[Invasion] (Nation) The Union of North Atlantic Countries


Nation Name

The Union of North Atlantic Countries (UNAC)

A defence treaty organisation based around the remnants of the Republic of Great Britain, the Republic of Ireland, Iceland and the Greenland Free State.


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Chairman Iain Dove


Centralised Democracy (Coalition of ruling governments forming the NAU Assembely)

Economic System

Socialist, with elements of a command economy.

Economic Tier



In the closing years of the Third World War the long-standing North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which had been strained by the admission and defence of the former-CIS states, finally dissolved. Where many of the Western European nations clung to the tatters of the treaty - attempting to continue the war with what little resources they had and assisting the invasion of China -the United Kingdom was forced to turn inwards, shattered by defeat after crushing defeat in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. Her economy and internal infrastructure were on the verge of collapse, and she was incapable of contuing the war. Faced with a dire situation at home, British troops and mercenaries were withdrawn from global theatres of war, and used in vain hope by the government to restore public order. The government finally lost its legitamacy and power in the general election following the 2026 strikes and riots against severve petroleum and electricity shortages, after which it was revealed elections had been rigged for the past 15 years in favour of the ruling wartime coalition.

It was then a united labour movement under the banner of the People's Front (PF), an alliance of the major labor and communist parties, rose up in opposition to the government in what was later known as the Petroluem Spring. During the war, the ultra-left had become particually strong within the UK: the people faced with increasingly poor living and working conditions, and despondent with Britain's losses overseas. Even a minority of the armed forces had defected by the beginning of 2028. An election was called by a beseiged Downing Street, and the People's Front and its allied parties won in a landslide victory, claiming all but 5 seats. The remaining political parties, unable to form a meaningful opposition either dissolved or merged into the People's Front. Parliament was abolished by the PF in November 2028, replaced with the People's Council of the United Kingdom (PCUK), and began nationalising much of the UK's utilities and primary/secondary industries.

An increasingly volatile Northern Ireland was allowed to secede in February 2029.

One month later, King Charles abdicated. The British monarchy, which had never recovered from the death of Elizabeth II, came to an end. Without a willing heir, the People's Council voted for the official abolition of the Crown, and the formation of the 'Republic of Great Britain'. The then General Secretary of the PCUK (which was soon renamed the People's Council of Great Britain - or PCGB), Stephen Briggs, became Britain's first non-royal head-of-state since Oliver Cromwell, and recovery from WW3 truly began.

While Britain became the world's first socialist state since the 1950s, greater support for a number of foreing left-wing parties was inspired. However, aside from a brief left-led coalition forming in Spain, few managed to make moves for leadership - the succesful ones were in Iceland and Ireland. Having gained her independence, the Irish right lost much of its popular support to the Irish Socialist Alliance (itself a the sister party of the British PF), who promised peace and quick recovery from the post-war depression. Ireland's own People's Council, the PCRoI, was formed in 2047.

Greenland had been one of the most highly contested territories of the war, due to its potential mineral wealth, and had been evacuated by NATO early in WW3. In 2035, the UN declared Greenland an independent state, and Britain was asked to supervise her resettlement - mainly by British, Irish and Icelandic immigrants and by the evacuees who had resided in Scotland for most of the war. By 2080 the endemic effects of global warming had opened up some of the island: Greenland's resources were finally becoming available, growing her once negligible economy. It was at this time relations with Iceland peaked. Iceland had managed to remain neutral during the war, officially through order of the Althing, but really was achieved through having not maintained a standing armed force or having any particular strategic importance. All four nations grew economically and socially. The period up to 2170 was marked most notably with a reduction in military spending, which in Greenland, Iceland and Ireland approached near zero. The PCGB and PCRoI had whittled their nations' nuclear stockpiles down to just 8 submarine-launched warheads.

