When a star falls. [Inactive]


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Silverwing submitted a new role play:

When a star falls. - 1-on-1 (Silverwing and LynxAmelia.

When something crashes on the edge of the forest in a blaze of light, who will be brave enough to investigate? Who will walk through the darkened woods to find the crater where something-or someone-lays dormant..
Who will discover Aeterna Wormwood? The Angel who fell from the heavens..
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Ignore the dice, I was curious as to what it did! xD
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Hayley adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose. She had her backpack full and a couple of books in her hand as she walked home. For someone as thin as she was, it would usually be a great hassle to carry so many books. But she seemed rather comfortable. And on this clear cloudless evening, she decided to take the route by the woods.

A sudden crash accompanied by blinding light startled her. It was a little distance into the forest. Clutching the books to her chest, she attempted to peer between the trees at what might have caused the crash. Even after squinting her eyes, she couldn't see it. She looked around. The road was deserted. Slowly, she made her way into the woods, planning on going back if she didn't find anything within 15 feet.
The Angelic being lay within the forest, the world spinning around him. Ashen-grey eyes blinked away the fatigue, age-old arms forcing him to sit up, and a powerful mind analysing the world around him.

"Earth?" He asked the forest around him, now standing and brushing off his shirt. Apart from having the occasional singe on it, the white shirt was surprisingly in-tact for something that'd hurtled through the atmosphere, causing the air around it to become superheated and flames to build around him.

"Best not to think about that." He smiled a little and took a few tentative steps, wings fluttering out to adjust to the cool evening air. Aeterna had been wandering for some while when he caught movement in the forest, a flicker of blue in his peripherals, that caused him to turn and watch the book-carrying girl.

Please don't notice me, please don't notice me..Please don't notice me.
She pushed up her glasses with a single finger as she looked around. "Hello?" she called out when she noticed a flutter of white. Wings? Her blue eyes went wide in fear but mostly in puzzlement. The reason.. The wings were on a man. A tall man.

Her first instinct was to bolt. She was such an idiot, she thought to herself, such an idiot for not running when she heard the crash. As now, her legs refused to cooperate and she stood rooted to the spot, noticing the man was looking at her. She let out a small whimper in fear as she locked eyes with him. "Please don't hurt me," she squeaked, taking a step backwards.
“Not going too!” He put his hands up, in fear of the books being thrown at him. His tall, lanky, appearance and stark pale skin gave him an otherworldly appearance. He put his hands down slowly, returning them to his pockets. He took a tentative, toddler-like, step forward. “It’s okay human; I know your kind get freaked out when they see the wings. Just don’t bolt, and don’t tell anyone else…Were you followed? Oh this is going to be a huge amount of paperwork when I get back!”
Human? Paperwork?? Her mind raced. "Who are you?" she managed to utter, her hands shaking a bit. A cold wind blew through the forest, causing her blue hair to fly out behind her. She clutched the books in one hand as she pulled her skirt down a little which flew up momentarily before she caught it. A deep blush formed on her face in embarrassment as she dearly hoped this creature did not see this. She glared up at him once more as though he was the cause of the breeze. For all she knew, he could be.
He wasn’t, in fact. His feathers ruffled slightly in the breeze. “It depends. In my native language, Imfihimit Nahkranme. In yours, human, it’s Aeterna Wormwood.” He hadn’t noticed the skirt incident, his eyes locked on hers solidly. He barely blinked at all, the length between his blinks at least twice the length of a standard humans.

He then let out a small laugh, “Last time I was here, you lot still believed the Earth was flat! Who would’ve believed how far you’ve come since then? I’m a Life-Developer, I make sure you don’t all get too far ahead and technical before you can handle it.” He was gesturing with his hands madly, slender fingers performing odd gestures and demonstrations that give this angel the air of a mad-man.
She stood upright, slightly relieved. This guy has a nut loose. And those wings were probably from a costume shop. She gave a nervous chuckle as she watched him with a sympathetic expression. Then she looked around, trying to find an excuse to leave this man. She ran a hand through her blue hair as she looked at him. "Mhm.." she hummed softly, nodding a little, pretending to agree with him. "All that you're saying is real fascinating. Perhaps you could make a TV show out of it," she said, grasping her books with both hands again and tilting her head to one side.

Then she took another step backwards, not wanting it to be too conspicuous. "Maybe we could get coffee sometime and talk about your career as a 'Life-Developer' but now I really have to go," she said sweetly, slowly walking backwards and away from the crazy person.
The wings flapped a few times, the angel hovering a few feet off the ground. “Hm, okay then…Also, what’s a coffee? I haven’t heard of that.” He grinned and shoved his hands into his pockets. He knew for a fact she didn’t believe his identity, so now he took to the skies a little more, his feet now at head level. He gave a slight yawn, “Can I come down now? Flying in one spot is tiring after crashing into the ground at several hundred Meters-per-second.”
She blinked a couple of times. All she could see was the man's feet now. She tilted her head up to look at his head. His head? Who cares about his head? He had huge wings that seemed to make him fly. She slapped a hand to her forehead. "Fly indeed.. You must've fallen asleep Hayley. Let's see.." she started speaking to herself, tilting her head backwards and shutting her eyes a in thought.

