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Fandom Multi Island - Additional IC

TheOnlyCatbug said:
((Edits have been made.))
She had a bit of a disappointment in this new friend(?). "No, I mean who are you? Agh, anyway I'm Weiss. Nice to see someone else that isn't a weird kid intruding on our lawns. You look... shiny today." She tried to be nice, after all this is a complete stranger.
"Oh, you said who," Arceus laughed. "I heard 'what are you doing', sorry. I'm Arceus. Very nice to meet you, Weiss." He offered a hand to shake.
Noivian said:
"Oh, you said who," Arceus laughed. "I heard 'what are you doing', sorry. I'm Arceus. Very nice to meet you, Weiss." He offered a hand to shake.
That went better than expected. She shook his hand. "You're skin is smooth. I like you. Who are your friends?" She pointed to the skeleton and the 2 people coming over, her hand at her side with Myrtenaster in her hand firmly in it's sheathe.
BigBadWolf said:
Peridot walked down the sidewalk, one hand handling a few fantasy books, and her other gripped to her new caretaker, Pearl. Pearl hummed softly, her other hand clenched to Steven's, who didn't exactly like this way of walking, he was a big kid after all, but decided not to say anything, not wanting to hurt Pearl's feelings in case she felt strongly about it. The three took up the whole sidewalk as they walked side by side, but it honestly didn't matter too much because of the lack of people at this time, 5:00 a.m to be precise. The three were headed to Malachite Art Supplies to get some supplies for one of Steven's recent art projects, then they would head to Dividers Book Store to get a new book Peridot's been dying for, leaving them enough time to drop the kids at school and get to her classroom for another day of work.
Dedan was fuming in anger, which had been caused by his workers incompetence "do they get fucking off at seeing so fucking angry? i swear they fucking do, with how they constantly fuck every little thing fucking up" Dedan quitely ranted as he stomped through the streets, which were mostly empty as most citizens were avoiding his path, as the park manager was notorious for his Rage which he was quick to aim towards anyone he felt had done him wrong, and currently this anger was aimed towards a small family "MOVE OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!!" Dedan Shouted as he pushed Pearl out of the way.
Shikamaru saw that the girl went inside putted the kunai in his bag and kept walking towards the library "What a drag! All that and she left!" Shikamaru started walking slowly watching to the sky and saying "Clouds are so free..."

@Any1 who is near
Pearl let go of Steven's hand, her body threatening to fall sideways, but she quickly fixed her footing before the fall actually came, Steven and himself getting out of the angry man's way."S-sorry.." Pearl said as Peridot looked up at the man, awe and fear in her eyes, but continued not to say anything, tugging on the older gem's hand. Steven walked back over to his caretaker, the older gem quickly grabbing his hand before partly dragging him and Peridot to the opposite side of the street, over to the other sidewalk. The makeshift family's pace quickened, Peridot always a few steps ahead of them as the small child was more than a little frightened by the older man's look and anger.


Sans turned around to see a strange white-haired human. But she didn't look old...maybe she used a lot of makeup? "Hi, old lady! The name's Sans. Sans the skeleton. Pleasure to meetcha!" He held out his hand to Weiss.

@TheOnlyCatbug @Noivian

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BigBadWolf said:
Pearl let go of Steven's hand, her body threatening to fall sideways, but she quickly fixed her footing before the fall actually came, Steven and himself getting out of the angry man's way."S-sorry.." Pearl said as Peridot looked up at the man, awe and fear in her eyes, but continued not to say anything, tugging on the older gem's hand. Steven walked back over to his caretaker, the older gem quickly grabbing his hand before partly dragging him and Peridot to the opposite side of the street, over to the other sidewalk. The makeshift family's pace quickened, Peridot always a few steps ahead of them as the small child was more than a little frightened by the older man's look and anger.
Dedan looked to his side and saw Peridot steering at him "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?! YOU GREEN BRAT!!" he screamed at her from across the street. he was just in all around foul mood at the moment, as this day like most was just not going his way, first of all, his workers were being utterly incompetent like usual and then he finds out that the bartender at his favorite bar was having a day off, so it was closed. he was so close to exploding and attacking the nearest bystander, and decided that the best way to went his frustration, was by went it all at the little green gem
Noivian said:
Arceus noticed movement in the corner of his eye, and turned to greet the two approaching him. Recognizing the Lati duo on sight, Arceus offered them a wide smile. "Hey, you two!" he called out, waving before the made it over. "Lovely day, isn't it? Off to school, I hope? Not ditching?" he gave the two a playful wink and smile.
"No sir! Schools off today for some people because finals are coming up soon. They give days off to people in little bursts, so some are going to school today. But not us! Latios and I were going out to...to..." Latias was very chipper in her tone, but it gradually got uncertain. "We're out to either finally get Latias to master Mist Ball, or give people some help with whatever they're doing today." Latios finished, smiling slightly. "Hopefully we're doing the second one, because you suck at that move Latias." When her was done, Latias plastered an obviously fake look of offense on her face. "Umm, excuse me? You can't even use your Fly attack correctly, and technically, you're a dragon." Latias shot back, satisfied with her brother's reaction.

