[Invasion] The PCGB Building, Manchester


As much of the UNAC government and military command had been centralised around London in the latter half of the 22nd Century, following the invasion and occupation of the capital the entire seat of government had to be moved. Thankfully, during WW3, a network of nuclear bunkers, tunnels and secure rooms had been constructed beneath what had then been the University of Manchester. The buildings have since been fortified and re-purposed, the campus split between the People's Council of Great Britain (or PCGB, the British government) and the UNAC Assembly. There is a MilCom presence at the site, however, the recovering MilCom HQ has been relocated to Reykjavic, Iceland.

It is also now the official residence of Iain Dove, the General Secretary of the PCGB and the Chairman of the UNAC Assembly, as both are now meeting at least weekly.
The Greenlandic and Icelandic Regional Governments are in panic, as for the past month no supply vessels have arrived at their ports. At first both had assumed this to be but a delay, but when the UNAC Assembly confirmed that supply ships had been sent, it was realized this was a big problem: Ships, carrying foodstuffs and other supplies to and from Greenland and Iceland, have been leaving their ports- But never arriving at their destinations.

So far it seems that five ships have gone missing in the past two months; Three last month and two this month. All supply vessels have, for now, been put on hold and en-route ships recalled.
Chief of Operations Sigurður Arason sat at an oak desk deep within the PCGB Building in Manchester, a grey cardboard folder detailing the ships which had disappeared lay open on it - type, number of crew, tonnage and cargo. He sighed, taking a sip from a cup he held in one hand - some bitter black tea. He was temporarily sharing an office as he was down in England for a series of meetings on the future of MilCom and proposals for the organisation of a unified armed force for Britain, Ireland, Iceland and Greenland. He was here because he was among the most senior naval officers left after the invasion of London and destruction of the original MilCom headquarters had taken much of the top brass with it. It was no secret in MilCom, or in the rest of government for that matter, that Sigurður was the first favourite for promotion to Admiral.

There were, however, more pressing matters - like that in front of him. He took another drink of the tea, and sworeunder his breath.


The other occupant of the office, the British under-secretary for defence, People's Councillor Eve Johnson, looked up from her computer. 'Problem, Sigurður?'

'Five ships. Five. And we didn't even know, Ms. Johnson. That's the problem.'

'And we're no closer to figuring things out?'

'No...not at all. I mean, we're only assuming that it's the aliens that have done this. We've no solid proof just yet - it could be a malfuntion, however unlikely that may be, or even human piracy. It could, for all we know, be military action from a nation that's not got in touch with our governments yet.'

'Yes, but you know where we stand.'

'I do,' he sighed again, and brought a data-tablet towards him, picking up a stylus. 'I've sent a request through to Foreign Affairs and the UNAC Assembly to contact whoever they can, the Federation, I suppose, to see if they know of anyone or anything hostile to shipping in the North Atlantic. Until then, ships have to get moving...'

The woman looked down at her work for a moment, before speaking, 'What about escorts?'

'That's what I had in mind. A little old fashioned, but it would do the job. I'll send out the order...no move from ports unless it is with a military escort. I'll work out the finer details with the other naval officers, but this is for sure...anything in the sea or sky that comes anywhere near those ships and can't be hailed on communications will be sunk.'
Another convoy has been lost, despite the fact that it had a military escort. A ship transporting medical supplies from Ireland to Iceland, and it's two escorts; A Frigate and a Destroyer, all sent out an S.O.S before being lost contact with. The Frigate managed to send out a message, but it was garbled and the following was all that could be made out;

"S.O.S.........towering.....sky........beams just......transport and destro......S.O...."


1 Frigate

1 Destroyer

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