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Fandom Multi Island - Additional IC

Super Waifu



Luteus is to the east of Rubrum. It's a much more relaxed, residential area. Most of the homes here are two stories. There's a park, alongside several shops and stores. Most of the schools on Multi Island can be found here. The foliage here in abundant, and the area becomes quite a sight during springtime, when the cherry blossoms begin to bloom. This area is small than Rubrum, and most residents here are familiar with each other, and friendly.

  • Yosuke Hanamura, Dedan, Peridot, Steven Universe, Amethyst, Pearl, Garnet, Ruby Rose, Tsunayoshi Sawada, Rin Okumura, Arceus, Latias, Latios, Anju Maaka, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Shikamaru Naruto, Yang Xiao Long, Alice Margatroid

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It was a quiet day in Lutues, children and teens were at school. And in smaller wards only park. employees were hard at work with helping the park maintain it's gorgeous appearance or they should be doing that, but no instead they were all gathered inside a cabin where their Manager resided "YOU RETARDS DID WHAT?!?" Dedan screamed at the gathered workers. "we ac--acci--acciden-tly br-o-o-ok the paddle boats, sir" came the shaky reply from one of the workers. an agonizing minute passed before Dedan lit up a cigar and glared at his workers with such intesity that they could feel his stare burn into their soul. He took a drag of his cigar before beginning to scream at his workers

"THEIR CALLED PEDALOS YOU FUCKING IDIOTS, HOW FUCKING OFTEN DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU INCOMPETENT RETARDS THAT, BEFORE YOU BUNCH OF MONGOLOIDS START CALLING THEM BY THEIR CORRECT FUCKING NAMES?!?!" Dedan took a drag of his cigar before continuing with his triad "AND HOW IN TAP-DANCING CHRIST DID YOU BREAK THE PEDALOS?!?!" Before any of the workers could give an explanation, Dedan rose from behind his desk "YOU KNOW WHAT, DON'T EVEN FUCKING BOTHER." he walked past his workers and towards the door. "I AM GOING OUT AND YOU FUCK-TARDS BETTER HAVE FUCKING FIXED THE PEDALOS BEFORE I GET BACK" he said as he walked out the door and slammed the door behind him with enough force to cause the cabin to shake.
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Peridot walked down the sidewalk, one hand handling a few fantasy books, and her other gripped to her new caretaker, Pearl. Pearl hummed softly, her other hand clenched to Steven's, who didn't exactly like this way of walking, he was a big kid after all, but decided not to say anything, not wanting to hurt Pearl's feelings in case she felt strongly about it. The three took up the whole sidewalk as they walked side by side, but it honestly didn't matter too much because of the lack of people at this time, 5:00 a.m to be precise. The three were headed to Malachite Art Supplies to get some supplies for one of Steven's recent art projects, then they would head to Dividers Book Store to get a new book Peridot's been dying for, leaving them enough time to drop the kids at school and get to her classroom for another day of work.

Garnet was cooking breakfast as she listened to music that blared through her ear-buds, the breakfast itself being some pancakes and bacon. She whistled in tune of the song, sometimes banging a pan or spatula in the beat. The oldest gem didn't have to work until the time school ended, so she decided to stay in her pajamas, which consisted of a baby blue Jersey that reached her knees, and had a light red number 32 on the back, as well as dark red house shoes. Amethyst sat a few feet away from her in a wooden dining chair, feet propped up on the small dining table as she scrolled through her phone, also wearing lilac colored pajamas with star designs, and dark purple bunny slippers. She didn't have work until around 7:00 p.m, so she could be just as lazy as she wanted until then.
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Weiss and Yang were in their large backyard after school was over. The new school was boring, they couldn't bring their weapons, the classes were extremely different and boring, team JNPR wasn't there and nobody else they knew could be found. But they found a way to have fun sparring in their own backyard. Ruby was outside on the porch, watching them battle, while Blake was in her room reading her favorite book.


Yep" And with a yell, Weiss lunged Myrtenaster at Yang. Yang dodged and punched Weiss, sending her flying in the direction she was already going. "Ow..." "Too easy."

Yay, Yang wins!" She said, eating popcorn.

@Any1 who happened to hear them battle.
Shikamaru was playing shogi with his father when he said "Dad when are we going back?", "I don´t know son, I don't know" Shikaku replied (He is Shikamaru's dad), Shikamaru wished to go back to his old house, but he was in Multi Island now. The shogi match lasted 1 hour or so and when it finished (Shikaku won the match) shikamaru said " I'm going outside for a walk", "Sure son but please come back before 10:30" "Sure" Shikamaru exited the house and walked towards the library when he heard a loud noise and something about a battle, he started walking towards the source of the noise. When he arrived he realized it was a back yard and 2 people were fighting or already did because it seemed someone was celebrating a victory.

Arceus had the day off work, so he decided to take a stroll through the neighborhood in human from.

