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  1. Lando The Archmagi

    Prelude 3: The road is twisted [Elemental Upheaval]

    Sylvia smiles at him and says, "Of course I would like to accompany you. You're welcome to stay here tonight once your business is done if you like. I shall see you out then." If nothing further is to be discusses, she calls her house servants and escorts him to the door. She will then...
  2. Lando The Archmagi

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Valor: 5d10 → [9,7,7,3,1] = (27) "A huge sandswimmer, try to flank it!", Radiant Lion stands his ground, raising Razor Claw and preparing to go for its brains.
  3. Lando The Archmagi

    Prelude 3: The road is twisted [Elemental Upheaval]

    Sylvia holds Kilam gaze, listening intently. She says,"Renewing old ties is not unwelcomed, it has been a long time and friendships aren't something easily found even in today's world. Well how is Seiga? Treasure trove you say? Looking for ancient wonders perhaps? The old band, well I do...
  4. Lando The Archmagi

    ST Comments [Elemental Upheaval]

    Thanks, need all the help I can get. Sorry for my lack of my background, going to try to get something written up soon. :)
  5. Lando The Archmagi

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Radiant Lion will hold his shot from his flame piece as he sees the herd charging him, Bedwyr and Sandstorm. He wonders why the herd is charging them and not running in the opposite direction. He uses Razor Claw to bring down a couple of the deer all the while looking around. Something is...
  6. Lando The Archmagi

    OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

    Yea, I've posted my resume on a bunch of sites and with the department of labor for my state etc. Got a call or two over a week ago, but nothing lately. Hope to have better luck soon. Life's pretty rough.
  7. Lando The Archmagi

    Prelude 3: The road is twisted [Elemental Upheaval]

    Sylvia's eyes brighten more as she begins to recognize Kilam and she smiles hearing his voice, "My sincere apologies Ledaal Kilam, I did not expect to see you after so long. By the blessings of the Dragons indeed, welcome to my abode. How may I help you?"
  8. Lando The Archmagi

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Perception + Survival: 4d10 → [8,2,8,3] = 2 successes Radiant Lion follows his tribe mates, in particular the cunning Jackal and readies himself to help with bringing down the deer. He gets down on his belly in the grass, knowing he will dirty his clothes and his armor, but he knows the...
  9. Lando The Archmagi

    OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

    IT, prefer senior programmer/developer or project lead/manager. However, I'm willing to start as a junior and work up as long as the compensation starts at where I was when I was let go. Goes to catch up.
  10. Lando The Archmagi

    ST Comments [Elemental Upheaval]

    I'm back, still job hunting, had a couple of bites, but nothing concrete, but am hopeful that I'll find something eventually. I'm hoping to do some catchup and get my background completed this weekend.
  11. Lando The Archmagi

    Prelude 3: The road is twisted [Elemental Upheaval]

    After reading the note, Sylvia smiles to herself. Interesting, I wonder what Piacu has brought to me this time? Sylvia invites the guest into her home and into her private study to speak with her. She looks him over intently as he enters and smiles warmly. "Good day and welcome, I am...
  12. Lando The Archmagi

    ST Comments [Elemental Upheaval]

    If you've moved on without me that's fine, life's just not been real great for me. Got laid off and then my computer died, so I've had to rebuilt it and am still testing it and such. I'm going to work on a background for my pc by this weekend assuming something else doesn't come along..
  13. Lando The Archmagi

    OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

    I'm sorry for my absence, got laid off and then my computer died, spent most of last weekend rebuilding it and been job hunting and trying to recover some hd stuff. I'm back and hope to catch up soon. I'm still job hunting too.
  14. Lando The Archmagi

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    PErception+Survival:4d10 → [1,5,3,3] = (12) Radiant Lion looks around for tracks, following Crushing Jackal and Sandstorm. He listens as they converse amongst themselves and then with Bedwyr. Radiant Lion looks at them all and says, "The gazelles and feeding the tribe is the reason why...
  15. Lando The Archmagi

    ST Comments [Elemental Upheaval]

    I'm still here and intending to play, I've just had a lot of RL stuff going on, some of them not so good. I am losing my job (getting laid off), I fell and injured my right side/back last Wednesday and my computer crashed last weekend. I'll do up a little background in the next couple of days.
  16. Lando The Archmagi

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Radiant Lion ignores the comments from Sandstorm and enjoys the morning sparring with his tribesman, knowing full well why he's the general and son of the chieftian for his superior skill in arms and blood. He nods to the shaman thanking him for this blessing and hefts his bow. He looks at...
  17. Lando The Archmagi

    Prelude 3: The road is twisted [Elemental Upheaval]

    Sylvia looked at the sealed missive on the table and wondered what it concerned. She hoped she didn't have to call for a translator or scribe. She looked upon the servant and said, "Thank you, go and seal the door behind you." She then took up the missive and broke the seal, looking it over in...
  18. Lando The Archmagi

    ST Comments [Elemental Upheaval]

    Well, this is my first Dragon Blooded pc, so if you think green jade would work better I can flip them around. I'll gladly take any advice.
  19. Lando The Archmagi

    Gnarled Strands of Fate (OOC) [Let's Go Down In Flames]

    If I get a new job or life turns more positive, I'll be back. ;)
  20. Lando The Archmagi

    Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

    Radiant Lion observes as Sandstorm gets Crushing Jackal to stop what he's doing and come towards them. Radiant Lion looks at him as he mentions cooking up his eggs, "Well make your breakfast quick then as there is some exercise needed to be done. I want to be sure my hunters aren't getting too...