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  1. TomSefton

    [The Realms] Signup Thread

    Hey there! Can I take the dark blue segment?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb510127_GrandDuchyofAnglany.png.c4827342d844c97ef6e362ae674ae7bf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23433"...
  2. TomSefton

    [Invasion] (Nation) The Union of North Atlantic Countries

    21/5/12 A decorated Icelandic naval officer, Chief of Operations Sigurður Arason, currently the Acting Chief of Staff of MilCom naval forces and chairing the investigation into the dissapearance of merchant shipping, has been promoted to Commodore. His promotion was announced after five...
  3. TomSefton

    TSeftz Application

    Ingame Name: TSeftz Why do you want to play? Looking for a decent server to 'craft on with some new and interesting people. Enjoying my time with the Inn so far, so thinking this is a good place to start ^^ Do you understand the InnCraft rules and information? Yes, I do
  4. TomSefton

    [Invasion] (Nation) The Union of North Atlantic Countries

    17/5/12 A dispatch from MilCom Headquarters, Reykjavic, has mentioned the promotion of Colonel Patrick McCarthy to Brigadier. McCarthy, 57, is now the most senior military officer in the UNAC Ground Forces, and has been the Acting Chief of Staff since the destruction of the original London...
  5. TomSefton

    [Invasion] UNAC Embassy, Reykjavik

    'Again, thank you. And yes, that would be something UNAC would be more than willing to pursue.'
  6. TomSefton

    [Invasion] The PCGB Building, Manchester

    Chief of Operations Sigurður Arason sat at an oak desk deep within the PCGB Building in Manchester, a grey cardboard folder detailing the ships which had disappeared lay open on it - type, number of crew, tonnage and cargo. He sighed, taking a sip from a cup he held in one hand - some bitter...
  7. TomSefton

    [Invasion] (Finished) [TomSefton] London Calling

    The sergeant was quick to act, issuing the hand signal for a quick halt, and, after a hasty glance around, jabbing his hand in the direction of appropriate cover. The men crawled into it, and Harker had them ready their weapons, the squad split between the aliens further down Acton Lane, and...
  8. TomSefton

    [Invasion] UNAC Embassy, Reykjavik

    Eric nodded, 'I'm glad to hear it, Captain.' The diplomat reached inside his folder, bringing out a heavy, brown envelope, sliding it across the conference table, 'This is the letter from Comrade Dove...just a formality really, an official 'hello' from Britain and UNAC. I'm sure a more recent...
  9. TomSefton

    [Invasion] (Finished) [TomSefton] London Calling

    'Damn it!', Harker whispered viscously, and shook his head. After swearing a few times under his breath, he took out a pair of digital binoculars, training them on the aliens down the track. '100 metres. It's close. Too close. We've got no chance, but keep eyes on. If they attack we'll have no...
  10. TomSefton

    [Invasion] (Finished) [TomSefton] London Calling

    Harker gave a series of hand signals as the dropship spat the men out onto what was left of Chaplin Road, they moved to the edges of the crater, raising their weapons, staying alert. The sergeant spoke into his mouthpiece, giving the VTOL a quick, aprreciative wave, 'Thanks, pilot. We'll radio...
  11. TomSefton

    [Invasion] Chairman Iain Dove, UNAC

    Name: Iain Dove Gender: Male Age: 47 Appearance Visual Appearance: Physical Appearance: Dove stands at average hight, with a slight, wirey build. He is not particually muscular, or particually out of shape. He has a long face and prominent brow, upon which sit a pair of...
  12. TomSefton

    [Invasion] (Info) Leaders

    General Secretary PCGB Iain Dove Discipline Populist
  13. TomSefton

    [Invasion] UNAC Embassy, Reykjavik

    Eric smiled, taking another sip from his water, 'That's exactly what we had in mind. We're fine for now, but without trade, the long term effects on our economy could be severe. And yes, don't worry about that, as far as UNAC policy stands for the time being, we are only recognising the pre-war...
  14. TomSefton

    [Invasion] Sergeant James Harker

    Name: James Scott Harker Gender: Male Age: 32 Appearance Visual Appearance: Physical Appearance: Harker is just over 6'2", and is built like a soldier, lean and muscular with square shoulders and a broad chest to match. He has a series of scars which track up his right...
  15. TomSefton

    [Invasion] UNAC Embassy, Reykjavik

    'Oh, no, Captain. Don't think what our leader has in mind is anything even close to a surrender of the Federation's sovereignty. That's perhaps an extreme of international co-operation. As far as UNAC was behind world government before the invasion, that was would be completely...
  16. TomSefton

    [Invasion] UNAC Embassy, Reykjavik

    'I'm sorry to hear that,' said Björk,and Eric shok his head. 'Yes, you can count on the Union to play it's part, that's for sure. After this meeting after we inform, our leader, Chairman Dove will be informed, who can produce an offical document outlining our intent. Speaking of which, Comrade...
  17. TomSefton

    [Invasion] UNAC Embassy, Reykjavik

    'Yes,' said Eric, 'no one escaped, did they?' ' We'd be more than happy to handle Europe. What we can get at, anyway. We're in the process of trying to get a few teams onto the mainland to see what's what...we've really no idea what we're going to be dealing with on the continent, just rough...
  18. TomSefton

    [Invasion] The PCGB Building, Manchester

    As much of the UNAC government and military command had been centralised around London in the latter half of the 22nd Century, following the invasion and occupation of the capital the entire seat of government had to be moved. Thankfully, during WW3, a network of nuclear bunkers, tunnels and...
  19. TomSefton

    [Invasion] (Nation) The Union of North Atlantic Countries

    News 15/5/12 Today witnessed the commissioning of two submarines into the UNAC fleet. The Valiant and the Victory are the first two boats from the Valiant class of submarine - proposed for introduction to the British Republic Navy late in 2202. Engineers at the Dartmouth Marine Engineering...
  20. TomSefton

    [Invasion] (Nation) The Union of North Atlantic Countries