"I was in the library last... Studying pathology... Aha!" she said as her eyes snapped open, "I must've fallen asleep then. Neoplasia is rather sleep inducing." She let out a tinkling laugh at her own stupidity. "And you," she pointed to the guy floating in mid-air, "You are in my dream got it?" she said, "You must be one of the guys from the story my friend is writing. Gosh, it all makes sense now."
“Dreams, reality? Honestly I’ve lost track of where the two of them blend. What if maybe I’m a manifestation of your dreams, wrapped within a nightmare? Or maybe I’m just a sprinkle of reality on a half-hearted illusion.” He landed and smiled, crossing his arms. “This forest—this world. I believe it’s real. Go ahead, do what humans to do to prove this isn’t a dream. Pinch yourself, was it?”
She narrowed her eyes at the man. "You are in my dream. You are not supposed to talk unless I say so," she said sternly, quite similar to an elementary school teacher admonishing a pupil. Then she let out a sigh. Perhaps pinching herself wasn't such a bad idea after all. If anything, she'd wake up. She turned away from the man as she lifted a hand to pinch the upper arm of the other size.

"Ouch," she yelped, having pinched herself with surprising amount of strength. Then she glared at the man once more. "I'll admit that this is a very convincing dream but it is a dream nevertheless," she stated firmly, "Humans can't fly in reality. That is a fact."
“May I remind you that I’m not human?” He clicked a finger casually, clicking and tapping his foot to a strange rhythm. “Angel, remember? Just because I don’t wear a dress and have a ring above my head, doesn’t mean I’m not angelic!” He was now only a meter away. Despite his scary appearance, kindness shined in those speckled grey eyes..
She squeaked and took another step backwards. She adjusted her glasses once more. "May I remind you that angels don't exist?" she said vehemently, "Angels are a myth. A figment of imagination. And this successfully proves my hypothesis is correct. You are a part of this incredibly convincing dream." Though she was starting to lose faith in her own words, it was the only answer her logical mind would accept, though she soon realized that logic is seldom retained in dreams.

Tears filled up in her eyes as she looked up at the being. She was certain that she had angered him. "Please don't kill me," she squeaked again. If it was indeed an angel, she knew he would be able to bring her end in minutes. "My cat would miss me.."
He looked a little hurt, but regained a small smile. “Is the moon still real after it sets? Is the sun still there after the moon takes its place? I’m real in that sense, that I’m there…But not seen.”

He laughed softly, “Kill you? Oh, nonono! If I do that…Then I’ll die too. It is against the very laws of the reality itself for an Angel to strike down another species! Besides, I get that answer from a lot of people; I’m used to the fact most people believe I don’t exist, it’s nothing new.”
She sniffled once. He can't kill her? She was incredibly confused. She looked up at him again, both curiosity and fear in her large blue eyes. "If you're an angel, what are you doing in a forest?" she asked. By now, she was literally hugging her books. They were the only things she could definitively believe in. That was a source of safety for her against this... angel?
“I..*mumblemumble*..” He looked away shamefully. Realizing she hadn’t heard what he’d said, he let out a sigh and repeated. “I fell out of heaven. Literally, fell out of heaven…I’m not good at long distance flying. I can see your attachment to those books; please don’t hit me with them.” He had a child like look in his eyes, the orbs grey reflecting his concern about both her, for her sanity and mental stability, and him, not wanting to end up with a volume between his eyes and a bruise on his forehead, along with possible concussion.
"Fell out of heaven," she repeated like a parrot. Her eyes had acquired a glassy appearance. "The guy fell out of heaven," she muttered, staring at him quite idiotically. Her posture hadn't changed. Her expression remained blank. "Fell out of heaven." It would seem that she had clearly lost it and her eyes were fixed on a point somewhere between them, not quite at the man who called himself an angel. "Out of heaven."
“Oi! ‘ey! Don’t go loopy on me.” He tapped her forehead softly, frowning. “Come on, you don’t seem like the weak minded. Besides, humans are equally as weird! I mean, no wings and you’re so..Short!” He smirked softly, “And you’re constantly doing stupid stuff, like wars for instance. Surely it is I who should be worried for my well being, you could blow me up at any moment!”
She shook her head as she snapped out of something like a trance. She pouted a little, rubbing her forehead. "Short is a great height to be," she said, "I'm not weird. I don't have bombs and I don't blow stuff up," her voice steadily grew louder. Then she shook her head again to calm herself. "You're an angel right? How will you get blown up by me? I mean, you can't die right?"
“Yeah, it’s complicated. I can’t die of natural means, only of injuries by a mortal race. Another angel couldn’t kill me, age couldn’t kill me, but you shooting me could.” As he explained, he eyed up the books. “Or very quick flying books could also kill me, probably. Let’s not test that theory please.”

“Hmm…I fancy this coffee you mentioned, where can we get it? It sounds good.” Aeterna gave a cheery smile, “Oh! I don’t think I ever caught your name, or you never told me; either all.”
She chuckled as she lowered her books. "I'm only holding them 'cos they can't fit in my bag," she said. She lifted a hand to glance at the red strapped watch on her hand. "Yeah, we have time for coffee," she said. Then she looked behind him at his wings, "But you'll get kicked out if anyone sees those," she stated before turning on her heels and making her way back to the road, "I'd put them away if I was you."
With a flash, they were gone. He’d adjusted to a more normal looking body now, shorter and more evenly built. His skin was now a moderately normally pale, instead of chalky. “Yes, put them away.” He stretched, yawning. “I digress, onwards too coffee!” He strolled along next to her. “Want me to carry some? They do look rather heavy.”
She adjusted her bag on her shoulders, "I'm fine," she said with a sheepish grin. She headed back in the direction she came from, "I know this really nice cafe here. I'm sure you'll like it." In her mind, it seemed rather like showing a visiting friend around, especially with his new change in appearance. Her arms were getting tired but she refused to show it.
He shrugged and continued onwards after her, whistling softly to himself. He had a rather cheery disposition for somebody had fallen from an incredibly high height. He leant forward and stared back at her slightly, “What’s your name anyhow, mystery savior? Hehe..If you don’t mind me asking for the second time.”

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