Search results for query: *

  1. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Zootopia Rp

    Collin ran down the hall of the small apartment him and rosey lived in, frantically trying to pull his jacket on as he rounded the corner into the kitchen. He was greeted by a surprised but gentle voice saying "you alright dear? what is all the hurry for?" Collin slid to a stop, stumbling...
  2. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Zootopia Rp

    oh excellent! feel free to begin roleplaying at anytime in the overview tag (since i have no idea how people get roleplay specific ones and its the only one empty) and we can get things rolling!
  3. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Zootopia Rp

    I am so sorry it took me so long to look at this, the website never alerted me that you posted your character. Jazmyn sounds awesome and I would love to have you apart of the rp if you are still interested.
  4. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Multi Island - Additional IC

    @Super Waifu Rin looked over, realizing he was being spoken to. "uh? Oh yeah.... I'm alright, nothing more then a slight headache. All good!" He smiled, giving a thumbs up. He brushed off his shirt, glancing over his shoulder and muttering "not sure what was up with that guy though. it was...
  5. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Multi Island - Additional IC

    Rin coughed as the smoke was blown in his face. He let out a squeak as he was suddenly dropped on the ground with a thud. With a slight groan, Rin looked up at the man as he spoke. As the stranger walked away, Rin growled and muttered "Yeah, good luck with that buddy." Rolling his eyes, Rin...
  6. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Multi Island - Additional IC

    "ugh, oops sorry man... whoa hey! what are you doing?!" Rin winced, letting out a small yelp as the man he crashed into squeezed his head "Whoa, chill out dude?! What's your problem, it was an accident! I didn't mean it." He responded, grabbing at the hand holding him and trying to get free; his...
  7. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Multi Island - Additional IC

    Rin continued his treck towards the school building, dreading the test to come of which he has no clue how to pass. His watch beeped, pulling his thoughts away from the test. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna be late!" He exclaimed, bringing his pace up to a run. Hastily he put his backpack on to make it a...
  8. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Multi Island - Additional IC

    Rin yawned, wiping sleep from his eyes as he lumbered down the side walk, the Kurikara (his sword) hanging lousily on his shoulder. He gripped his backpack in one hand, letting it sway just inches from the ground, his tail dragging lightly against the concrete. "Ugh, this is too early.... Why do...
  9. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Multi Island

    Fandom: Blue Exorcist Name: Rin Okumura Age: 15 Gender/Sex: Male Species: Human/Demon Occupation: Exorcist in Training Which Ward They Live In: Luteus Personality: Rin is a bit hotheaded and immature; it does not take much to anger him, and he has a tendency to get into fights. He...
  10. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Zootopia Rp

    Name: Collin Gender: Male Age: 20 Species: Coywolf (coyote/wolf) Personality: On the outside, appears rather cold and indifferent to most things. He does not talk much to strangers, because he hates getting to the question of what exactly is he. Once he trusts someone he get protective...
  11. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Zootopia Rp

    @Sherlock\-Timelord, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  12. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Zootopia Rp

    @Sherlock\-Timelord, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  13. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Zootopia Rp

    @Sherlock\-Timelord, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information. Please post: Appearance: Name: Gender: Age: Species: Personality: Background:
  14. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Zootopia Rp

    Welcome to the world of Zootopia! This rp is meant to explore the world of Zootopia. You can be a character from the movie or your own character. To join, post a picture of your character in the sign-up section and provide some information. Their personality, why they came to zootopia...
  15. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom Portal 2- Aftermath

    I appologize for the late reply, the site never notified me. But if you are still interested, you are more then welcome to be GLaDOS
  16. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom BBC Sherlock

    Sherlock raised his eyebrow, missing people weren't usually classified under interesting. Maybe ranked number ten on his list. But something about this strange man peeked his curiosity. "You're mother disappeared? You sure she didn't just vacation somewhere? After all you are an adult, there...
  17. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom BBC Sherlock

    Sherlock's eyes narrowed slightly but chooses to go along with it for now. He places the black box down on the table beside him as the strange guest sits down and mutters sarcastically "of course, make yourself at home." He stands up, neatly folding his hands behind his back, making his way to...
  18. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom BBC Sherlock

    Sherlock eyed the little box carefully, turning it in his hand slowly. "Soooo, to what do I owe the pleasure of this" He raises an eyebrow looking for a name but also taking in every minor detail he can about his guest.
  19. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom BBC Sherlock

    Sherlock lifted his head up from the couch. "John door!" He yelled before remembering he was currently home alone. With a heavy sigh sherlock rolled over and stood up from the couch, making his way to the top of the stairs. "It's open!" He shouted down, to lazy to actually open it himself. He...
  20. Sherlock-Timelord

    Fandom BBC Sherlock

    Sherlock groaned loudly, his voice echoing in the empty flat. He was currently sat upside down on the couch throwing knives at the wall in a state of boredom. "JOHN!" He yelled pausing to see if a response would come but when none came he shouted out for Mrs. Hudson instead. An irritated grunt...