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Fantasy Ithos Archipelago [Chat - D&D]

Captain's Log for 1/3/2015 Game

We got our ship, so I am actually maintaining a Ship Log now.

November 1

We have received our ship, Starwind, filled it with supplies.

Accepted a mission to escort Barret Gavrail and his team of Archeologist to Yuvelos Vifalas. Gavrail and his team want to explore to Selys Lya on Yuvelos but their equipment/artifact is too heavy (~1,000lb) for a commerical carrier/ferry.

There are 8 archeologists

Barret Gavrail gave gratuity to the ship - 4 gold each for moving in their supplies.

November 3

Cool - Favorable Light Winds

Launching from Ithos Prytos Vifalas to Yuvelos Vifalas

Barret Gavrail demands we take the deep ocean route as the fees through the Kefpa Straulcras are at least 500 gold for all of his artifacts.

Reluctantly I have agreed to such notions because by Gavrail's estimates will we be in the deep ocean for only 15 miles if we keep close to land.

Crew agrees to take the deep ocean route.

Traveling to Yuvelos Vifalas

November 5


Merfolk following alongside ship

Warned of Reef Giants in Shallow-water

Traded with Merfolk - Personally bought a Glowstone

November 5 - (Night)

Encountered the whistling winds of Fridra

I threw a silver coin into the wind and the winds moved in a favorable direction and pushed us at great speed out of the open ocean faster than expected.

November 6 - Arrived in Yuvelos Vifalas

Orinad, Smashy & Bashy On Route to Arthos

"Those were some pretty strange guys, weren't they?"
The small man said with his fingers woven behind his head as he watched their ship sail into the horizon. Behind him his large companions waved enthusiastically at the departing ship, despite the ship being too far to see their efforts. The small man turned on his heal quickly to look over at his companions. "Úpailco! They can't see you."

"Me no think they strange."
The Ogre companion known as Smashy replied. "Me think they good. Shiny man very humble. Smashy want be like shiny man." This brought forth a chuckle from the small halfing wizard Orinad.

"Oh do you? An ogre paladin huh? I don't know if that's going to work out for you." Orinad said with his hand wrapped around his chin in thought. "Nah, Ogre's don't become paladins, they don't follow rules well." Orinad explained.

"Smashy follow rules. Me no eat even one extra food, even though me want."
Smashy said with a wide grin as the other Ogre smiled at Smashy with a nod and a pat on his back. "See? Bashy think so."

"Yeah... I don't know."
Orinad said as he looked over his shoulder at the parting ship. "They're good folk mostly. The Geas broke part way, but they stayed true. But they didn't mind all the demonic stuff. My kind of people." Orinad said before turning his attention back to Bashy. "Anyway Bashy, what do you think of them?"

Bashy smiled wide and rolled his eyes while digging his foot into the dirt by twisting it back and forth. "Bashy like them. He like girl with toothpick." Smashy explained for his silent brother. Orinad doubled over laughing at the remark.

"Oh of course, the renown Rogue Bashy would of course like her, at least she could sneak up on a wall effectively."
Orinad said after coming out of his laughing fit. His remark prompted Bashy to jump in his spot and pull on his brothers arm.

"No not true! Bashy sneak up on shiny man, surprise him! Bashy good rogue!" Smashy said in his brothers defense. Orinad scratched his head before sighing.

"You two are something else. Maybe this is why people thought this was a bad idea."
Orinad said s he enveloped his face with his hands.

The two ogres looked at each other confused at the Halfings comment. "What bad idea?" Smashy asked.

"Oh, nothing. Besides, I don't regret it! You two are alright!" Orinad said as he jumped towards the ogre, who caught the man in his open palm, before tossing him into the air, where he spiraled in a circle before landing seated on Bashys shoulder. "Anyway, I think we should hit Arthos next."

"Why? What in Temple?" Smashy asked curiously.

Orinad knew the ogre wouldn't really understand anything he explained, but he did love to talk about it. "It was a demon worship temple. Rather strange."

"But demon temples everywhere!" Smashy contested to the little Wizards comment.

"Ah, back in Uria they were. However, Itholans don't have the same understanding of Demons and the Abyss as we do. This temple, it's not Itholan. At least, it's not related to the modern Itholan. In Arthos should be another one if what I discovered here is to be believed."

"What discover?"
Smashy asked curiously.

