The Golden Age(Vampire 20th Anniversary Chat Game)

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Beautiful Golden Age of the Americas



America, 1950s

The decade of the big car, the open road, the boundless potential.

With the end of the Second World war, the world was changed. The dark times had passed and people were looking to the future. Soldiers returned to their loved ones, businesses began to thrive and great public works were undertaken.

But with this new sense of freedom came a sense of rebellion, a desire to overturn the old ways. Women decided that, after having the taste of working outside the home, they wanted more. Housewives and mothers decided to return to school, get educated and get jobs of their own. Equal rights were also on the agenda of minority groups and there was a push for equal voting rights and equal access to better jobs. Teenagers also took the chance to push back against the institutions of their parents, their elders and betters, to make a world for themselves. Young men would join gangs, getting involved in juvenile criminality such as street racing, gang fights and drug use. Young women were moving out of the traditions of family-raising and looking to make a career for themselves. There was friction everywhere.

Such is not the case for the Kindred of the Camarilla, however, though they watch these revolutions, large and small from behind the scenes. But Elders are Elders and they did not get to where they were today without some fear of the childer of the modern times. So they carefully manipulate their pawns, Kindred and Kine both, to curb the excesses of the age, banning and prohibiting that which they cannot quickly subsume or control. But rebellion burns deep, and resentment is often a glimmering ember that can erupt to consume the whole house of cards.

For the past ten years, Chicago has been a no-go area for those who bear the Curse of Caine. At midnight on January 1st, 1940, a host of beings descended upon the city and swept it’s streets clean of the Kindred. Called the Azraelites by those rare Elders who were knowledgeable about the Book of Nod, they were simply dubbed ‘The Reapers’ by the uninitiated Kindred. Dozens of vampires were slain, some still in their sanctums and the survivors fled to other cities. Successive assaults in 1940 through to 1941 were repelled with almost childish ease by the Reapers, until the Camarilla abandoned efforts to retake the city and instead concentrated their efforts on the mounting war abroad.

At the war’s end, Chicago was still under the Reapers’ dominion and many rumors circulated as to the reasoning behind their appearance and their purpose in the city. Where they the start of a holy crusade against those touched by Caine’s Vitae? Was there some secret in the city that Kindred were not to be privvy to? Had someone drawn them there deliberately to their own ends? And if so, who were they and what were their goals?

All these questions became moot when a lone Gangrel scout presented himself in the Elysium gala held in Milwaukee bearing something in his right hand. When questioned, he revealed a signet ring that had belonged to Augustus, the last Prince of Chicago who had been been presiding over Elysium and was also the first to be slain when the Reapers attacked. The signet ring had fallen from his rapidly decaying hand to be abandoned in the general rout and had remained unrecovered ever since, so the message was clear: Chicago was once more open the the Kindred.

  • This campaign will be using Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary. It will be set in the city of Chicago in 1950. You are servants(?) to the Camarilla Prince known as Carmicheal and your job is to help him achieve his plans of retaking the city of Chicago following the revelation that the mysterious guardians that had violently expelled your fellow Kindred ten years ago have vanished seemingly without trace.

If you are interested in playing or have any questions/concerns please post below. Also make sure to state what concept you might have/which clan you want to be from and please do keep in mind that you can only be from the Camarlla sect.

Also do mention which days/hours you think you'd want. I don't have a set day yet.

We will be using Dropbox to share our characters and other files. We will meet up on Teamspeak.
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Esbilon said:
I may be interested, is this voice chat or text chat?
I will usually talk about comments and OOC stuff over mic but all players will be playing by typing.

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Interested.
Captain Hesperus

What were you going to be again?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]So what concept might you play?

Not sure, how do you feel about non-camarilla clans?
Esbilon said:
Not sure, how do you feel about non-camarilla clans?
It depends how well you can justify it to me. There are rare cases of some converitng to Camarilla but its extremely rare and I don't know while the Prince would recruit none cammies. So if you can sell it to me then possibly I suppose. I have to make sure its not a disturbance to the setting/mood of the game.
By the way guys. I don't know who I'm taking or how many. Everyone who is interested just go ahead and post. interested as I am in the concept, I'm going to have to bow out. Didn't catch it was a chat game until just now. >.<
[QUOTE="Thief of Words] interested as I am in the concept, I'm going to have to bow out. Didn't catch it was a chat game until just now. >.<

Okay :( .

If you ever change your mind do let us know.
Sorry...I just don't line up well with chat games. I like to take time to think about things I write, so the pacing tends to either bother me or my pacing bothers the folks I play with. Plus I don't know how my scheduling is going to work out going forward.
I'm currently considering an army sniper who returned home with a bad case of shell shock, loss of faith in humanity, etc. Not sure if he was embraced over there or back home, and if he'd work best as a Nosferatu, Gangrel or Malkavian.
Eh...then again. I have wanted to play in something like this. I'll put my name in the hat tentatively.

I was thinking of playing a blues musician Malkavian, come to Chicago because he'd followed the blues over the years all the way up from the Delta only to find Chicago off limits to his kind.
Oh good Lord. So we're going to have a wannabe rocker and an old bluesman? Well, they'll get along like a house on fire. One way or another. :P
OOOOoooo Vampire: the real version... *Drool*... and in a time before Smartphones too, so much easier to maintain the Masquerade without everyone having a camera in their pockets! Hhhmmm what to do? what to do? I've no Idea how the tech works for chatting here, yet I'm find myself like a moth to flame... so Shinny shinny!...

What to do? let's go in order of preference then! A lunatic perhaps? No, no, there's already one of those, and we'd end up silently staring at each other for hours, and nobody else would know about how our rabbits are doing, they wouldn't understand how we communicate without sound! Silly blind bats. (No telepathy involved here)... a Shilmulo perhaps? No, no, Charlatans aren't with the Camarilla, none of them are, not really... oh wait I can't let these Gadje know that... yes, yes there are in deed Ravnos in the Camarilla! still... An Outlander maybe? nan, I've done that far too often, let the waters refresh themselves a little before diving back into that pool... A noble Blue Blood? Now that's something far more orderly than I am used to, maybe to the point of being ordinary... but the right nudge, or variant in his story could make ordinary become interesting... hmmm? what to do?

Now, in all seriousness. Vampire: the Masquerade is a wonderful game and there's just no way I can pass up at least trying to get into a game of that! though like I said earlier in a less... umm.. lucid state of writing... I've no idea how the chatting system works here (or most anywhere really), be it typed or vocal, but I'm willing to learn if someone would be so kind as to point me in the direction to, well, Directions... also I'm unsure if the Mic I have will work on my PC, it works on my PS3 but I've never tested it otherwise so... anyway, I've mentioned all the clans I'd be interested in above, named in order of interest, using their nicknames to Identify them... I'll begin constructing Archetypes for each in my head, depending upon ST preference and permissions I'll pick one or the other, just in case I'm one of the lucky few!

Edit: ok clicked the Teamspeak portion up top and got that to work (I think), thanks for the detailed instructions!
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Definitley Interested.... Tremere, is my Thoughts.... I would assume we'd be making charachters mostly on concept, but having a charachter sheet, made up via the rules, with OOC rolls using the Dice Roller? Or, Pure Chat?
The game seems cool and I would like to join but I don't think I have the schedule or time for it. So I wish the best for those who do. Maybe I will join you at some other time.

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