ceiling. "Hmm odd bunch huh?" He laughs again.

Flower looked at him and then raised her eyebrow and then stood up. "I have to check on Hunter and sky!" Sher said. "Sorry!" She ran off back to her room.
Zukate smiled and ran over to her, "are you forgetting my dorm is next to yours?" he asked, giggling a little bit.
Erabella had followed along behind Kokoro, trying to make herself unnoticeable. Being only 4'8" she hid quietly behind Kokoro. She listened to the conversation and realizing one of them could smell them, she stepped out from behind Kokoro. She bit her lip and waved her brother, he was quite a bit taller than her, measuring 5'11". He stomped over and stood beside his twin, his chain clinking the whole way over.
Kokoro smiled and looked at the two when she heard her brother come over. "So how have you been?" She said, asking to no one is particular
Mikayla walked down the corridor slowly. Her eyes glowed brightly in the darkness, making her look like a Vampire. But she wasn't one.

She flicked her piercing gaze to her dorm room and brushed past the door, not bothering to walk in. She didn't feel like do anything right now. So she padded up to a wide window and looked out of it curiously. She leaned against the window pane and sighed quietly.

She heard a dog whine behind her, and she turned around immediately. Her Great Dane, Rico, stared back at her with a question in his caramel eyes.


She chuckled and rubbed his head softly.

"Now right now.."
Logan blinked and looked at the two you came up behind Koroko. "Um hello?" He said and then looked atr Koroko when a small smiled. He watched Flower run past everyone bumpping into a few people.

"Sorry!" She yelled and then stopped looking at the people and then looked at Zukate and then smiled. 'Sorry." She said and then looked at Logan and the others. "Please excuse me I'm so sorry."
Mikayla sighed and looked down at her feet in boredom. She looked in all directions, making sure no one was in sight. Than she quickly shifted in her Werepanther form. She blinked her bright blue eyes at Rico, motioning for her dog to follow her. Her gray pelt was sleek soft like it usually was.

A few people looked at her in amazement when she brushed past. There aren't too many Werepanthers left in the world, so it was normal for people to look at her that way.

She walked past a few people (Logan and Kokoro.) and continued to weave herself around others in the way. A deep growl formed in her throat, mentioning for the Great Dane to hurry up.
Akihiko let out a hiss whens he heard a growl and Kairi looked around to see where it was coming from. Seeing a werepanther he was confused but not alarmed.

"Don't worry Aki. It won't hurt you."

Logan looked at the werepanther sniffing what she was. He let out a flirty growl at her to show he was a werewolf and as a joke. He chuckled to himself and then out his hands into his pockets as he looked around.

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