When a star falls. [Inactive]

She tucked a stray strand of blue hair behind her ear before looking up at the man, "Hayley," she said softly, her voice gaining a tinkling quality. Upon reaching the cafe, she opened the door and let herself in before walking to a table in the far corner of it and sitting herself down, her heavy books landing on the table with a thump. "This is my favorite spot," she hummed to no one in particular.
“It’s good.” He stated curtly, sitting down across from her. He gave a small smile, “I’ve always loved Earth, and the people are nice enough, if they’re not blowing each over up, hehee.” He made sure to speak quietly so nobody could overhear his rather strange conversation with the blue haired girl. He pursed his fingers together, tapping the finger-tips together.
She chuckled nervously. She was still having a hard time believing that she was talking to an angel. She snapped out of the mini trance as a waitress approached her. "Just a couple of coffees please," she said, "One of them with a little less sugar."

Then she turned to the angel, "I don't think I got your name though," she said, her hands on her lap and a small smile on her face. It would appear as though she was actually warming up to this man but she wasn't really sure.
“Aeterna, Aeterna Wormwood. You were having a bit of a panic when I told you so it’s understandable.” He gave a cheery little smile at the waitress. The angel returned his gaze to Haley, staring at her over his interlaced fingers. The strange habits, linked with his tattered clothing, made him a little stand out but..People seemed to ignore him.

"Well, Aeterna," she started, laying her hands flat over her books and placing her chin on top of them, "What are you going to do after the coffee? Go back to heaven? But.. Can you go back to heaven? Oh oh, and where exactly is heaven?" She seemed to be bubbling with questions, for her curiosity was now kindled.

Her bright blue eyes seemed to be lit up with curiosity and she barely noticed the weird expression the waitress made or the fact that she was pretty much staring at the back of his head while she made the coffee.
“I guess so. I need to wait for the right celestial alignments, so I’ll be here for a few days. I guess I’ll have to go and hide my crash site, then find a place to hang until I have the right timing. I believe that should be…” He closed his eyes, seeming to be locked in a mental search. “the 30th, at roughly eight-sixteen PM, if my astrology is accurate; Failed that, sadly.” Hearing her next question made him look a bit lost, “It’s another planet, near the core of the Andromeda galaxy. It has twelve moons, named after the Olympian gods and goddesses. Zeus, Poseidon and so on.”
She blinked a couple of times. "Heaven is on a planet?" she asked, quite flabbergasted. She had always thought it would be somewhere... say in a different dimension. She shook her head. "You'll be here till the 30th eh? I wouldn't suggest those woods though. You'll have a lot of... um.. visitors..." she trailed off, her cheeks taking up a pale pink blush. That was the most decent term she could come up with.
“Yeah, the only reason your lot know about it at all was because a load of angels went rouge and decided it’d be funny to come here and start directly twisting and shaping human affairs. We even had Angel and Human children being born!” He rolled his eyes, “I was only young at the time, barely out of my first few hundred years. Which would be a young child, in human years.” He then looked confused, “Visitors? What sort?”
She sighed. She was probably being a prude. "Lovers, dear angel, lovers," she said, exasperated, "That is their usual haunt. They..." she trailed off. She wasn't exactly sure what they did in there. She personally had never had a boyfriend, much less one that would take her into the woods. All she knew was that kids who spend a night there, came out in a daze and usually blushed whenever inquired about it. Much like how she was now. "...do stuff there," she finished.
“Then I shall make myself scarce from the woods, thank you for the warning.” He smiled at her blush, looking down at the books, reading the titles and smiling. “I shall have to get some Earth objects to take back home, you have some of the best books I’ve read, actually. Especially Lord of the Flies…Such a good book.” Aeterna, too, had never been one who’d dithered in relationships.
She looked back down at her own books. "You may not like these," she muttered, pushing her glasses back up her nose, "They are things about the functioning of the human body and the illnesses they suffer from."

