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  1. D

    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    Komala chuckled as she watche Marlin. He seemed happier in the water and that was fine with her as long as she didn't have to hear any complaints. She jumped in and kicked water at him as she did the back stroke laughing. the warm water always felt nice in her fur and she was sure Amelia didn't...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    "Ew gross!" She held him at distance and she ran over and put him into the water. "Bleech have fun you little moogle," The word felt funny on her tongue. She didn't even feel like salvaging her jacket so she took it off and laid at the shore in her ragged tank top. When she looked at Amelia she...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    Komi sighed, "You aren't alon kid I know what it's like to be in that boat. Never even knew mine and lost my memory in the accident. Alright you little grows if youre that upset about beind dirty you can go to the beach and rinse off in the ocean." she groaned. Then she turned to Amelia "We can...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    She shook her head chuckling. Stubborn, I can deal with that. "thanks...what's your name?" she asked as she took the herbs from the pouch and started mixing them in a paste into the bowl. She looked back at Amelia with the same confusion. "Well 8 crash landed here in after my plane got lost in...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    She shook her head. "that actually sounds pretty normal considering how insane this place can be. Just call me Komi. When that...thing gets back I can make you some an herbal remedy that will soothe your head," She awkwardly scratched the back of her head with her ears down. Komala had never...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    Komala paced around the room. That thing hadn't gotten back yet and the girl was still knocked out on the table. She was getting nervous that they had gotten to her too late...She sat upside down in the chair calming herself. There was no need to worry herself over a girl she couldn't have saved...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    "Well since you're bored go get me these leaves," hands him a sketch. "just scream or something if something tries to kill you. There are lots of things would find you a nice treat," she shoved him out the door and wrapped the girls head. 'Domenix or domtris or whatever his name has been cooking...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    "Not much further, stop your complaining." It had finally reached the sack an she heft it along with the creature onto her back then picked up the girl. "Rest. It's a long trek to my hut and I'm assuming you won't mind going there. It's safe but very far. Eat what you wish out of the sack," and...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    Komala looked down at the creature seeing the fear in its eyes and relaxed. Something this panicked couldn't have done least on purpose. "alright, alright just put the knife down. We have to take care of her before she bleeds out or something. Please tell me you live in the forest or...
  10. D

    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    After wondering the streets for hours and running for cover after running into a hear of night riders koala went back to the lighter parts of the city more bruised than ever. She wasn't paying attention as she ventured further away from her latest attack which is why she tripped over a panicked...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    Koala lurched from her sleep from the city's screeches. "Night Riders..." She debated on going into the city to help, she had already encountered one a few nights before and it nearly ripped her arm off. Her body shuddered as she felt the bandage on her left arm. "I guess playing a little more...
  12. D

    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    Komala looked up after rolling to the ground to see the ghost flying away. "Just like the old days," she chuckled and disappeared into sunflower field to feast and nap for the night hidden under their leaves. It was too dangerous to be traveling this tired. The dark energies of that room and the...
  13. D

    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    She scoffed her fur still bristling, "yeah just something else fun I get to look forward to." Her hood found its way back onto her head and she made her way to the sunflower field. Her sunflower feast had just begun when she overheard the conversation of the boy from before and some girl who had...
  14. D

    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    She returned the coy smirk with soft growl and one of her own as she stood confident, the weapon leaning back on her shoulder. "Why else would a person steal?," she rolled her eyes, "I need things that other people have. So I get them the best way I can. Stealing." Komala shrugged still in a...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    She bared her teeth snarling loudly as she punched her right in one of those flashy red eyes, knocking her right onto the ground. "You are pretty strong for your size," she laughed and half growled with her ears back. "What business is it of yours?" she growled in her soft Brooklyn accent. "Do...
  16. D

    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    Komala bought a sack and filled it with all the food and and supplies she would need to last her for weeks. She even joked with some of the merchants to keep the mood high and distract whatever was following her from thinking her of even intentions. As she turned to leave she stopped dead at a...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    The trek was longer than Komala could have even imagined. She hadn't realized that she was so far on the outskirts of the forest. As she neared the gates of the city there was a field of sunflowers. She loved them and made a note to stop by later until she saw a guy talking to...she turned her...
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    A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

    Komala Lurched from under the trees pissed yet again. That damn skittle poor scared away the only game she could have gotten that evening. It had been two years since her plane crashed in this wretched land and she still couldn't stand the ridiculous occurences. Her supplies were getting low...
  19. D

    Forest fire

    Komala nodded and slid herself under Fox's body to bump her onto her back. "You can rest your feet and I can cover more ground anyway." She sniffed the air looking for an answer. "I smell a stray tree off toward the east if that's the direction you are headed," she stated as she was already...
  20. D

    Forest fire

    Small rays of sunlight shone thought the open spaces of the shrub to gently sparkle on Komala's eyes. All she could do was grunt an roll over as she cursed herself for falling asleep on the watch. She looked over and saw Fox to breathe out a sigh of relief. "Safe another night," She smiled as...