"This." Orinad said as he opened his bag of holding and withdrew a staff. A staff craved of swirling bone, a horned skull adorning the top with an eternal flame flickering from the top. As he held the staff, Orinad no longer saw the jungle around him, he saw hellfire in all directions, he saw pain and chaos in all directions. But more then that, he heard the whispering words of something... something pulling him east. East to Arthos.

"It stick."

"It magic stick."

November 8 - Disturbance in Selys Qiale (Yuvelos)

Crew accepted mission to head into Selys Qiale to investigate disturbing sounds that were being reported.

Left Crowripper in charge of ship and crew. They are supposed to retrieve the landing party by noticing a flare signal.

Day One - Getting Lost

Upon landing, we get lost within the brush. Unable to find village to receive further details.

Crewmembers were found to have no equipment for in-land adventuring. I was forced to abdicate my tent for their uses. It rained hard that night.

Will order crew to buy equipment for the future. Tents especially.

Day Two - Accidental Underground Expedition

Daniel shows his proficiently at cooking and planning. Considering for Steward position.

Crew finds chest, I order them to leave it alone but they continue to pester with its lock. Eventually a whirlpool comes out from it.

Cannoneer wants to utilize it for a weapon. Attempts to get other to move it. Doing so causes a giant whirlpool that pulls us all underground.

Some nearly drown. However we manage to survive and explore the caverns underneath the jungle.

Encountered Ooze creatures. Crew is unsure how to proceed but we are able to move past unnoticed.

Encounter a giant in the cave. He takes Mordus but is able to be negotiated and gives us fruit that allow us to breath underwater.

For his service, we offer to help him kill fish creatures that were pestering him. Fighting them in their nest covered in blood and guts, we are able to return the Giant's treasure to him. He rewards us with one gift each.

The giant explains to me the origins of my coin.

After being shown where the fruit come from, we surface and encounter a large blue dragon.

Terrifying experience. However the Dragon didn't seem interested in us. Wonder if the power of dragons to see wealth is true?

Arrive on shore, ship no where in sight. Sleep for the night in tents.

Day Three -

Successfully find ship and decide to head back into forest. Allow the Druid to guide us.

Encounter a pack of wolves led by a werewolves. Werewolf is stopped by Rhine's magic. I am forced to remove the lycanthrope from those bitten by the werewolf.

Considering silver weapons of some variety.

Find village and receive details.

Investigate the noise, discover that it is Jalen lumberers harvesting wood from the forest. Report back to the chieftain. Accept payment.

Arriving back to the ship - no rowboats were there to greet us. Ship remained silent. Had to swim a board and found the crew drunk in Berth deck.

November 11 - Yuvelos Port -

Sailed back to Yuvelos port. We report matters to the Navy and waited a week. The landing party needed to rest and resupply.

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November 18 - Yuvelos Port

Accept mission that has a "negotiable" reward. We head to Pen Niza to meet with an archeologist.

November 19 - Demon Temple in Pen Niza

Was employed by a Urian archeologist named Orinad. A half-man, he is very short and curious. He studies wizardry and adventures looking for things inside temples.

He desires us to escort him through the temple complex because his two orge guards could not go with him.

Orinad casts Geass on us so that we could not harm him on the condition that the Geass ends if he harms us.

We investigate the temple, it is becoming obvious there are fiendish spirits involved and Orinad talks about demons.

We find a terrifying symbol (looks like a horn) and a whole cache of riches. We claim the riches as loot but Orinad takes the symbol.

Rhine has a mysterious experience with the statue. After placing a scroll as a sacrifice, he Disappears into a wall. Still have to ask him what happened to him. Can only assume magic was involved.

Mordus agrees to pay blood ritual to gain entrance into a sanctum. The sanctum has a plaform that later summons shadow demons. Apparently this is a "test" according to one of the demonic voices. I can only assume that we succeeded.

We leave the temple after we slay the demons and Orinad collects a staff bathed in fire.

We get paid extra money, this money is split amongst the adventuring party. However in the future, adventuring bonuses will be added to the payroll depending on monthly bills.

Cannot inform Sambridge of my behaviors, especially now we are low on funds.

November 20 - Return to Yuvelos Port

We rest for another week to let those on the adventuring party recover, especially Rhine and Mordus.

Encounter a third era silver coin at the Yuvelos port.

Bought a gemmed third era copper coin.