They stopped bickering at one another as a woman with silvery hair approched. Latios nudged Latias. "Hey look. You're not the only one with white hair." He teased. Latias' hands flew to her bangs, which were dyed red to make it look less old. When the woman gestured to them and Sans, both Lati twins stood up straighter. "Hello miss! I'm Latias, and this is Latios. Nice to meet you! "I can speak for myself I'll have you know." Latios mumbled under his breath.
Peridot gave out a little yelp, burying her face in her caretaker's side. Pearl picked up the small gem, giving the man across the street a bad look, but nothing further, unlike some of her housemates, she could keep her cool ,at least for a little while. The small gem dug her fingers into Pearl as she gripped onto her, causing the adult to slightly wince at the pain. She put on a fake smile as she looked at the gem. "Don't worry, were almost to the art store.." She whispered soothingly to the child, who became slightly less tense, relaxing her fingers, much to the relief of Pearl. Pearl then stopped smiling, looking irritated as she quickened their already swift pace, looking straight ahead, her hand becoming sweaty as she tightened the grip on her other child.

BigBadWolf said:
Peridot gave out a little yelp, burying her face in her caretaker's side. Pearl picked up the small gem, giving the man across the street a bad look, but nothing further, unlike some of her housemates, she could keep her cool ,at least for a little while. The small gem dug her fingers into Pearl as she gripped onto her, causing the adult to slightly wince at the pain. She put on a fake smile as she looked at the gem. "Don't worry, were almost to the art store.." She whispered soothingly to the child, who became slightly less tense, relaxing her fingers, much to the relief of Pearl. Pearl then stopped smiling, looking irritated as she quickened their already swift pace, looking straight ahead, her hand becoming sweaty as she tightened the grip on her other child.
"YEAH RUN OFF, YOU BUNCH OF SHITS!!" Dedan screamed as he watched the odd family walk away, "Well. i made little kid almost cry, i guess i can say that's a good day then." Dedan muttered as he lit up a new cigar, having dropped his previous one. "Those Fucking pieces of Shits should know not to be in my path" Dedan muttered as he walked away from the group, having released enough of his rage for now and he was just trying to remember why he wasn't at the park. Aside from trying to calm down from his workers's incompetence. no wait, he didn't have any other reason for not being their, his workers were just so utterly useless that watching them fuck up made him angry.
Rin continued his treck towards the school building, dreading the test to come of which he has no clue how to pass. His watch beeped, pulling his thoughts away from the test. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna be late!" He exclaimed, bringing his pace up to a run. Hastily he put his backpack on to make it a least a little easier to run. "Come on Okumura, you can make it" Rin muttered to himself. His eyes narrowed as a set of concrete stairs entered his line of sight. Quickly, he jumped up the railing, sliding rather haphazardly down to save time. He grinned at his "brilliant idea" until it came to reaching the bottom. It took him a second to long to prepare for his landing and he wound up flying off and crashing into something.
Pipfrost said:
"No sir! Schools off today for some people because finals are coming up soon. They give days off to people in little bursts, so some are going to school today. But not us! Latios and I were going out to...to..." Latias was very chipper in her tone, but it gradually got uncertain. "We're out to either finally get Latias to master Mist Ball, or give people some help with whatever they're doing today." Latios finished, smiling slightly. "Hopefully we're doing the second one, because you suck at that move Latias." When her was done, Latias plastered an obviously fake look of offense on her face. "Umm, excuse me? You can't even use your Fly attack correctly, and technically, you're a dragon." Latias shot back, satisfied with her brother's reaction.
They stopped bickering at one another as a woman with silvery hair approched. Latios nudged Latias. "Hey look. You're not the only one with white hair." He teased. Latias' hands flew to her bangs, which were dyed red to make it look less old. When the woman gestured to them and Sans, both Lati twins stood up straighter. "Hello miss! I'm Latias, and this is Latios. Nice to meet you! "I can speak for myself I'll have you know." Latios mumbled under his breath.
"Ah, well," Arceus nodded, "Don't get into any trouble today, okay?"
[QUOTE="Sherlock-Timelord]Rin continued his treck towards the school building, dreading the test to come of which he has no clue how to pass. His watch beeped, pulling his thoughts away from the test. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna be late!" He exclaimed, bringing his pace up to a run. Hastily he put his backpack on to make it a least a little easier to run. "Come on Okumura, you can make it" Rin muttered to himself. His eyes narrowed as a set of concrete stairs entered his line of sight. Quickly, he jumped up the railing, sliding rather haphazardly down to save time. He grinned at his "brilliant idea" until it came to reaching the bottom. It took him a second to long to prepare for his landing and he wound up flying off and crashing into something.

