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  1. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Silverwing

    Survive. [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “Get your wings out,” Aeterna Wormwood scoffed, rolling his eyes. “And that sounds like something a human would say. Get your wings out indeed.” He clicked and they unfurled, a single white feather fluttering to the floor below. He stooped and picked it up, frowning softly. He looked upset by...
  4. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    He scooped up the cup, scowling, and when they passed by a bin he placed both the cups in them. "Littering isn't a good habit, Haley. Besides..I've got to stay somewhere haven't I? And the law of Human-Angelic relations sate an Angel MUST stay with the first human that sees it until the angel...
  5. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    Thinking that wasn't a dismissal, he got up and followed after. "Another difference in Humans, your parents. Angelic parents don't live through the birthing processes." He still had his coffee gripped tightly in his pale hands, taking a sip every now and then. With a quick circular motion of a...
  6. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “I don’t have anywhere, actually. I’m sure I can scout out an abandoned warehouse or something.” He sighed, not exactly sounding too sure about that. He cautiously picked up the coffee, taking a sip. “By Norsal! That’s hot, htohtothtot!” Aeterna panted to try and relieve himself of the heat...
  7. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “Fantastic! I've always wanted to know how a Human works.” He leaned forward, staring at the books with a child like interest. That was what he was, really, just a child in an adult body. His speckled-grey eyes sparkled with joy, his nose and brown wrinkling as he concentrated. “Sorry, sorry...
  8. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “Then I shall make myself scarce from the woods, thank you for the warning.” He smiled at her blush, looking down at the books, reading the titles and smiling. “I shall have to get some Earth objects to take back home, you have some of the best books I’ve read, actually. Especially Lord of the...
  9. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “Yeah, the only reason your lot know about it at all was because a load of angels went rouge and decided it’d be funny to come here and start directly twisting and shaping human affairs. We even had Angel and Human children being born!” He rolled his eyes, “I was only young at the time, barely...
  10. Silverwing


    We're still waiting on one reserved spot's character. As soon as we have that, we can start!
  11. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “I guess so. I need to wait for the right celestial alignments, so I’ll be here for a few days. I guess I’ll have to go and hide my crash site, then find a place to hang until I have the right timing. I believe that should be…” He closed his eyes, seeming to be locked in a mental search. “the...
  12. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “Aeterna, Aeterna Wormwood. You were having a bit of a panic when I told you so it’s understandable.” He gave a cheery little smile at the waitress. The angel returned his gaze to Haley, staring at her over his interlaced fingers. The strange habits, linked with his tattered clothing, made him a...
  13. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “It’s good.” He stated curtly, sitting down across from her. He gave a small smile, “I’ve always loved Earth, and the people are nice enough, if they’re not blowing each over up, hehee.” He made sure to speak quietly so nobody could overhear his rather strange conversation with the blue haired...
  14. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    He shrugged and continued onwards after her, whistling softly to himself. He had a rather cheery disposition for somebody had fallen from an incredibly high height. He leant forward and stared back at her slightly, “What’s your name anyhow, mystery savior? Hehe..If you don’t mind me asking for...
  15. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    With a flash, they were gone. He’d adjusted to a more normal looking body now, shorter and more evenly built. His skin was now a moderately normally pale, instead of chalky. “Yes, put them away.” He stretched, yawning. “I digress, onwards too coffee!” He strolled along next to her. “Want me to...
  16. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “Yeah, it’s complicated. I can’t die of natural means, only of injuries by a mortal race. Another angel couldn’t kill me, age couldn’t kill me, but you shooting me could.” As he explained, he eyed up the books. “Or very quick flying books could also kill me, probably. Let’s not test that theory...
  17. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “Oi! ‘ey! Don’t go loopy on me.” He tapped her forehead softly, frowning. “Come on, you don’t seem like the weak minded. Besides, humans are equally as weird! I mean, no wings and you’re so..Short!” He smirked softly, “And you’re constantly doing stupid stuff, like wars for instance. Surely it...
  18. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “I..*mumblemumble*..” He looked away shamefully. Realizing she hadn’t heard what he’d said, he let out a sigh and repeated. “I fell out of heaven. Literally, fell out of heaven…I’m not good at long distance flying. I can see your attachment to those books; please don’t hit me with them.” He had...
  19. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    He looked a little hurt, but regained a small smile. “Is the moon still real after it sets? Is the sun still there after the moon takes its place? I’m real in that sense, that I’m there…But not seen.” He laughed softly, “Kill you? Oh, nonono! If I do that…Then I’ll die too. It is against the...
  20. Silverwing

    When a star falls. [Inactive]

    “May I remind you that I’m not human?” He clicked a finger casually, clicking and tapping his foot to a strange rhythm. “Angel, remember? Just because I don’t wear a dress and have a ring above my head, doesn’t mean I’m not angelic!” He was now only a meter away. Despite his scary appearance...