Separate Page

These are notes scribbled on a page, the handwriting far less formal -

Thoughts on Orinad and "Demons"

I am not usually one to comment on a specific person within these logs. However the man known as Orinad is an odd figure. How he has acted has kept me up in my quarters for a night now -- so I decided to put my remarks here.

The man is Urian, which might explain his more eccentric characteristics. He is also a wizard, a powerful one too. Enough to trick orges into following him through some sort of potion or charm. Eccentric might not be the best word.

Still Urian or not, I still respect the man. He is honorable and well-paying. As well, I never specified between Itholan or Urian in my oath to the Gods - so I will certainly hope to help that strange man through his adventures if that is what the Gods have aligned for me.

He says we will meet again. With what he's dealing with - the demons and like - I am not sure if that is a good thing. Not that I particularly fear "demon" like some of my Escarian crew. They seem different from the Abyssal lords which those who I have talked to tried to compare the lords with these "demons". From my perspective, they seem more violent and more haphazard. Not at all a representation of balance.

Still, I am not a man who studies the plans. I am always wary around mystical creatures, especially ones from other worlds.

If the Gods desired us to be with these "Demons" they would have made us born among them. Yet what am I to say what the Gods desire...

With that, I think I might be able to sleep.

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November 27 - Good Faith Rescue of Davin Hyle

We encountered a mission on the Privateers' board asking for assistance in rescuing a hostage.

Upon inquiring on the mission, we found that the posting was placed on the board by the hostage's wife. She was a baker-woman, who did not make much coin from her husband's fishing trips. She explained that her husband, Davin Hyle, was kidnapped by Lizardfolk. Understanding the circumstances, We agreed to rescue her husband for free on the terms of Good Faith and being offered bread next time we visit.

The fishermen's wife instructed us to consult a man named David. However David, a brash young man of Urian descent, was unwillingly to assist us in rescuing the fishermen. He was adamant in not wanting to leave port or head to the location where Davin was kidnapped. The only information he gave us was that their ship was attacked by Lizardfolk off the coast of the Selys Kyple Qiale (Selys Swamp) near Sen Niza.

Thoughts on David

While I can only imagine the cruelness of a man who refused to help a fellow fishermen and former crewmate kidnapped by unknown creatures, I surmise that the two were not necessarily that close. David explained he only knew Davin for two weeks before the mission. Additionally he warned Davin to not head into the swamp, fearing something would attack them. Still, the act of abandoning another human-being to the point of not even helping rescuers is rather appalling. I pray for every man on the mainland that such conduct is not typical amongst Urians.

Varun Ochixa


We dismissed ourselves from David's presence. However the mission would have been a failure at this point if Odo was not capable as ever. Such a magnificent being, that dwarf, he was able to navigate us to the swamp in question.

Once at Selys Kyple Qiale we were approached by Lizardfolk and Parlayed with their captain. There we made a civil agreement: if we killed monsters attacking the Lizardfolk, Davin would be surrendered over instead of being brought to trial (and assumingly executed).

The Lizardfolk appear to have strict rules about entrance into their Swamps and wanted to seek justice against Davin. While justice, even amongst the most inferior of creatures, is always important to uphold. Maintaining Davin's life was far more of my crew's priority. For this reason, we pledged to ensure that Davin would not re-enter Selys Kyple Qiale for the rest of his mortal life if we were given the opportunity to have him spared.

A Lizardfolk was dispatched with us. His name was Fluqeuo and he was perhaps the strangest Lizardfolk I have ever encountered.

[scribbled in the margins] More on Fluqeuo later

When we prepared to dock on the Swamp, there was another Privateer ship being raided by Lizardfolk. There did not appear to be humans on board. I told Crowripper to keep her guard.

Fluqueo led us to a hut. That at first seemed to be the most pleasant of cottages. It had corn fields all around it, a nice warm fire and a tidy bed. I began to grow nervous, for this dwelling seemed to be far more maintained that I would expected from a beast. I didn't want to have to kill another human.

Fortunately for us, or unfortunately, the cottage was a terrible illusion. The true cottage was a forsaken hut, full of rotting furs and broken furniture. The scarecrows in the yard flung to life, their bodies moved by evil and hatred.

We escaped through a trap door where two other humans were found. They explained they were privateers, here on another mission. I could assume they were the ones from the now-looted ship.

