Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Sign-up!}


New Member

Meant to post this is Character Sheets..Sorry!


  • [*=center]No Godmodding
    [*=center]Nobody's Perfect!
    [*=center]Don't kill unless it's okay.
    [*=center]Anime only.
    [*=center]No humans allowed!
    [*=center]Makes a Girl for every guy. Vice Versa.
    [*=center]I have the right to add more rules if I'd like.


Classes (You choose order)

Homeroom (Always First)


Language Arts


Physical Education



Newspaper Club

Swim Club

Physical Education

Chess Club






Basic Information

Full Name:




What's On The Outside

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Photo?: (Anime Only, Please)

Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: (Opt.)

History: (Opt.)






What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?:

Dorm Room:



My Characters

Basic Information

Full Name: Kokoro Saki

Nicknames: Ko, Kokoro

Age: 16

Gender: Female

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: (Heterochromia) Left eye is Blue, Right eye is Purple


View attachment 2875

Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: Get to know her, please :)


Family: Tsuki Saki (Mother: Mayu Saki | Father: Akio Saki)

Likes: Blood, Friends

Dislikes: Fighting, Rude People

Hobbies: Being with Friends, Drawing

Species: Vampire

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: Bat named Tamiko.

Dorm Room: 60 (top floor)

Other: 2nd Year at Sayuri Academy


Basic Information

Full Name: Tsuki Saki

Nicknames: Suki, Moon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Red/Brown


View attachment 2876

Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: Need to get to know him.


Family: Kokoro Saki (Mother: Mayu Saki | Father: Akio Saki)

Likes: Drama, Fighting, Chaos

Dislikes: Cuteness, Niceness.

Hobbies: Fighting

Species: Vampire

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?:

Dorm Room: 15 (bottom floor)

Other: 1st year at Sayuri Academy


Basic Information

Full Name:

Erabella Jayde Cloakwood


Bella, Jayde, Vampira





What's On The Outside

Hair Color:


Eye Color:




The One With White Hair

Ready To Get to Know Me?






Her Twin Brother, Arson






Drawing, Drama



What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?:


Dorm Room:




Basic Information


Arson Laine Cloakwood


Arson, Fire, Cloak





What's On The Outside

Hair Color:


Eye Color:




Ready To Get to Know Me?






His twin sister, Erabella






Pranking, Listening to Music



What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?:


Dorm Room:




View attachment 2885

Basic Information

Full Name: Mikayla Brianne Foxx

Nicknames: Kayla or Brie (Sometimes Foxx)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Dark Pink.

Eye Color: A light pink color.

Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: She is very sweet and loves to help people out. She rarely gets mad and absolutely loves to make friends. She can be a bit of a flirt sometimes and can be greedy as well. But not usually. She also can be a goofball and can get a little out of control sometimes.

Family: She doesn't have any.. Except for a few cousins she doesn't know about.

Likes: She loves music. It's practically her life. She plays guitar, piano, drums, violin, and a little bit of a Ukulele.

Dislikes: She absolutely HATES spiders and bugs. She gets extremely freaked out around them.

Hobbies: Some of her hobbies are swimming, playing volleyball, soccer, and singing. She has a very good voice.

Species: She is a Werepanther, meaning she is part panther. (Sometimes she has ears and a tail)

Werepanther form:

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: She has a black and white Great Dane named Rico. (

Dorm Room: 32

Other: Her dog can talk. But only sometimes. (Is that okay??)


View attachment 2888

Basic Information

Full Name: Johnny Lee Benson

Nicknames: Johnny Boy, John, Benson, and Jay.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Light Brown.

Eye Color: Dark Green.

Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: This guy is a complete goofball and can be a huge idiot when trying to impress girls. He does very stupid things and is always getting in trouble by police and other people. He takes everything as a joke and sometimes takes a joke to far and ends up getting hurt. He doesn't use his head much, and usually lets other people make decisions for him. But other than that, hes pretty nice and has a funny personality.

Family: He has an older brother and a sister. But his parents are dead.

Likes: He likes to joke around and mess with people. That's his number one activity.

Dislikes: He hates people who try to be funnier than him, it makes him mad.

Hobbies: He surprisingly loves to draw things. Its not something a guy like him would do, since hes always goofing off, but he always has something to draw. You'll always find his little doodles on his homework or on a random piece of paper.