The later years of the 22nd Century, which saw global moves toward unified government, had the four Atlantic island nations move together, forming a then-loose alliance known as the North Atlantic Union. The NAU states grew ever closer together, re-establishing the 'Euro' as a single currency to further integrate their economies. What was left of their armed forces were placed under a joint command, MilCom, headed by the more-substantial British and Irish Defence Forces. The first move towards centralised government was made with the establisment of the NAU Assembly, a parliament-like ruling council made up of representatives from the member states. From 2150 onwards saw the consolidation of the Assembly as the ruling body of the four nations, and the coming to power of increasingly left-wing governments in Ireland and Greenland. 2174 marked the official unification of the four nations as the Union of North Atlantic Countries (UNAC) and the move of the UNAC Assembly to a purpose built building in London.

When the aliens invaded in March 2200, UNAC was taken off guard. London, the capital of the Republic of Great Britain, home of the PCGB, the UANC assembly and MilCom HQ, was destroyed and became one of the first areas occupied by the invaders. Thankfully, MilCom able to contain the aliens for a few days, limiting the spread of the aliens through Britain as the invaders moved on to concentrate on more important targets on mainland Europe, Asia and America.

In the following April and May UNAC managed to militarise fast, Britain's command economy began producing weapons, fuelled by the miraculously untouched resources of Greenland. MilCom managed to raise a standing army, and began work on re-armament, forming the MilCom Air and Naval Forces and recommissioning what was left of Britain and Ireland's fleets.

In the May 1st 2200 elections, the PCGB elected a new General Secretary, the more militant Iain Dove, Scotch-born son of a naval officer. The UNAC Assembly appointed him Chairman after the resignation of the Icelandic Johan Björnsson from the post.

Major Cities

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1. London (Occupied capital)

2. Dublin

3. Manchester

4. Reykjavik

5. New Nanortalik

Important Officials

Iain Dove (General Secretary PCGB, Chairman UNAC Assembly)

Björk Jonnson (Vice-Chairwoman UNAC Assembly)

Eric Blair (People's Councillor for Foreign Affairs PCGB)



Population Happiness


The people of the UNAC are frightened, naturally- However they have hope and faith in their government, though with an alien occupation force so close to home - Things wont be easy for the people nor the government of UNAC.

Pending Socio-Economic Activity - 30 Days [9/30]

Britain's relatively small industrial sector has been selected by the state (PCGB) for expansion. This will see the People's Councils reopening and even engaging in the establishment of factories, shipyards and even mines to help produce the armaments and additional material needed to fuel the war effort, as UNAC can no longer rely on imported weapons and manufactured goods. New jobs in state enterprises are to be paid competitively, and accommodation provided for those involved. Similar schemes will be implemented in the other UNAC states, Ireland having a particular emphasis on collective agriculture to feed UNAC's population.

This will not only assist UNAC becoming more self-sufficient post-invasion, but help house and feed the refugees displaced by the attacks on London.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/Mm-uk-flag.png.fd66cbb2333b70286ddd806a6c466f52.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23415" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/Mm-uk-flag.png.fd66cbb2333b70286ddd806a6c466f52.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb4bf619_NorthAtlanticUnion.png.29f580d27d8dd2ea0219c8fbea1a6022.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb4bf619_NorthAtlanticUnion.png.29f580d27d8dd2ea0219c8fbea1a6022.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alright, approved and updated! Don't forget to create all the other necessary threads or character profiles. Have fun! ;)
Military (MilCom)

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  • Battlegroup 1

Commander: - Brigadier McCarthy

400 Infantry

225 Soldiers

100 Heavies

8 Assault Gears

40 APCs

40 IFVs

20 Tanks

20 AAVs

  • Battlegroup 2

Commander: -

400 Infantry

225 Soldiers

100 Heavies

8 Assault Gears

40 APCs

40 IFVs

20 Tanks

20 AAVs

  • Support Group

100 Infantry

4 Assault Gears

100 Artillery

20 IFVs

40 Tanks

40 AAVs

Air Force

  • Squadron 1


150 Attack Copters

50 Dropships

100 Fighters

20 Bombers


  • Task Group 1

Commander: - Commodore Sigurður Arason

7 Frigates

8 Destroyers

5 Submarines

  • Task Group 2


7 Frigates

8 Destroyers

5 Submarines

  • Coastal Defence Pool

1 Frigate

3 Destroyers

2 Submarines

1 Transport Ship

100 Patrol Boats

Pending Military Acquisitions

  • 1x General - 7 Days [7/7]
  • 1x Admiral - 9 Days [9/9]
  • 1x Air Marshal - 11 Days [9/11]