Escaping through the trap-door's tunnel, we arrived at an ancient fortress of Grytt and encountered three hags. Brutal was the fight, but we managed to kill the evil beings and take with us their heads.

Our mission though was not over. We searched the rest of the fortress for Allard and Ronan's crewmates. They explained they were here looking for a particular gem. After uncovering their crew's equipment (which would later be divided by our crew), we found the gem in question and the bodies of the two men's companions. Guaranteeing them that they would be able to get a ride to Yuvelos, I offered them a chance to serve on the Starwind. Both accepted the opportunity.


1 - Varun Ochixa - Itholan Phrase - Rough Translation - "May Varun's Currents (Like Ocean Currents) be shifted", i.e. - "Varun's thoughts be moved".
Just some character building stuff

Letter to Commander Avery Harlow of the Ithos Prytos Vifalas Port Authority

Dear Brother,

I am writing to you today because I remembered that your awarding ceremony was supposed to occur yesterday. I find it unfortunate that I was unable to attend such a pageant. Being given a medal of merit is no small distinction and as your younger brother, I should have been present.

Still, you will be happy to know that my first month as a privateer captain has been met with some success. The ship we received was not as badly damaged as they first estimated and my crew is not as poorly trained as navy men like to joke. So we were quick to accomplish several tasks assigned to our ship and we were able to pay the monthly bills on time without a single threat of mutiny.

That being said, my position is not nearly as prestigious as your own and I am afforded few luxuries. Those that I have, such as a room to myself and a modest paycheck, I am grateful to have the benefit of receiving. It pales certainly in comparison to the familial villa or your apartment in Ithos Prytos Vifalas but I can assure you that my ship is as comfortable as any in the Ithos Sau.

I still feel regret however about missing your ceremony. Of anyone, I know that my departure from naval service has affected you personally. I also know that you hoped that I would stay in Prytos instead of taking this foolish adventure as a Privateer Captain. Nevertheless, I strive to prove my worth to Abyss and the other Gods who have given me their graces.

Within that realm, there is no room to argue or bemoan. My loyalty is with the sailors and the helpless souls who venture the seas. Personally, I feel that such loyalty does not contradict my love and affection for you and the rest of our family, but I can understand if Mother and Father disagree with me to this very day.

Evidently they do not seem to think having a privateer son is better than a dead son. However as I speak the words whispered to me by the Gods, feel the sensation of drowning I once suffered and see my sword ignite in light as I swing it in a thunderous smite, I know that I have made the right decision.

The address I leave on this envelope will be the one of my private box I am establishing on the other islands of Ithos. I hope that it will allow me a better chance to stay in contact with you. Even though I have grown use to distance between us — both of us being sailors since we were little — I feel this past month apart after having so many months together is weighing on my heart. Please send good word to our parents, our uncles and our aunts about my adventures. Perhaps then they won't forget I didn't die that fateful day by cannon-fire.

Sincerely yours,


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Interview with Mordus Galtion

The shores of Ithos have always known two things to be true; the ebb and flow of the tides, and the visits of my people. We of Galtion were a nomadic clan. Our fishermen knew no rivals. All other clans knew of our greatness, welcomed us, and offered their lands to us. Where we settled, the land and its people thrived. Such was our relationship with the other clans. We brought them the grace of our huntsmen, allowed them to partake in our bounty, and cleared from them any dangerous creatures. And all was well in Ithos.

And so my people continued to wash ashore, bringing good fortune and feasts to the others, much like the gentle tides themselves. But as history dictates, the arival of the "AGYLIAN" (harsh tone) and their pale skin signaled a decline with us of Galtion. Our clan could still out-hunt them. Even in their large boats, wide nets, and large hooks. We still had superiority in the ocean harvest. Our tatoos burned through the tides, shining deep and true. But our might in the ocean would cease...as a blight struck my people. Abyssal Lords be damned that the balance befell on us. We were in Arthos when they came... And in Arthos, my people suffered greatly.

It was a few hundred years worth of decline. In every day, in every act of our lives.... We kicked, clawed, and roared against our fate. But sadly- Our numbers had fallen. And with it, some of our best huntsmen. My father, Sean Galtion... He was the last great huntsmen of our people. Try as I might, I cannot see myself topping his great feats. And the great wave that hit our last encampment even took my wife and son from me. Even so! The reason why I am aboard this ship, captain, is to renew MY clan's might and its glory. To remind everyone that the Galtion's bloodline still flows, much like the water around all of us. That is what brought me to this line of duty. If it comes down to it, captain.... I will even murder if it leads others awestruck. Good day captain.

