OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

Yea, I've posted my resume on a bunch of sites and with the department of labor for my state etc. Got a call or two over a week ago, but nothing lately. Hope to have better luck soon. Life's pretty rough.
Re: OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes plac

Sorry for the long time off, people. I was having some weird problem that wouldn't let some pages load, including patternspider. Fixed now
Re: OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes plac

Current status=Virus. expect sporadic posting from me for a bit. Have a laptop but is a craptop.
Re: OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes plac

Sorry! I too am having computer issues, the power supply on my PC died and it is away for repair. Laptoping it now.
Re: OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes plac

So..... is anyone else still here?

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