Sayuri Academy *Anime* {Roleplay}

She immediately whipped her head towards the growl and she tilted her head at Logan.

A Werewolf, huh? She asked him with her glowing eyes, than returned his growl with a more cat like gesture. She flicked her grey ears and than padded forward, bumping straight into Kairi. She looked up, realizing he had asked her a question.

"Of course not." She replied to him, flicking her long gray spotted tail slightly. She gave Rico a look, who just wagged his tail happily and than let out a loud bark.

(Kairi does know she's in her panther form right? xP)
Azusa walked alone, keeping to herself. She spotted quite a few people nearby. Her pink eyes looked them over, one by one. Were they Sayuri Academy students? Her periwinkle hair fell over her shoulders as she looked down at the ground, thinking. She wouldn't talk to anyone. Azusa was more of a type to keep to herself. She found a nearby bench and sat down, wondering when school was going to start. Her memory lapse caused her to randomly forget bits of information, but they would come back eventually. She looked around, watching all the different people that were here, some of them were showing off their powers. She would never show anyone hers. She looked at her gloved hands. For being so small, so delicate, she could do some terrible things with these hands.
Kokoro looked surprised as Mikayla weaved past them. "There's a Werepanther here? I thought they were near extinction.." she shook her head and looked at Logan, "This is Erabella," pointing to Erabella "and this is Arson" pointing to Arson.

Tsuki slowly walked towards the small crowd at the vending machine. Noticing Kokoro was there, he hurried quickly over, eager to meet the students "Hey.." he quickly said as he got in earshot with Erabella, Arson, and Kokoro. The only people in the place he knew at the moment, since it was his first year at the Academy.
Flower walked to her room but when she opened her door Hunter came running out and SKy after her. Flower fell to the floor and then rubbed her head. "Ow..." She looked at her two wild animals, Sky at least was up in the air but Hunter was running around. She rubbed her head more. "That really hurt." She said sighing deeply.

Logan smiled and nodded. "Ok, I'm Logan. Nice to meet you both." He said with a wide smile and then pushed his hard through his hair. "Friends of yours?"
"Yeah," Kokoro looked next to her again, seeing Tsuki "Oh, and this is my brother, Tsuki. He doesn't know many students here.."
(I edited his post. And remember. Kairi looks like a girl. xD )

Kairi moved over to where a group of people were and waved at them. Akihiko mewed at them and stood by Kairi's legs.

"Hello. I am Kairi Nagihiko." He bowed slightly at his introduction.


Tsuguri walked onto campus and looked around. She was uncertain of where to go and she saw people. She almost let out a shriek at a werepanther but didn't thankfully.
Mikayla shifted back into her human form (She's wearing clothes xD ) and glanced around. A few guys winked at her and smiled flirtatiously, but she just ignored them. She padded forward with her Great Dane following closely.

"Hurry up, Rico." She said, brushing her miniskirt slightly. A guy bumped into her, making it obvious he did it on purpose.

"Oh. Sorry baby. Didn't see you there." He grinned at her as his eyes glanced down at her chest. She blushed when she realized what he was looking at. She pushed him away and brushed past him angrily, walking away and out of the school in seconds.

Rico's pelt was bristling from when that one guy bumped into Mikayla. He was obviously very protective of her.

"Don't worry about it." She told her dog, sensing his irritation. He looked up at her and stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth.

--- Merged Double Post ---

She glanced back at Kairi, not being able to tell if he was a guy or a girl. She tilted her head, studying him for a moment. Than she blushed for staring so long.

"I'm Mikayla Foxx. Nice to meet you." She said softly, tilting her head and smiling a perfect smile.
Logan nodded again and then looked at Flower chuckling. "Yeah...over there is Flower. The only person I Know." He laughs as she runs around tryoing to get Hunter. He looks at Tsuki and then smiles. Hunter sits behind Logan and then Flower. Logan smiles at Flower and then looks at Tsuki. "Nice to meet you."

Flower runs up panting. " are a bad dog." She looks at the others. She blinks and then looks at Logan. "Oh hi logan....big crowd you have here." She said looking at them all.
Rico barked at Hunter noisily, running over and sniffing his face slightly. Mikayla looked up in alarm and quickly ran after her huge dog.

"Rico! No!" She spat, and immediately, the dog ran back to her and sat down obediently. She sighed angrily and gave the dog a death glare, than she glanced back up at the others.

"Sorry about that. My dog is kinda stupid." She said, glaring at her dog at the end of the sentence. She flicked her piercing gaze back to them and than looked at each of there faces curiously.
Azusa stands up, her attention span low as ever. She began wandering around, trying to get aquainted with the area.
Hunter looked at the other dog curiously and then walked over wagging her tail. She sat down looking at Mikayla. She only wanted to meet the other dog. She barked at the other dog's owner and then looked at Flower. She continued to wag her tail.

Flower chuckled. "No problem, She just wants to meet your dog as much as he does." She said looking at Hunter. She smiled. "That's Hunter my dog, I'm Flower." She said with a smile and then looked at Logan who was chuckling.

Logan sniffs the air. "Oh hello again." He said and then looked at the others and back at her. He looked at Sky landed on his shoulder, Flower's pet eagle. He smiled and then watched as Sky flew to Flower. "I'm Logan by the way." He said always liking to meet new friends.

Flower petted Sky and then smiled.
"Mikayla Foxx." Kairi smiled at her, a warm friendly one. "That is such a pretty name for such a pretty girl." He motioned down to where this cat was. "This is Akihiko, though I call her Aki for short. She is my cat and my familiar."


Tsuguri saw a girl walking by herself and went over to her, ready to meet and make new friend.