Rine was making his way back to the Starwind, fresh from celebrating the new years. It had been a lot of fun, his illusions and Ronan's music had drawn quite a crowd. Children had laughed, passers by had been awed and amazed, and even one of the guard had lied on his behalf to keep the show going when the authorities showed up. All in all, a good evening.

Setting in to his bunk, Rine popped open a book on Itholian law to help him relax. Morden was out with the girls, Rusar, Edric and Sambridge were out drinking with Daniel, and everyone else had vanished to do their own thing. It was strange having the ship to himself, but the quiet and time alone was nice.

Or so he thought.

A shimmering, blue portal appeared in the air before him, giving Rine just enough time to get out of his bunk and make himself presentable before an elderly looking gentleman dressed in fine silk robes materialized out of it. Flanking the man on either side where two figures that looked to be knights decked in full plate mail, although Rine knew that no living man resided inside those metal shells.

"Grandfather" Said Rine, nodding his head in respect to the man. "Grandson." said Kemek the Archmage. "You are late." He continued. "The family reunion began an hour ago." There was an air of familial disappointment about the ancient wizard, although Rine could tell he wasn't truly angry. Otherwise this conversation wouldn't have even taken place, and Rine would have just found himself at the party, ready or not.

Rine gave the Archmage a confused look. "I sent a letter to mother with the details, I said I wouldn't be able to attend this year. She should have explained everything." He said. This only earned him a look of warm admonishment. "My boy, you must learn that should you have any trouble of this nature, I can lend a hand. I didn't spend ten years teaching you everything I knew just for you to forget." Said Kemek.

"I'm sorry, Grandfather. Give me a moment to freshen up and I'll join you." Rine said, but the Archamge was apparently of the opinion that he was already late enough. With a tap of the staff on his head, Rine was no longer disheveled or unkempt from the prior day. "Come." Said Kemek, gesturing with his hand to the portal.

Rine followed the Archmage though the portal, there was a subtle tingle as the arcane energies enveloped him, but a moment later he was standing in one of his Grandfather's demiplanes. His mother was there, yelling at his sister who had apparently gotten herself killed fighting a Hill Giant in single combat. Rine winced and gave a small wave to Matilda, who gave a quick smile in return before the view of her was cut off by their mother, who was talking about how they did things 'In her day'. Mother had never been happy with the fact that Matilda had chosen a life of... less than legal activities, regardless of if they were for a good cause. She would hate Rusar, of this Rine was sure.

Over in the corner, Rine's brother Marcus was slowly playing a mellow tune on his lute, although he paused momentarily to wave enthusiastically at Rine. Immediately following that mistake he was swamped by Mephits bearing drinks who had mistook the wave for a signal, and had to be rescued by his aunt and two cousins.

Grandfather Kemek invited Rine to sit in one of the fine leather chairs that were arranged in the middle of the deminplane. Leftover snacks were located on a table on the side, with a fire Mephit in the center for warmth and light. None of the snacks were left for for him, and Rine could feel his stomach rumble despite having eaten and drank his fill earlier in the evening. The Archmage noticed the look Rine was giving the snacks and laughed to himself, all smiles now that he was surrounded by family again, and waived over a Mephit with a tray of food for Rine to enjoy.

"Come now, eat up. You can't have gotten very many nutritious meals on that ship you've been galavanting around on. You're all skin and bones at this point." Said the Kemek with a concerned tone. Much like how mother disapproved of Matilda, Kemek was disappointed that Rine had sought to further his own education with real world experiences.

"It's not as bad as you think, Grandfather. I'm apart of a crew that looks out for one another, we're earning our way through Ithos and making a name for ourselves, I even have a student who I'm tutoring." The old archmage frowned as he listened, but couldn't find anything to disapprove of to try and sway Rine in to coming back and apprenticing himself again. "Very well. I suppose I must allow you to go your own way, but remember that I'm always here for you, if you need help."

The two wizards talked long in to the night, discussing theory, past adventures, and trading notes on what new information that they had been able to gather or discovers that they had made. Rine eventually found himself dozing off in the light of the Fire Mephit. When he awoke, he was back in his bunk on the ship, and Edric was calling for the crew to assemble to discuss their next mission.