Dedan had been walking back towards the park when he felt something slam into his back, he looked back and saw a blue haired teen, he growled as he picked the teen up by his head and looked him in the eyes "You piece of shit!. What's the big fucking idea, slamming into me like that?!?" He slowly began to tighten his grip on the kid's head
billthesomething said:
Dedan had been walking back towards the park when he felt something slam into his back, he looked back and saw a blue haired teen, he growled as he picked the teen up by his head and looked him in the eyes "You piece of shit!. What's the big fucking idea, slamming into me like that?!?" He slowly began to tighten his grip on the kid's head
"ugh, oops sorry man... whoa hey! what are you doing?!" Rin winced, letting out a small yelp as the man he crashed into squeezed his head "Whoa, chill out dude?! What's your problem, it was an accident! I didn't mean it." He responded, grabbing at the hand holding him and trying to get free; his tail flicking in an frustrated manner.
[QUOTE="Sherlock-Timelord]"ugh, oops sorry man... whoa hey! what are you doing?!" Rin winced, letting out a small yelp as the man he crashed into squeezed his head "Whoa, chill out dude?! What's your problem, it was an accident! I didn't mean it." He responded, grabbing at the hand holding him and trying to get free; his tail flicking in an frustrated manner.

"MY PROBLEM ARE LITTLE SHITS LIKE YOU, WHO JUST GO AROUND THINKING THEY OWN THE PLACE!!" Dedan screamed, which caused smoke from his cigar to go into the teen's face. He lessened his grip on the kid's head before fully releasing him and just letting the kid fall too the ground. "Ugh, i don't have fucking time for this bullshit. Next fucking time I won't hesitate to send you to the fucking hospital" He said and turned away from the kid
billthesomething said:
"MY PROBLEM ARE LITTLE SHITS LIKE YOU, WHO JUST GO AROUND THINKING THEY OWN THE PLACE!!" Dedan screamed, which caused smoke from his cigar to go into the teen's face. He lessened his grip on the kid's head before fully releasing him and just letting the kid fall too the ground. "Ugh, i don't have fucking time for this bullshit. Next fucking time I won't hesitate to send you to the fucking hospital" He said and turned away from the kid
Rin coughed as the smoke was blown in his face. He let out a squeak as he was suddenly dropped on the ground with a thud. With a slight groan, Rin looked up at the man as he spoke. As the stranger walked away, Rin growled and muttered "Yeah, good luck with that buddy." Rolling his eyes, Rin began to gather his things, slinging the Kurikara back on his shoulder as he stood up.
Weiss Weiss knew this skeleton was trouble. She held Myrtenaster tighter with one hand and shook the skeletons hand violently. "I'm not old, just look at you. You're bald! And your skin isn't there. If anything, you're 200 or more."

She looked at Latios and Latias. "Why is everyone here so weird looking? You guys' outfits look good, I guess." She inferred to Arceus' and the Latis'. She pointed at Latios. "Excellent choice in hair coloring." She had a smug look on her face.

@Noivian @Pipfrost @SansLovesPugs
It's a beautiful day outside; birds are singing, flowers are blooming Alice was only beginning to eat breakfast as she has only just woken up in the last half of an hour. Just a plain omelette and orange juice was her quickly-made choice. Alice slowly nibbles her food as she stares outside of her window, looking at the bright morning held outside. Meanwhile, small dolls the size of spoons and forks roam and fly about the house doing a lot of chores; sweeping the floor, tidying up anything that needs it, feather dusting the corners of the ceiling, and much more. The one who made the omelette was made by another doll, too. Despite the seemingly independent actions they do, they are all still controlled by their mastermind Alice, who shows not much effort. It was quiet inside her European-styled home. Just what she liked.

One particular doll nicknamed Shanghai came over hoisting up a laptop supported by another doll under the object, as both seem to be having trouble carrying the machine. After a few dolls came to clean up after Alice's breakfast, Shanghai and the other doll placed the laptop in front of Alice, folding it open then booting it up. Shanghai stayed with Alice while the other doll left the room to take care of other businesses. Alice seated herself neatly in front of the laptop to use it. After fifteen minutes or so, Alice stood up from her seat and headed to the living room. She beckoned Shanghai to follow while non-verbally commanding other dolls to take away the laptop for now. Alice went to a couch and she put aside two throw pillows. Behind them was a black book called Grimoire. She took it and planned to hold it for now. Alice opened the door and went outside, followed closely by Shanghai. The two took a left and headed for Malachite Art Supplies.
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The sun shone down onto Luteus, and Yosuke Hanamura couldn't help but inwardly gripe about the heat. As the young man walked down the empty street, hands shoved into his pockets, he recalled just how much he disliked the sweltering heat. Well, he disliked any extreme weather. During the winter, the frigid temperatures were too much for him. During the summer, the rampant heat only served to irritate him. The tawny-haired young man rounded the corner, giving a small sigh of relief as he began to walk underneath the shade of several trees that were planted around the different homes and properties. However, upon turning around the corner, he managed to see Rin get dropped to the ground by the aggressive stranger, who quickly went in the opposite direction.

