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  1. M

    Disapointed with the Fair Folk

    I trust Holden enough to hold my daughter while skiing down the slopes of Mount Mostath, but I do hope he doesn't make the Fair Folk too powerful. To note: The Fair Folk are effectively limitless. Yes, there are limits to the number that are actually interested in attacking Creation, but there...
  2. M

    Little problem with Stunts

    Look up videos of Legolas in Lord of the Rings. Especially the battle on the walls of Helm's Deep. Surfing down the stairs on a shield, while shooting your enemies in the face for the win. Also, shooting your opponent such that it knocks him into other opponents (Assuming you are atop the...
  3. M

    Idle musings on death

    When discussing the funerary practices of human beings, one must always take into account a most important facet of human nature: Laziness. In cities with high crime rates and human mortality rates, one might think that there would be ghosts running around all over the place, and that it would...
  4. M

    Implications of Essence Respiration

    Plague of Hats said: "This is one of those instances of writers saying something that sounds like it might be really awesome or metaphysically heady, but is actually kind of dumb and lessens story hooks for no good reason." Sure, but they didn't actually say it. They intimated it, on a forum...
  5. M

    Implications of Essence Respiration

    Actually, this is only partly correct. It has been intimated that Creation-born cannot travel through the raw Wyld, that if you are in Pure Chaos, you are actually inside one of the Unshaped. You can travel from Unshaped to Unshaped (assuming you aren't mutated right out of existence), but you...
  6. M

    Playing a Downright Alturistic Loyalist Infernal

    Indeed, brother. Come, join the Reclamation, and the Truth, for the Yozis who made and who make up the foundation of the world are the Truth, shall set you free. And all Malfeas' people said, Amen.