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  1. xXIceChocolateXx

    Achievement Unlocked: You are trapped!

    **Amy finds out why the killer animatronics are in the game and runs into another familiar well as one she isn't too fond of.** Ch. 5 The trip to the church was nothing but silence all the way. All Amy wanted to do was stare at the buildings around them and occasionally she would...
  2. xXIceChocolateXx

    Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

    Shots could be easily heard, making the Zurol tense up as it continued its trek down the sidewalk. Was the shot itself meant for it? Or was it meant for something else? Not wanting to stick around to find out the Zurol quickened its pace, gaining a bit of distance until it spotted its next...
  3. xXIceChocolateXx

    Achievement Unlocked: You are trapped!

    **Amy needs to find her way out of Arkham City without being spotted, which is harder than it sounds.** Ch. 2 It felt like hours had passed by with each step she took but only 20 minutes had passed since she had started walking. So far Amy was in the middle if an empty street with little...
  4. xXIceChocolateXx

    Achievement Unlocked: You are trapped!

    **Amy is about to find out why she will never touch her xbox again if she can survive long enough to return back to her world...if she can figure out how to get back without being killed by Arkham City's worst villains. Of course Arkham City's villains will be the least of her problems.** Ch. 1...
  5. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    (don't know what i should do now owo )
  6. xXIceChocolateXx

    Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

    As expected the teenager began to pet the Zurol, figuring it was friendly and showed no signs of aggression. The Zurol nudged the teenager and tried to "play" as a domestic canine would, snatching the teenager's backpack that he held loosely in his left hand. It immediately took off running down...
  7. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    (my internet went out last night D: i missed so much!)
  8. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    Amy had by now let her darker side take full control. Her body shifting to her werewolf form without hesitation. She caught the scent of another person, her eyes quickly landing on Nick with the look and desire to fight in her icy blue eyes. /Another target to fight? Yes. He must be./ Amy...
  9. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    Amy was about halfway through the hall when Edgar began to caw loudly, alerting Amy of Dru who was heading in her direction. Amy paused as she caught a familiar scent and grinned, her hands having quickly shifted to paws. She was still wanting to fight and having a fight with a person who was...
  10. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    (if you want to Amy is still up for a fight ^^ so go find her and challenge her)
  11. xXIceChocolateXx

    Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

    Eluvia. Such a large planet with so many souls. It reminded the Zurol of its home planet along with past memories that were forgotten. However such memories were meaningless as it needed to search for souls to replenish its energy. Unfortunately the Zurol was not in a favorable enviroment that...
  12. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    Unfortunately in the end Amy had lost sight and scent of her targets and slowed to a stop, full of anger and defeat. She looked at Edgar who landed on a tree branch and glared at him. "How did you lose sight of them!" she shouted, punching the tree in frustration, causing it to splinter and...
  13. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    Following the two teens was pretty easy, until she lost sight of them which frustrated Amy even more. But she had some luck when she spotted Edgar flying ahead, cawing loudly as he flew in the direction the two targets had fled to. The raven at times would be stubborn and useless when she would...
  14. xXIceChocolateXx

    Eluvian Bounty

    Name: Unknown Gender: Unknown Age: Unknown Race/Species: Zurol Eluvian or Outsider: Outsider Occupation: Unknown Good, Bad, Neutral: Neutral/Bad Appearance (Picture if possible):
  15. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    Another interruption? This was getting better and better. Amy noticed the static charge and grinned as her free paw became engulfed in blue flames, her paw curling into a fist. "Both of you must have some sort of death wish you want to fulfill." She said, dropping the girl she was holding to let...
  16. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    ...her muzzle inches from her face. "It is considered very rude to interrupt a werewolf when they are in the middle of talking to another." Amy said, speaking softly. "Run." she said, saying it as more of a warning before she would attack Roxy instead. (hello *gives a creepy and insane smile*)
  17. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    "Move it!" someone shouted, followed in Amy being pushed to the floor harshly. Edgar let out a screech as he flew off to avoid the fall, perching himself on the top of an open door, watching from safety. Amy growled as she slowly got to her feet, pain throbbing in her side and left arm. Her...
  18. xXIceChocolateXx

    Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    "Great...first fucking day of school." Amy said with disgust, mentally cursing her parents all the while as she made her way to the door. A black raven sitting upon a bare tree branch let out a caw before leaving the branch, gliding down until it landed on Amy's shoulder. Amy gave the raven a...
  19. xXIceChocolateXx

    High-school For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

    Full Name: Amy Frost Nickname: Frost Age: 17 Race: Werewolf Appearance: Human - She has dirty blonde hair that is semi-straight and reaches a little past her shoulders. She is about 5'5" and has an average weight. Half her eyes are a bit of a dark blue while the other half is an ice blue...
  20. xXIceChocolateXx

    Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

    Name*: Amy Frost Age*: 20 Race*: Werewolf Personality*: Amy has a mouth on her and a very rude attitude towards anyone that she finds annoying, which is almost everyone. She will yell and shout when she's upset or when she is telling the truth. Her temper does blind her to everything and...