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  1. Monsterous

    Fantasy Ithos Archipelago [Chat - D&D]

    Conversation between Guildmaster Bert, and a messenger of the Duke Family. October 15th. A silver goblet swilled in a gloved hand, wine circling with its motion. This continued on for a minute, silence interrupted only by faint exhales, and the rare boot click. “Unacceptable”. The goblet...
  2. Monsterous


  3. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Prologue - Lográgæti - The Birth of Heroes

    The Jotnar's hand felt incredible. On contact, his skin pulsated with some kind of warmth, his bones shook with invigoration. Then a rumble in the Jotnar's mind kicked in, coarsing throughout his body - all happening in an instant. A bright light radiated from the Jotnar's palm, and the titan's...
  4. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Prologue - Lográgæti - The Birth of Heroes

    A constant ringing penetrated the Jotnar's ears, reverberating in his skull. His vision was flared with an intense bright light, even when he covered his eyes with his hands in pain. Hunched over, the Jotnar fell to one knee, hoping it would all stop. Gritting his teeth seemed to ease it all...
  5. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Prologue - Lográgæti - The Birth of Heroes

    ..."If you can hear me, shout!" The Jotnar tread the way he came, each leg rising up high, and slamming down into the snow, swallowing the fur boots. No footprints were even visible when the Jotnar moved on. Each step seemed to make the air colder, the wind sharper, the mist thicker... it...
  6. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Prologue - Lográgæti - The Birth of Heroes

    The red jar clicked shut, as the Jotnar applied more paste onto himself. Frozen air exhaled from his mouth, the hair of his body starting to coalesce with frost. But aside from that, there was no real danger. It was just bitterly cold. The mist have grown thick, and he had heard no words of the...
  7. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Prologue - Lográgæti - The Birth of Heroes

    The boat was quickly secured, but now talk of action passed the mouths and ears of everyone. Bjorn had his arrow notched into his bow, the two shorter men gripped hammers tightly. One even talked of smashing the beautiful crystal in the centre of the crater. The Jotnar exhaled a mist of frozen...
  8. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Prologue - Lográgæti - The Birth of Heroes

    The temperature was frigid to say the least, and the Jotnar came without his bear pelt. Who would have expected such icy temperatures to occur in mid-summer? Regardless, the Jotnar had the same idea as Bjorn, but with a more... natural remedy in mind. He unfastened the clasp on his leather pack...
  9. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Prologue - Lográgæti - The Birth of Heroes

    The Elder Skald at the front spoke, his words intending to inspire courage and dissuade any thoughts of fear. The Jotnar liked the idea of this being an adventure, one of the many tales he had been taught and passed down to children. He was keen to add to the elder's thoughts. "Aye... another...
  10. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Prologue - Lográgæti - The Birth of Heroes

    There was an eerie silence amongst the group, broken only by the soft motion of the waves being crashed and battered by the oars swung fiercely towards the fallen star in the distance. How odd, that something like this would happen today of all days. The Jötnar didn't really know what to make of...
  11. Monsterous

    [Ascension] The "Jötnar", Fritvor

    Most likely everyone knows of him, but we probably would have spoken before
  12. Monsterous

    [Ascension] The "Jötnar", Fritvor

    Yeah, we'd probably know each other :P
  13. Monsterous

    [Ascension] The "Jötnar", Fritvor

    Fritvor The "Jötnar", Lifetender Name: His name is Fritvor. But rarely is his true name asked, and even rarer is it spoken. Most people call him "Jötnar" due to his seemingly impossible appearance. If not that, then some may call him meaner names depending on their demeanor and hatred of...
  14. Monsterous

    [Ascension] Midgard

    This looks very, very cool. I'll be posting a character once my university work is finished in a few days.
  15. Monsterous

    The Golden Age(Vampire 20th Anniversary Chat Game)

    I've read the PDF and its piqued my interest, so I'll give it a shot :D
  16. Monsterous

    Shards of Immortality

    I'm interested in playing.
  17. Monsterous

    Pencils & Crayons

    Despite the danger of potentially shooting myself in the foot, I shall at the very least give it a go! Yeah Wiz, I said it.
  18. Monsterous

    The Dandelar Club

    Evaline LaForge ~"An end of charades."~ The pistol gripped tightly in her hand, her body rigid yet flowing as she spun around - ready to aim the pistol at the man below. She expected him gone; fled from the scene - but perhaps he was foolish enough to attack... whatever the case, her trigger...
  19. Monsterous

    [Shards of Immortality] The Prologue

    ----- Venore ----- ----- The Earthern Commander ----- ----- Location: The Battlefield ----- Even the quietest sound, is an ocean of noise compared to the vast, empty void. It's mere existence is but a taunt to death itself, defying it's decrepit, rusted iron grip over life. And...
  20. Monsterous

    [Shards of Immortality] We speak no evil

    Skits are an awesome idea, because then players can re-enact their General at the height of their power, so now we can really see how de-powered they've become! Also, we can be OP without consequence (mostly) cause Generals back then were OP :D