Kemek, 20th level Necromancy Wizard. Lawful Evil to anyone who is not family or close friends, Chaotic Good to everyone who is. Kemek is a 300 year old Archmage who periodically settles down from his exploits across the multiverse to raise a family. He frets over them constantly, but always stays out of their affairs unless the most dire of circumstances call for it.

Matilda, 5th level Arcane Trickster. Matilda is magic robin hood, stealing from the rich and corrupt and using it to help the poor and disenfranchised. Her recent attempts at bringing hope to those in need involved a Hill Giant, a noble of Escaria, and 30 gallons of glue. It's better if you don't ask.

Rine's mother, 15th level Eldritch Knight. Lawful Good to the core, Rine's mother worries constantly over her kids, and is always trying to steer them towards a less dangerous life, believing that her own exploits as an adventurer are enough risk for the family.

Marcus, 5th level Lore Bard. A drifter and a paramour, Marcus is never where you expect him but always where you need him. He's a minstrel by trade and always has a song, joke or story to tell to change the mood to suit him. Rumor has it that he turned down the hand of a Dwarven princess, although he'll deny the claim every time
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Conversation between Guildmaster Bert, and a messenger of the Duke Family. October 15th.

A silver goblet swilled in a gloved hand, wine circling with its motion. This continued on for a minute, silence interrupted only by faint exhales, and the rare boot click.

“Unacceptable”. The goblet rested on the table, no less empty. Hands joined together on top a painted table, was a man of great wealth and power. He leaned forward, aged eyes never leaving those of a messenger dressed in black. A bead of sweat dripped slowly from the messenger’s. His right arm extended forward, his voice stammering after a brief cough. “The Duke demands re-retribution. He has se-sent me as a courtesy –“

The silver goblet now rung loudly onto the far wall, its contents staining a thick rug. A heavy chair scraped on the marble floor. “A courtesy? He thinks this a courtesy?” The man stood, his palms slammed on the table’s edge. “He has attacked one of my routes. He demands repayment in blood. And he dares not show himself to me?” The messenger took a step back, his eyes averting the man’s ever watching gaze. His mouth opened, but nothing came out of it.

It had been two days since Casimir Duke’s death. Killed in self-defence as he attempted to rob a merchant performing a trusted job to the Yellow Cross guild. Under ordinary circumstances, the matter would be resolved harshly and with large monetary repayments. This was no ordinary attack. The deceased Duke was the son of a man whom owned a large criminal organization. The Duke Family.

“He is preoccupied, Guildmaster, forgive us.”

The Guildmaster returned to his chair, hands returning to their normal manner. One paused where the goblet once was. The other opening a drawer, the messenger sighed as the man’s gaze at last left him – if only for a brief moment. The paused hand scratched the man’s shaved chin. The silence returned once again as he pondered.

“The Duke Family has been… a wise investor.” The man nodded at his own words, his eyes gazing at the ceiling, and again at the messenger. “I am reluctant to do so, but I will concede this man to you for the Family’s support and continuation of their purchases.” The messenger noted down the decision hastily. “However, this information is on the condition that no other blood other than this man’s be shed in Escaria. There will be no negotiation on this, for I take this action as a grievous offense to myself, and for the safety of my Guild.”

The Guildmaster outstretched his hand towards the door, the messenger nodded, all too eager to leave. “Go. I demand an answer within the hour from whatever hole he rests in right now.”

The door slammed shut. Only one man remained in the room, and his always observant gaze looked down into the drawer. He grabbed parchment and pen and hastily wrote a letter. The hour wait for an answer would buy precious time. The merchant performed well, and had always performed well. He may have use for him at some point in the future…

Timeline before Daniel left for Ithos:

· Daniel was asked by Guildmaster Bert to courier a valuable object.

· Gets ambushed by Casimir Duke and other thieves.

· The group is slain by Daniel and guards following him unbeknownst to Daniel.

· Package is delivered.

· Duke Family learns of death. Meets with Guildmaster Bert.

· Guildmaster concedes Daniel’s identity. Duke Family is a high priority customer. However, nobody else’s blood must be shed – this was the Duke Family at fault. The Guildmaster does not fear them, but recognizes their patronage well.

· Letter is sent to Daniel beforehand written by Guildmaster for unknown reason. Daniel flees to Ithos, burning the letter.

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