"Hello! Are you new here too?"
She giggled at Hunter and than looked back up at Flower.

"I'm Mikayla. And that's Rico." She said gesturing towards her dog, who wagged his tail happily. She glanced back up at Logan and rose an eyebrow at him.

"Your the Werewolf who growled at me?" She asked, tilting her head at him and giving him a teasing look.

Rico ran over to Hunter and barked noisily before running around in circles. She gave Rico a look, and he immediately calmed down and stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth stupidly.

--- Merged Double Post ---

She glanced back at Kairi and blushed a little before smiling again.

"Why thank you." She said softly, tilting her head adorably again. She looked over at Rico and grinned.

"That's Rico. He's my dog." She said, calling the huge black and white Great Dane over.
Logan chuckled. "Oh yes that was me." He said smiling at her and then looked at her dog. He looked back at her at Flower. "Oh yes looks like Hunter has the purfect friend." He said and then looked back at Mikayla. "I was just putting something out there. Werewolf to Werepanther and all."

Hunter licked her nose and then playbowed. She wagged her tail as she waited for his responce. Her ears were perked up and her tongue out in the front of her mouth. Flower giggled at the two.
Mikayla smirked slightly and than looked back at Rico, who copied Hunter's movements and than howled loudly. She rolled her eyes and than glanced at the floor, than back up to Flower and Logan. She opened her mouth to say something, but she heard a roar. And not just any roar.

She froze in place and immediately shifted into her Werepanther form and took off. Rico looked up and barked, running after protectively.

She shouldn't of ran after that roar.

She dashed off into the dark of the woods, following the howl until it was louder and louder. She burst out into an open clearing, facing a huge black panther that was twice as big as her.

"Your pathetic.." The black panther spat, whipping around and slashing her across the face with sharp claws. Pain shot through her face as blood dripped down the three slice marks on her cheek. She snarled angrily at it and circled him slowly.

"I told you to stay away from me.."

"Well.. To bad. I don't always keep my promises.." It spat, tackling her and pinning her down.
Logan looked at Flower who looked at him and they both nodded. FLower touched the sword strapped to her waist. I probably wasn't a good idea to have it with her for so long. Hunter and Sky run off ahead and reach the girl and then boy before anyone else. SKy the eagle attacks from above slashing at the male panther's head and Hunter stood there growling at both of them as Flower and Logan just got there. Flower shifted into a Lion a bigger big cat and roared lunging at the one pinning Mikayla down.
Mikayla kicked off the Panther and watched the others attack it aggressively. Even Rico bit at him fiercely.

Eventually, the Black Panther gave up and dashed off as quickly as possible.

She watched him dash off and than stood up straighter to pretend like she was alright, but her front paw was sprained badly.

She flicked her ears and nodded at the others thankfully.

"Thank you." She said softly, standing up, but she had to lift her sprained paw off the ground because it hurt very badly.
Flower looked at her and then looked at where he had gone. She wanted to go after him. She looked at Hunter and Sky who flew to the ground. Flower sniffed the air and then looked around. She was thinking about it.

Logan rushed over to her and then looked at her paw. He picked her up managing to at least. He looked at Flower and then looked at Mikayla. "Who was that? Just asking before Flower goes chasing after him." He said sighing deeply. He looked at Hunter who was wagging her tail because she was able to help.
She looked down at her paw, shifting into her human form. She gasped in pain at her hand, which was twisted in an awkward angle. She snapped it back in place, holding in a scream of pain.

"That.. Was my brother.." She murmured, trying to ignore the pain shooting through her arm. She hated when her brother tried to fight her. It was useless.

She sighed, gritting her teeth painfully as her hand bled.
Flower turned human and then looked at her crossing her arms. "Hmm." She pushed her white hair behind her ears her clothes shifted with her. She looked at Hunter and sky and then stretched out her arms a bit. "I see..." She said looking in the direction he went.

Logan glanced at Flower and then looked at her and her hand. He sighed and then started carring her back to the school. "Let's get you to the nurse." He said looking at her. He looked at Flower who stayed behind. She was busy sniffing around using her shape shifting, Hunter however followed Logan.
She looked up at Logan, blinking her eyes softly.

"You don't have to carry me all the way there..." She murmured, tracing her fingers over the three claws marks on her cheek. She was grateful that they were doing this for her, but she didn't want them getting involved with her brother's fight.

Rico followed them slowly. He was slightly alarmed that Logan was holding her. HE was supposed to protect her. He let out an angry growl at Logan, warning him to back off.
Flower took one last looked around and then followed after the others but was far behind. She sighed deeply looking around at the trees enjoying the cool breeze. She looked at Logan and then giggled.

Hunter growled at Rico, wanting him to back off. Logan was a friend of her master and as far as she was conserned no one was to threaten him or Flower. She kept her eyes on the bigger dog.

Logan looked at her and then smiled nodding. "Oh sorry." He gently set her down and then looked at her cheek. He sighed and then slowly kept walking.
Erabella and Arson began heading towards their first class. Erabella's short white hair blew in the slight breeze that had picked up. She paused at the vending machine and dropped in four quarters. She grabbed the two waters and handed one to Arson. They headed inside and made it to the first class just as the first bell rang. At least they were late today.
[MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] is she talking to Azusa? If not you can ignore this post.

Azusa looked to see who was talking to her. "Um..." she said quietly. "Yes, I am." She looked at this person's expression. She seemed to have a smile like the ones that Azusa often saw other people making. ((In case you didn't see my character profile, Azusa's emotions are incomplete and she doesn't understand happiness and therefore cannot express it)). Azusa usually wasn't one to open up to people. Her face was almost completely expressionless while talking to new people, minus a hint of curiosity in her pink eyes. "I'm Azusa."

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