Species: Weirdly, he is part Banshee.

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: He has a pet bird name Toronco. (The one in his picture..)

Dorm Room: 51

Other: Nothing really.

Basic Information

Full Name: Zukate Takuchimo

Nicknames: Zukky

Age: 13

Gender: male

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Red&black.

Eye Color: red.

Photo?: View attachment 2891

Ready To Get to Know Me? (maybe)

Personality: quiet, nervous, doesn't trust many people.

History: He was taken in by a family over time he became one of the family. He and his sister were always fighting, but not the normal type of fighting all out fighting and Zukate tended to get hurt a lot quite badly.

Family: His sister Aleasa, his mother Legeadia and his father Maojan.

Likes:the cold.

Dislikes: big groups of strangers.

Hobbies: hiding.

Species:elamentalist(earth, air, water, fire. Is better at fire than anything else and rarely uses anything, but fire.)

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: little bat.
Dorm Room: 18

Other: despite looking quite evil he is very nice once you get to know him. He owns a gem that can be used to turn his power into a sword of that element, however it is in no way an amplifyer so it is incredibly hard for him to use any sword other than fire.


Basic Information

Full Name: Aleasa Takuchimo

Nicknames: Ally, Amie

Age: 15

Gender: Female

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Light purple

Photo?: View attachment 2892

Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: Catious, smart, wise; despite all that is easy to trust people. She also has a split personality, her other personality is the exact opposite to what she's normally like,sweet, kind, caring, lovely the sort of person you wouldn't think could hurt a fly, however when this personality is awakened and the other is at rest she is useless in a fight, it's as if the two personalities were different people all together.

History: Her family took in a boy who became her brother, she tended to have many fights with her brother and she would always win, not caring if she hurt him.

Family: Her brother Zukate, her mother Legeadia and her father Maojan.

Likes: fighting, drawing

Dislikes:disordered things.

Hobbies: Drawing.

Species: psychic.

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: nope

Dorm Room: 31

Other: Even though she fought him and never held back she loves her brother.
Full Name: Blaze Heartnet

Nicknames: Tsuki

Age: 17

Gender: Male

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Emerald green



Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: Dark and bruiting

History: Abused as a child. Blaze ran away from home when he was very young. From then on he fought his way through life. soon after his fifteenth birthday he became an assassin.

Family: sister: Sapphire Father: Unknown Mother: Unknown

Likes: Loud music and fire

Dislikes: Soft music and cold

Hobbies: drawing and reading

Species: Angel

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: Raven

Dorm Room: 115


Basic Information

Full Name: Hanna Kyuumi

Nicknames: None

Age: 16

Gender: Female

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Orange

Eye Color: Sapphire blue


Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: Kind and a little hyper-active

History: Hanna had a pretty good for the most part. Up until the war that destroyed her home. From then on she lived on her own.

Family: All dead

Likes: music.

Dislikes: Anything boring

Hobbies: Writing

Species: Half beast.

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: A small nine tailed fox.

Dorm Room: 34


The only thing wrong with this is that Blaze's nickname cannot be Tsuki. My character's name is Tsuki, and I don't want to get things mixed up, so please change that first ^^
Basic Information

Full Name: Tsurugi Joufuhoshi

Nicknames: Tsu, Hoshi, Jou sometimes

Age: 14

Gender: Female

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Pale blonde

Eye Color: Goldish yellow


Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: Tsurugi is an introvert usually keeping to herself. She doesn't like large groups and has terrible stage fright. Tsurugi would rather be alone with her books or talking to a friend instead of being around people. She tends to keep her opinions to herself.

History: Tsurugi doesn't talk about her past often. People have heared that she was abandoned at a young age and lived among humans for sometime on the streets. She was eventually adopted into a family but ran away a year later and found a group of fay to live with. Tsurugi will not say what it the truth but admits that she has lived with humans for a period of time but has always been among her own people as well.