Ruby waved at the new friend. "Hiiiiiii!!!!"

What's wrong Ruby?" Yang turned to see a kid there. "Oh, hey!" She made Ember Celica inactive, which looked like cool looking yellow bracelets.

Weiss walked over to the kid, sheathing Myrtenaster. She was a little taller than him. "
Why are you here and what are you doing?" Weiss said straightforwardly. She was always complaining about people she didn't trust enough. It was her way of life.

@Galen Ardila
Shikamaru felt threatened and started pulling out a kunai from hi bag while saying 2 I just heard some noises and wanted to chck if everything was ok, I'm Shikamaru Nara by the way" Shikamaru pulled the kunay out and hid it behind his back just in case the girl tryed to hit him and waited for a reply.



Sans woke up. He had a horrible dream last night about a...er...flying Dorito? It sounds ridiculous but it was really much more terrifying than it sounds. Never the less, he got up and got dressed, white t-shirt, black shorts, blue sweatshirt. Done. Wait...he's missing something...ah! Shoes! Well, Papyrus's dog ate Sans's slippers yesterday so...today will be a shoeless day. He shrugged and walked outside and into the street.

SansLovesPugs said:


Sans woke up. He had a horrible dream last night about a...er...flying Dorito? It sounds ridiculous but it was really much more terrifying than it sounds. Never the less, he got up and got dressed, white t-shirt, black shorts, blue sweatshirt. Done. Wait...he's missing something...ah! Shoes! Well, Papyrus's dog ate Sans's slippers yesterday so...today will be a shoeless day. He shrugged and walked outside and into the street.

Arceus spotted Sans and offered him a polite wave. "Nice day out, isn't it?"


Sans stopped, seeing the strange man. "Oh, hey, haven't seen you 'round. Name's Sans." He smiled and offered his hand for the unknown human to shake. "You live around here? I've never seen you before...funny, guess this place is bigger than I thought." He shrugged.

SansLovesPugs said:


Sans stopped, seeing the strange man. "Oh, hey, haven't seen you 'round. Name's Sans." He smiled and offered his hand for the unknown human to shake. "You live around here? I've never seen you before...funny, guess this place is bigger than I thought." He shrugged.

Arceus took Sans' hand in firm shake. "Name's Arceus. Nice to meet you, Sans. I take it you live around here, too, then. Yeah, this place is pretty big. How long have you been living here?" he paused, glancing at the skeleton's feet. "... Do you want some shoes?"


"I've just lived here a little while with my brother. A month, maybe two." Then, he looked down, at his feet, and replied. "Uuuuuh, no thanks..." He smiled and chuckled sheepishly. "I'm good!" He held his hand in an awkward thumbs-up.

"Ah, that would explain it. I've been busy with my restaurant for the past month or two, and haven't had time to get out and about," Arceus resonded, dropping his hand. "Well, if you insist on no shoes..." he shrugged in response.


"Well, Arceus. Whatcha doin' out this early?" Sans asked Arceus. It wasn't actually very early but Sans usually didn't get up very early so it was early for him.

"It's... um... not early..." Arceus responds. "I have the day off from work, so I figured I'd take a stroll around the neighborhood."


Sans shrugged. "R-right...it's not that early...what I meant is...uh..." The chubby skeleton looked down, looking for a way out of this awkward conversation. "ANY WEIRD DREAMS LAST NIGHT?!" he burst out.

SansLovesPugs said:


Sans shrugged. "R-right...it's not that early...what I meant is...uh..." The chubby skeleton looked down, looking for a way out of this awkward conversation. "ANY WEIRD DREAMS LAST NIGHT?!" he burst out.

Arceus pursed his lips, looking to the side as he thought. "Mm, not really," he shook his head.
Rin yawned, wiping sleep from his eyes as he lumbered down the side walk, the Kurikara (his sword) hanging lousily on his shoulder. He gripped his backpack in one hand, letting it sway just inches from the ground, his tail dragging lightly against the concrete. "Ugh, this is too early.... Why do lessons have to start first thing in the morning?!" He exclaimed. A noise amitted from his stomach, and he huffed "Damn it, forgot to grab something on the way out..... Eh oh well, maybe I can snag something of Yukio if I see him." He shrugged, continuing on his way.
"Latios! Come on! We get the day off from school and you refuse to get out of bed!" Latias pouted, pulling on her brother's arm. He grunted in response, rolling over. "Ok, fine. Be that way." Latias crossed her arms and shifted into her Pokemon form. A small concentrated beam of light blue light formed at her mouth, and she shot a weak Ice Beam attack at Latios. The blue dragon, however, shifted into his Pokemon form as well faster than what Latias could imagine, and let out an unhappy, "Schwaann!" Noise as he watched his bed turn into a Popsicle. Latias shifted back into a human, and Latios did the same. "What was that for! Now I'm too awake to even attempt falling back asleep. We have finals next week and you're not sleeping? You're crazy Latias." Latios said, exasperated. When Latias looks down, defeated, Latios walked over and put a hand on her head. "Ok fine. Give me 15 minutes and I'll be outside."

