Playing a Downright Alturistic Loyalist Infernal


Ten Thousand Club
Well, my Malefactor is a fairly basic apostate Immaculate-turned-Yozi-Priest. You know the type-hedonistic, contemptuous of doctrine, utterly devoted to Cecelyne, Compassion of 4, cult leader...

Wait, Compassion 4?

Yep, Yeshen here has the level of general decency to his fellow man generally reserved for aide workers and gods of charity, and seems to have conveniently lost the memo that Compassion is Obsession when it comes to Green Sun Princes, despite flying in the face of every other setting book.

So, yeah, how would you play an Infernal loyalist who also happens to be a pretty damned nice guy?
Find a way to mentally reconcile helping the Yozis and helping people in general, then act accordingly.
The world was objectively better when the Yozis were free.

There was no Underworld, the Wyld wasnt a threat, the Celestial Bureaucracy worked, and there weren't super-powered douchebags proclaiming themselves emperor. Humanity was downtrodden, but that's the meaning of life. Ask any commoner; "Are you happy now?". Ask any person, even. No one is happy, those who are are happy transigently. That is because humanity was never meant to rule itself; humans can only be happy when they're slaves (preferably to Dragon Kings).

The World is out of balance. The World is mad without it's king. Cecelyne's law is that the strong rule the weak, but that is a law borne of despair - in the Time of Glory, her law was fair and just. She changed it to reflect the horrible reality of her imprisonment. If she can believe in her own ideals again, the world could once again see the true law and true happiness for all people.

Humanity rebelled against the Primordials out of ignorance, because they were compelled to do so by the Exalted and the Sun. They never wanted to, and the consequences have never been worth it.
Thanqol said:
The world was objectively better when the Yozis were free.
There was no Underworld, the Wyld wasnt a threat, the Celestial Bureaucracy worked, and there weren't super-powered douchebags proclaiming themselves emperor. Humanity was downtrodden, but that's the meaning of life. Ask any commoner; "Are you happy now?". Ask any person, even. No one is happy, those who are are happy transigently. That is because humanity was never meant to rule itself; humans can only be happy when they're slaves (preferably to Dragon Kings).

The World is out of balance. The World is mad without it's king. Cecelyne's law is that the strong rule the weak, but that is a law borne of despair - in the Time of Glory, her law was fair and just. She changed it to reflect the horrible reality of her imprisonment. If she can believe in her own ideals again, the world could once again see the true law and true happiness for all people.

Humanity rebelled against the Primordials out of ignorance, because they were compelled to do so by the Exalted and the Sun. They never wanted to, and the consequences have never been worth it.
Dude... awesomest answer ever.
Gylthinel said:
Dude... awesomest answer ever.
Indeed, brother. Come, join the Reclamation, and the Truth, for the Yozis who made and who make up the foundation of the world are the Truth, shall set you free.

And all Malfeas' people said, Amen.
I imagine such an Infernal hating themselves. They themselves are a paradox. They have power and (albeit limited under the chain of the Yozis) freedom that, according to their compassionate believes, humans should not have. The Exalted are a disgrace to Cecelyne. Once the Reclamation is done, such a person would probably want to kill themselves.

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