Family: Presumed to have abandoned her

Likes: Reading, nighttime, going for walks, dim places, fantasy, sweets

Dislikes: Sunny days, rainy days, too brightly lit rooms, anything sour, horror

Hobbies: Tsurugi is a bookworm but she also has a hobby of taking nighttime walks

Species: Fay

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: Black furred rabbit named Nirial

Dorm Room: 13


Basic Information

Full Name: Kairi Nagihiko

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Male

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Dark purple

Eye Color: Lilac



Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: Kairi is a shy but sweet boy. He likes helping out with others and seeing people happy. Kairi is sensitive as well and can cry or get embarrassed easily. Kairi doesn't hold grudges and forgives easily though. Kairi gets nervous around those he likes.

History: Kairi was born in an unusual family. For most of his young life and onto now Kairi has had to dress as a girl. This was part of a family tradition for the boys to dress and act as girls so that they could perform dances usually reserved to girls. So for most of his life Kairi has been seen as a girl when he is a boy. Even now when he does not have to dress as a girl no longer, Kairi still does so feeling it is more comfortable. Even now without girl clothing Kairi has been mistaked for a girl due to his appearance and personality.

When Kairi was younger he fell in love with Minato (realizing he was bi) but his sister loved him too. They fought over it and Rima ended up winning, breaking Kairi's heart. Minato never knew what happened and Kairi has a dislike of his sister becauser of this. When he was fifteen he was sexually abused by a group who were upset he was a guy and beat up too. Because of this Kairi tends to avoid physical contact with people and is afraid of being in a relationship.

Family: Father: Tadase, Mother: Fuuka, Older sister: Rima (25), Brother-in-law: Minato (21)

Likes: Dancing, playing with Akihiko, using magic, rainy days, cross-dressing, having fun, heights, tea

Dislikes: Physical contact with people, jerks, close-minded people, his sister, cloudy days, coffee

Hobbies: Kairi is an excellent dancer and always finds time to practice and perform his dancing though his dances are more traditional. He likes having a partner but shys away from this now.

Species: Witch

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: Ginger colored cat named Akihiko

Dorm Room: 23


Can I still join? Also is it okay if I only make one character? I always fall behind when I have to have multiple >_<''''''

Thanks ^_^

Basic Information

Full Name: Azusa (She does not have a last name, see why in "History")

Nicknames: N/A

Age: "14"

Gender: Female

What's On The Outside

Hair Color: Periwinkle

Eye Color: Pink

Photo?: (Anime Only, Please)

Ready To Get to Know Me?

Personality: (Opt.) Tsundere. She is cold and distant at first because she mistrusts most people but may open up eventually.

History: (Opt.) She was created with a mix of magic and science in a laboratory to be the "perfect girl". Azusa was gifted with magical abilities (Esper-like qualities), but escaped those who created her and ran away, eventually finding Sayuri Academy where she hoped she could attend school like a normal person. The scientist who created her and his assistants are searching for her, because she is 'incomplete', not having all of normal emotions (She does not feel lust, pain, or happy feelings. Just because she doesn't feel pain doesn't mean she can't be injured, it just means she won't notice it until it becomes lethal. She also has a hard time storing certain information. For example, she often loses her way and ends up wandering around because her "mind" is not complete, she cannot remember directions, schedules, or feelings she has towards certain things.)

Family: None, she was created, not born

Likes: Reading, drawing, music

Dislikes: Most people, loud people or nosy people. Just people in general.

Hobbies: See 'likes'

Species: Esper ((for anyone who doesn't know, "An esper refers to an individual capable of telepathy and other similar paranormal abilities")) This particular esper has telekinesis (can move things with her mind) and can also manipulate the memories of those she comes into physical contact with (deleting, replacing, altering or making new memories just by having touched their skin once). She usually wears white wrist-length gloves with lace on the edges so that her hands will not brush others skin, tampering with their memories accidentally. Unlike a normal esper, she is not gifted with telepathy (mind reading).

What Else Do I Need To Know?

Any pets?: No

Dorm Room: 14

Other: N/A

Classes (You choose order)

Azusa's Schedule is:

Homeroom (Always First)

Swim Club




Language Arts


(Please let me know how many classes we are supposed to have, it wasn't listed - at least I didn't see it anywhere - and let me know if I need to change anything.

--- Merged Double Post ---

@iLozer ((just tagging so you know I'm done with the skelly lol))
[MENTION=1834]iLozer[/MENTION] lol I have 5, so long as you don't count homeroom and lunch, haha :) Thanks!

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