The Golden Age(Vampire 20th Anniversary Chat Game)

SephirothSage said:
Interested, yes- and do you have an answer for mah question?
We will be RPing on Teamspeak. All in character actions will be typed. Anyone who has a mic can use it to talk about non character actions. I don't understand the rest of your question.
Woohoo! yep still interested, now to get my nose to the book and my head in the clouds thinking up ways to mix the two actions... AKA Imagining a concept and fitting onto "Paper".

Quick question though: you said "Standard 20th ed character character creation rules" so I imagine that means a maximum of 7 flaw points? and in general only Cammy Clans, unless you have some good excuse? which I imagine we send any relevant background that might explain it to you by PM beforehand?

I have my eye on a Ravnos for hire, aiming to use that last sentence in the Notes/other info tab of the introduction... nothing better than a Charlatan to help break down the established order, in this case everyone who took up shop wile the Kindred where away... I've played so many Malks relatively recently that I need some change... feel free to say the same thing my usual ST tells me though: "Fait trop frette en hiver" or the translated version: "Winter here's too cold for Ravnos" (meaning he just doesn't want to)

As for time, Fridays evenings are a no go for me, but I can probably arrange things for most other evenings with a bit of effort :) (it's about 1 AM here as I write this so comparing this to whatever time this message will be dated to aught to give a good Idea of Timelag)

Also I think Sephirothsage is asking about what we're gonna do when it comes to Rolls... wave em and just go by Common sense based on our stats, or will we adjoin the game with the forum to use the in built Dice roller?
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TeamSpeak has an integrated dice roller so that won't be an issue.

Captain Hesperus
I will need some help getting teamspeak set up- do I need to download it somewhere, install it, anything? I've never had teamspeak, I've always used Ventrillo- anyone willing to help me set that up?
SephirothSage said:
I will need some help getting teamspeak set up- do I need to download it somewhere, install it, anything? I've never had teamspeak, I've always used Ventrillo- anyone willing to help me set that up?
There's a link for the TeamSpeak download in our TS page:

pick your preferred Client (not Server) .exe and install it. Next, run through the TeamSpeak installation and setup page instructions:

Captain Hesperus
You're welcome, I also suggest you read the section about using your TS unique ID with your RPdom account so that when you log into our server, you'll automatically have all the right permissions.

Captain Hesperus

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