Yosuke was a young man of many words. But this time, he found himself puzzled and speechless. Had they gotten into a fight? The tawny-haired teen felt as though he would regret this, but he continued walking towards Rin, watching as the young man regained his bearings.

"Hey." He greeted the dark-haired young fellow. "You alright? That looked pretty nasty."



(Please tone Dedan down. Or remove him from the RP entirely. I acknowledge that having aggressive characters in a roleplay is fine, but he's honestly kind of grating... I'm not saying that he has to be a happy-go-lucky guy, but maybe use him a little less?)
Super Waifu] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26979-billthesomething/ said:
(Please tone Dedan down. Or remove him from the RP entirely. I acknowledge that having aggressive characters in a roleplay is fine, but he's honestly kind of grating... I'm not saying that he has to be a happy-go-lucky guy, but maybe use him a little less?)
(Ill try to use him less)



"Old?! I'm 25, you idiot!" He pulled his hand away from Weiss. "I'm a SKELETON! I'm SUPPOSED to be bald and skinless!" Then, he blushed, realizing he just let himself completely freak out. "Hey, what do you do if you see a skeleton run across the road? Jump out of your skin and join him!"


Weiss was very confused. When there were skeletons around, that means that they were more than 100 years old. She liked the joke that this skeleton made, despite how bad it was.

Hmph, funny."

Suddenly a voice came from far away behind her.


Ruby went behind her, out of breath, looking at Sans.

Weiss put her hand to her face. "Ruby, I don't have time for that. Just get Yang to do it."

Who's you're friend, huh?"

Weiss let out a long sigh.

@SansLovesPugs @Noivian @Pipfrost
@Super Waifu

Rin looked over, realizing he was being spoken to. "uh? Oh yeah.... I'm alright, nothing more then a slight headache. All good!" He smiled, giving a thumbs up. He brushed off his shirt, glancing over his shoulder and muttering "not sure what was up with that guy though. it was just an accident."
Alice arrived at the front of Malachite Art Supplies and entered within. The fact that she was shaded and cooled in here from the sun felt like she would rather stay here the whole day but that wasn't her intention at all in the first place. Alice moved along the place with Shanghai closely trailing her puppeteer. The two went past a few aisles for a few minutes until Alice rested her gaze on a particular one with many paintbrushes. Alice walked slowly now and went up to a brushes. Alice gave a silent command to Shanghai to get a basket or the sort to hold the products, as she forgot to get one at the entrance.

Shanghai arrived at the entrance to find neatly stacked plastic baskets for customer use. Shanghai hovered near and began to pull one out from the others. They were slightly stuck and Shanghai tried a little harder to get the topmost basket from the others. Suddenly...

The stack toppled over. Baskets upon baskets lay wasted on the floor but were conveniently not in any way an obstacle for people who might be passing through.

The nearest person, which happened to be the one handling the cashier, spotted the doll. They were about to get at the doll but knew they had to first take care of the two people in line. Shanghai might not be able to stack all the baskets in time then leave. She tried to do so anyway, with a flustered expression. It was a consensus between Shanghai and the person at the cashier that this was a race against time before the other finishes their task.

@At anyone who might happen to arrive at Malachite Art Supplies
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Weiss and Ruby

"Um, Ruby... these people seem braindead. Let's go somewhere else, I think that skeleton is cute." Weiss looked at Sans, he looked frozen in time. She walked forward, pulling Ruby's hood.

Oh, I wanted to tell you that for winning the battle earlier-"

I didn't win..."

Who cares, you'll still get cookies back home!"

Whatever." She said as she stopped, Ruby fell to the floor.

Weiss and Ruby looked at the name of the place. '
Malachite Art Supplies, meh. I can draw. Then that way they'll know that I am good for more than just Dust usage. They can see my artwork and...' She stopped thinking to feel Ruby tug her skirt. "Oh, let's go in."

They walked inside, Ruby looked at everything... mainly the red things.

Hmm, this isn't correct." She said looking at fallen baskets. "What went wrong here?" She said, looking for anyone that could be responsible.

@Computing Magus

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