ST Comments [Elemental Upheaval]

He's up in full, probably riddled with errors. The goal is kind of the classic upright, honest, loyal-to-a-fault soldier, whose hit a rough patch.
We're waiting for Axelgear to post his character. But if he doesn't within the next few days, we'll start this, and he can join in afterwards.
I purposely picked black jade for its enhancements per the information on different types of Jade.

Is there a problem with using Jade not associated with your aspect?
Well, this is my first Dragon Blooded pc, so if you think green jade would work better I can flip them around. I'll gladly take any advice.
Quick question: is the prelude supposed to be open to all? It wouldn't make much sense for a Dragon Blooded from the military to be admitted inside the Heptagram (which is a very reclusive institution, according to my understanding), even if invited by a member.

Not that Kilam would have anything against Piacu ;)

By the way, is Piacu from a specific House? According to his backstory, his bloodline was absorbed into one of the Great Houses, but it is not specified which.
The Prelude begins with Kilam. We'll assume you all know one another to varying degrees. Obviously if Kilam wants to follow the lead he'll need other fod... eh, Dragon-Bloods to go along with him.
Oh, I already know that we know each other - my question was related with non-sorcerers moving freely inside the Heptagram.
Oh no, only the sorcerers among the group will be allowed in the Heptagram at this point. No clumsy soldiers moving around precious occult lore.
A few questions : what do we know of Sylvia? Is she a typical partygoing Cynis, a cunning politician, a courtesan-spy? She has no public background story (or at least I saw none)
The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier is out, will we have access to the goodies contained therein? Like those Charms that allow to waive elemental surcharges for out-of-aspect charms that nonetheless use the character's elemental aspect (like Elemental Bolt or (Element)-Body Defense or Dragon-Graced Weapon), or the brand new Dragon-Blooded training Charms...
I have a feeling that Sylvia's player will not be returning. Not logged in a week, doesn't respond to my requests for background on Sylvia... I'm beginning to think it's the kind of low-postcount board member who didn't stick around and left without a notice to fellow players.
I'm still here and intending to play, I've just had a lot of RL stuff going on, some of them not so good. I am losing my job (getting laid off), I fell and injured my right side/back last Wednesday and my computer crashed last weekend.

I'll do up a little background in the next couple of days.
As callous as it may sound, we may have to move without Sylvia. Assuming no other players dropped out.

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