The Lati twins were walking down the sidewalk, Latias speaking very quickly and Latios giving the occasional nod. Sooner that later, they spot Sans and Arceus talking a few meters away. "Hey! Let's go say hi!" Latias said excitedly, pulling on Latios's arm. "No! No no. That's Arceus, I know he really doesn't appriciate it when he's treated above others, but it's kinda hard to forget that technically he created us." Latios retorted, making Latias pause and think. "So you're right." She said, but she quickly replaced the doubt on her face with a smile. "No worries! We're legendaries. Let's go." Latias began walking in that direction.

@Noivian @SansLovesPugs


Yang went up to this boy, she was as tall as Weiss. She put her hand on Weiss' shoulder. "Weiss, this kid is new to us. Go inside and have some tea."

She stormed into the house slamming the door.

Yang looked at Shikamaru and put one arm on top of the other. "
Sorry, that's Weiss and her... attitude. Anyway you have a cool name, mine's Yang."

Ruby still waved from the porch of the backyard.

BLAKE! I'm inside! Where are you?"

Blake put her book under her pillow, then went downstairs. "What is it? I was reading."

There's some kid outside and he looks bad to me. I'm getting some tea." She began making her favorite blend.

"You're always like this, you need to open up more."

I'm open enough."

"Hmmmmmmmm, no you're not." She sat on the couch in the living room next to the open kitchen.

Weiss grunted and started drinking, her favorite movie was on. She stared at the TV and Blake slept on the couch.

@Galen Ardila
Pipfrost said:
"Latios! Come on! We get the day off from school and you refuse to get out of bed!" Latias pouted, pulling on her brother's arm. He grunted in response, rolling over. "Ok, fine. Be that way." Latias crossed her arms and shifted into her Pokemon form. A small concentrated beam of light blue light formed at her mouth, and she shot a weak Ice Beam attack at Latios. The blue dragon, however, shifted into his Pokemon form as well faster than what Latias could imagine, and let out an unhappy, "Schwaann!" Noise as he watched his bed turn into a Popsicle. Latias shifted back into a human, and Latios did the same. "What was that for! Now I'm too awake to even attempt falling back asleep. We have finals next week and you're not sleeping? You're crazy Latias." Latios said, exasperated. When Latias looks down, defeated, Latios walked over and put a hand on her head. "Ok fine. Give me 15 minutes and I'll be outside."
The Lati twins were walking down the sidewalk, Latias speaking very quickly and Latios giving the occasional nod. Sooner that later, they spot Sans and Arceus talking a few meters away. "Hey! Let's go say hi!" Latias said excitedly, pulling on Latios's arm. "No! No no. That's Arceus, I know he really doesn't appriciate it when he's treated above others, but it's kinda hard to forget that technically he created us." Latios retorted, making Latias pause and think. "So you're right." She said, but she quickly replaced the doubt on her face with a smile. "No worries! We're legendaries. Let's go." Latias began walking in that direction.

@Noivian @SansLovesPugs
Arceus noticed movement in the corner of his eye, and turned to greet the two approaching him. Recognizing the Lati duo on sight, Arceus offered them a wide smile. "Hey, you two!" he called out, waving before the made it over. "Lovely day, isn't it? Off to school, I hope? Not ditching?" he gave the two a playful wink and smile.
Team RWBY-Weiss

Weiss was done with her tea, then spoke softly to Blake.

I'm going for a walk. Be back soon."

She walked outside for a while and saw another person and... a skeleton... '
How weird is this island?'

She walked up to them from behind them. She hesitated to speak.

Ummmm, who are you?" She said putting her finger on her chin.

@Noivian @Pipfrost @SansLovesPugs
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TheOnlyCatbug said:
Team RWBY-Weiss

Weiss was done with her tea, then spoke softly to Blake.

I'm going for a walk. Be back soon."

She walked outside for a while and saw what appeared to be a giant moose looking creature shouting and a skeleton. She walked up to it from behind them. She hesitated to speak.

Ummmm, what are you?" She said putting her finger on her chin.

@Noivian @Pipfrost @SansLovesPugs
((Arceus is in human form, as are the other two approaching legendaries, so there should be no shouting moose creature...))

Arceus turned to the newcomer. "Talking, why?"
((Edits have been made.))

Noivian said:
((Arceus is in human form, as are the other two approaching legendaries, so there should be no shouting moose creature...))
Arceus turned to the newcomer. "Talking, why?"
She had a bit of a disappointment in this new friend(?). "No, I mean who are you? Agh, anyway I'm Weiss. Nice to see someone else that isn't a weird kid intruding on our lawns. You look... shiny today." She tried to be nice, after all this is a complete stranger.

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