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  1. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    Well, what now? Aiko watched the stream of people shuffling past, occasionally glancing back to the puddle of vomit and wrinkling her nose with distaste until the janitor arrived at last and began to clean up. "Ah, my name is Aiko, by the way!" she said to Drake suddenly, realizing she hadn't...
  2. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    Even though the seizing boy had already been carried out, it was a few more minutes before Aiko managed to calm down. She retreated to the back of of the auditorium, carefully avoiding the puddle of vomit, and spotted the boy who said said hello to her earlier. She had missed it among on the...
  3. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    Aiko watched the flurry of activity around her, wide-eyed. It was a moment before she realized that she was the one screaming. She nodded mutely when the boy carrying Daniel spoke to her, but stood rooted to the group for several more seconds before actually processing what he'd said...
  4. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    Out of the corner of her eye, Aiko saw the pianist fall and turned instinctively. "Are you o--" she began, but it only took her a second to realize that something was terribly wrong. The boy was trembling on the ground, vomit on his lips and his eyes rolling back into his head. The small...
  5. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    Aiko breathed out a sigh of relief as the boy left for the stage. That was easier than she had expected. Perhaps she should move now, before he got back? Tugging one of her braids absently, she looked around for an empty seat, but found none. After much thought, the girl extracted herself from...
  6. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    "Hmm?" Aiko blinked her wide eyes innocently as Inky turned around. Ahh, you were supposed to duck! She was getting agitated, especially since the boy on the stage was playing such a pretty song, but didn't know how to approach it directly. And now that she had his attention, Aiko wasn't sure...
  7. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    [Hello, I'm jumping in!] Aiko bounced on her soft plush seat, hugging Momo the stuffed bunny close to her chest as she peered over the head of a red-haired boy in front of her. She craned her neck forward as much as she could, but he was still blocking her view completely. I wish I was...
  8. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    Yay! Shall go post now :)
  9. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    Okay, I will give international a try! I'll definitely make sure my character isn't too similar to the one for pop music. Name: Aiko ("Ai-chan") Age: 14 Gender: Female Music Genre: International Appearance: Aiko is very small for her age. She is very pale, with a round face and...
  10. Sorairo

    Music Personified

    This sounds really neat! May I still join? I'd love to RP some kind of J-pop character (not very good at English, out of place, and a little misunderstood), but if you'd consider that a sub-genre, I could also try to come up with something for jazz. Tell me what you think? :)
  11. Sorairo

    Perfect World: A Dystopian Story

    The year is 2611, and the world is perfect. Think The Giver, Brave New World, Oryx and Crake, whatever you'd like. There is no hunger, no poverty, no sadness. Everyone is assigned to what they do best, and everyone shares the rewards. There are no choices. Who needs choices, anyway? The System...
  12. Sorairo

    Personal OC archive

    I hope it's okay to have a thread like this for myself! Just to keep everything in one place. These are old OCs from another forum, everything subject to change. Table of contents i. Katrine ii. Wesley iii. AliceKatrine Rose Fleming Age: 16. Occupation: Student, although Katrine...
  13. Sorairo

    Dormer Academy

    [in the woods] Hey, don't you have class? Wesley glanced at the black cat next to him, stretched out in a patch of sunny grass. I don't know. Probably. Well, if you aren't going, you should scratch me behind the ears. The cat flicked its tail once, lazily, and fixed its green eyes on the...
  14. Sorairo

    Knight Academy character sheets

    Okay, I am super new here, sorry for any silly mistakes! Name: Wesley Silver ("Wes") Age: 16 Race/breed: Human Position: Student Powers/abilities: Speaks to animals Length of time at academy: One month Relationships with other characters: None at the moment Appearance: Wes is...
  15. Sorairo

    Hello, I'm new!

    Hi everyone! My name is Sora and I'm a Canadian university student in physics. I've been roleplaying since 2009, but only on smaller forums (which keep vanishing, so here I am). I'm sure I have a lot to learn, so please bear with me and I'll try my best! Some casual facts about myself: I...