For the first time, she was actually sad that she studied as much as she did. This man probably wouldn't like her for it.
“Fantastic! I've always wanted to know how a Human works.” He leaned forward, staring at the books with a child like interest. That was what he was, really, just a child in an adult body. His speckled-grey eyes sparkled with joy, his nose and brown wrinkling as he concentrated. “Sorry, sorry. English isn't my first Earth language, Latin is.” He gave a sheepish grin, itching his nose slightly. “Weird, isn't it? I can speak perfect English, but have trouble reading it.”
"Oh that's perfect," she said with a grin. She paused momentarily as she noticed the waitress eye Aeternus strangely as she set down the coffee. Hayley decided she'd better settle the bill. She didn't like the way the woman stared.

Once the waitress had left, she looked up at the angel as she continued, "A lot of medical terms here are derived from Latin. Though," she continued with a small smile on her face, "I could teach you English if you liked." She stopped abruptly as a thought struck her. "Where are you planning on staying, now that you know that you can't stay in the woods?" she asked, concern peeping into her voice.
“I don’t have anywhere, actually. I’m sure I can scout out an abandoned warehouse or something.” He sighed, not exactly sounding too sure about that. He cautiously picked up the coffee, taking a sip. “By Norsal! That’s hot, htohtothtot!” Aeterna panted to try and relieve himself of the heat, flapping his hands slightly. Once he’d calmed, and cooled, down, he took another tentative sip. “This is amazing! You humans always come up with the best food and drinks!”
"Shhh!" she said, reaching across the table and quickly grasping his flapping hands to hold them still. She looked around. Aside from the ever suspicious waitress, the cafe was pretty much deserted. Once he'd calmed down, she gave the waitress an apologetic smile and withdrew her hands from his. "You've gotta stop acting out like that. It attracts attention," she whispered, her tone one of utter exasperation.

Then she glanced at the watch before yelping a little and grabbing the coffee, slinging the bag back on her shoulder and picking up her books. "I'm running late. Mum's gonna be so mad," she muttered to herself. Then she stormed out of the cafe, hurrying off along the direction to her house quickly.
Thinking that wasn't a dismissal, he got up and followed after. "Another difference in Humans, your parents. Angelic parents don't live through the birthing processes." He still had his coffee gripped tightly in his pale hands, taking a sip every now and then. With a quick circular motion of a finger, the cup was now levitating as he itched his arm, then gripped it again.
Her pace did not falter as Hayley walked at a pace most people would have to jog at. She took no notice of the angel's levitation act though she seemed quite startled that he would follow her. "What do you think you are doing?" she asked, her heavy breathing punctuating each word. She gulped her coffee down in a swig that would make a beer pong champion ashamed before throwing away the plastic cup into a bush.
He scooped up the cup, scowling, and when they passed by a bin he placed both the cups in them. "Littering isn't a good habit, Haley. Besides..I've got to stay somewhere haven't I? And the law of Human-Angelic relations sate an Angel MUST stay with the first human that sees it until the angel leaves, or the human dies. So you are stuck with me I'm afraid. Lucky you."
Hayley had barely the time to do a dramatic facepalm. "Human-Angelic relations? That sounds just like the mumbo jumbo an angel would say," she muttered. Turning around a corner she paused, "Think Hayley, think.." she told herself, bouncing around on a spot. "Aha!" she struck upon an idea. She grabbed Aeternus's hand before stepping into an alley that led to the back of her house. "Get your wings out," she said before pointing up at a window, "That one is my room, the window's unlocked. Think you can get up there?"
“Get your wings out,” Aeterna Wormwood scoffed, rolling his eyes. “And that sounds like something a human would say. Get your wings out indeed.” He clicked and they unfurled, a single white feather fluttering to the floor below. He stooped and picked it up, frowning softly. He looked upset by the loss of the beautiful white down feather. With a casual flap he was already up by it..
Hayley looked a little hurt by how she was referred to. "I..I did not mean it that way..." she started. Then she shook her head a little and let out a sigh before walking to the front door. With a deep breath, she turned the handle and entered, "I'm home," she called out and hurriedly added, "Not hungry today, ate on my way home." Then she made a dash upstairs to her room. Standing before it, she closed her eyes and made a wish that this would all be just a dream. She could not share her room with an angel, could she...?
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