Prelude 3: The road is twisted [Elemental Upheaval]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Cynis Sylvia was at one of the many houses owned by her House. Just a moment ago there was a knock on her door, and a humble servant appeared, telling her that one of her fellow Dynasts had sent her a missive.

That missive was now on the table, still sealed, where the servant put it down. Something was curious about it. It wasn't the regular paper usually used, but the one of fine quality, that is generally used for communication by the House elders. She has had some contact with some of them, naturally, but none has ever sent her a missive like this, and those came encoded usually. It wasn't that she didn't know the code, but it was complex, and she really didn't want to decipher it wrong.
Sylvia looked at the sealed missive on the table and wondered what it concerned. She hoped she didn't have to call for a translator or scribe. She looked upon the servant and said, "Thank you, go and seal the door behind you." She then took up the missive and broke the seal, looking it over in detail.

Something from a House Elder, what in the name of the Empress could this be?
The note is rather small, and the writing is both simple, and elegant, the writing flowing across the page like clouds in the sky.

Cynis Sylvia,
you have been tasked with getting in touch with Piacu again. Your earlier meeting should prove useful in this. Stay close to him, for we may have a use for him soon, and we'll need your touch to guide him to it.

Cynis Mond
Kilam arrived at Sylvia's house in the afternoon, announcing himself as an acquaintance of the Dynast, and politely requesting to meet her if she had some time to speak with an 'old friend'.
After reading the note, Sylvia smiles to herself.

Interesting, I wonder what Piacu has brought to me this time?

Sylvia invites the guest into her home and into her private study to speak with her. She looks him over intently as he enters and smiles warmly. "Good day and welcome, I am Sylvia and you are?"
Kilam frowned a bit at Sylvia's question, then his features softened. "Years must have been inclement to me despite the blessing of the Dragons, for even friends no longer recognize my face! It is I, Ledaal Kilam."
Sylvia's eyes brighten more as she begins to recognize Kilam and she smiles hearing his voice, "My sincere apologies Ledaal Kilam, I did not expect to see you after so long. By the blessings of the Dragons indeed, welcome to my abode. How may I help you?"
"Well, for one, I wanted to renew the old ties," Kilam said with warm friendship. "We were quite the joyful band back in primary school, hey? Always up to some mischief, and graced by the Dragons at about the same time," he added with an air of nostalgia.

"At any rate, I dropped here to get some news. I met with Seiga recently at the Heptagram. Always on the lookout for ancient lore and unearthed wonders. As it stands, we more or less agreed to go on a little Threshold touring, looking for a, well, a little treasure trove, for lack of a better word."

Kilam then looked at Sylvia intensely. "And we also agreed to reunite the old band to get to it. You, Piacu, Darnos, Seiga and I. Equal share for all. At least, we'd get to undertake a nice journey even if the prize ends up a bit disappointing, which I am pretty sure it will not be. Of course I am entrusting this fact to you as a friend. Would you take up on my offer, dear?"
Sylvia holds Kilam gaze, listening intently. She says,"Renewing old ties is not unwelcomed, it has been a long time and friendships aren't something easily found even in today's world. Well how is Seiga? Treasure trove you say? Looking for ancient wonders perhaps? The old band, well I do have lots of business here that keeps my attention, but my heart yearns for adventure and comraderie. Yes, I will go and equal shares sounds good to me, if nothng else your company would be welcomed." Her eyes gleam at him.
"I am delighted to hear that," Kilam smiled back. "I must still meet with Piacu, perhaps you would want to accompany me? He should arrive tomorrow, if I am to believe my calculations. I still have some business to attend in the meantime, but I can give you the location and hour of our appointment."
Sylvia smiles at him and says, "Of course I would like to accompany you. You're welcome to stay here tonight once your business is done if you like. I shall see you out then."

If nothing further is to be discusses, she calls her house servants and escorts him to the door. She will then clean up and prepare for her journey tomorrow.
[Go about some business or other, making arrangements for the journey, just waiting to skip to the interesting bits ;) ]

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