  • 2x Submarines - 4 Days [4/4]
  • 1x Transport Ship - 28 Days [11/28]
  • 5 x Frigates - 6 Days [6/6]
  • 5x Destroyers - 7 Days [7/7]

  • 1000x Infantry - 14 Days [10/14]
  • 100 Infantry to Tier 2 > 100 Soldiers - 7 Days [7/7]
  • 100 Infantry to Tier 2 > 100 Soldiers - 8 Days [8/8]

Military Reform

- 17 Days [9/17]

The movement of troops and equipment from the command of the Defence Forces of the four member states to MilCom; this will increase the efficiency of the UNAC military by cutting down the bureaucracy associated with maintaining separate military commands where one would suffice, and freeing up men from administrative, logistical and other support roles which can be then performed by smaller, centralised units.

This will ease the command and control of the UNAC military, as well as cutting costs from non-frontline operations.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/Ranks.png.c3aadf94d2943ee151248ba212d98550.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/Ranks.png.c3aadf94d2943ee151248ba212d98550.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Today witnessed the commissioning of two submarines into the UNAC fleet. The Valiant and the Victory are the first two boats from the Valiant class of submarine - proposed for introduction to the British Republic Navy late in 2202. Engineers at the Dartmouth Marine Engineering Board have been quick to act in pressing the vessels into service. They will respectively join MilCom's 1st and 2nd Naval Taskgroups, becoming an integral part of UNAC's seaborne defence.

A dispatch from MilCom Headquarters, Reykjavic, has mentioned the promotion of Colonel Patrick McCarthy to Brigadier. McCarthy, 57, is now the most senior military officer in the UNAC Ground Forces, and has been the Acting Chief of Staff since the destruction of the original London MilCom building during the alien invasion. At a press conference earlier today, he highlighted his plan for the armed forces:

'...we are not yet in a position to take the fight to the enemy - we must concentrate our efforts on rebuilding a military which was crippled during the invasion. The Ground Forces will be recruiting, aircraft will be built, and new ships laid down and old ones recommissioned. UNAC must consolidate its position. Without defence, we cannot hope to begin any sort of attack...'

On the same day, 100 infantrymen from across the constituent nations' armed forces' passed out of the grueling Advanced Combat Training Course, taking place in specialised sites across Northern England and Greenland. These soldiers will be redeployed to begin the formation of MilCom's central UNAC defence service. Naval forces, too, saw an increase in assets with the recommissioning of 5 frigates - the Rasmussen, Triton, York and Aberdeen will join the Atlantic taskgroups, while the


will join coastal defence operations. The naval forces' policy of recommissioning is the fast production of battle-worthy warships through refurbishing and re-arming ships earmarked for scrapping before the invasion.

In other news, the Acting Chief of Naval Staff, Chief of Operations Sigurður Arason released a press statement regarding the dissapearance of five merchant ships over the past two months. He has stated any and all cargo ships leaving for Iceland or Greenland will be under full military escort, provided by the 1st Atlantic Taskgroup.

A decorated Icelandic naval officer, Chief of Operations Sigurður Arason, currently the Acting Chief of Staff of MilCom naval forces and chairing the investigation into the dissapearance of merchant shipping, has been promoted to Commodore. His promotion was announced after five destroyers came into service with the UNAC navy: the Þor and her sister ship Loptr, the Devonshire, Armargh, and the Ariel . They will be assigned to the Atlantic Defence Task Groups.

The land forces saw 100 more men pass out of the Advanced Training Combat Course, they will again be joining MilCom's battlegroups.

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