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  1. Elcief

    Selling my Ex3 KS account

    [i'm deeply sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. If so, please have an admin move or delete my post] Hey, everyone Due to an untimely combination of bad personal economics and a new ridiculously high import tax (which is not going anytime soon, and may grow even more during the...
  2. Elcief

    MA style in Kickstarter

    Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar! I'd like to see Mantis Style, if only because it was one of the original MA styles features in the caste books of 1st ed. PS: John said Laughing Wounds is off limits, BTW
  3. Elcief

    Malfeans Parade!

     D'OH!  Well... It might have been before "She" died.  :roll:
  4. Elcief

    Malfeans Parade!

    Lately, I've been thinking about running a Stygia-centered Abyssals chronicle, and I'd like the characters to interact pretty much with the Neverborn and the Labyrinth... so, I'd like to know if anyone has any thoughts on possible Malfeans, their names, their looks (besides Big & Dead) and so...
  5. Elcief

    Celeren ?

    Celeren is a city northeast from Thorns. It's near the Range Towns of Marukan, and it is mentioned in one of the exalted novels (Relic of the Dawn, I think).
  6. Elcief

    Exaltred Second Edition

     Some of them reached as far as Labyrinth. However, they fucked up themselves in the process (Whiiiiiiiiispeeeeeeeers!  :twisted:)
  7. Elcief

    Rein me in, here. I went mad a while back.

    Hanat-Osul, I think that's a great idea. And as for the canon thing, what I've always liked about Exalted was the lack of a metaplot. Also, I'm getting REALLY sick of players who WANT a ST to respect canon and try to figure out everything. Btw, I was about to post a LONG story about a...
  8. Elcief

    Solars in the Threshold

    Well, I think that in the Threshold an individual's actions are more important than the imposed religion of the Blessed Isle... and though surely many people see the Solar Exalted as terrible monsters, if a Solar shows up and helps/protects/whatever a town in the middle of nowhere, the people...
  9. Elcief

    Empresses Aspect

    Yup, I didn't write about that one 'cause it looks like the one in D-B.  Btw, I always wondered why Brigid had a scalet fire-looking corset-... *ejem*... mantle instead of an orichalcum one (that is, if that raiments IS Mantle).  And, indeed, my signature is an edited verse of "The...
  10. Elcief

    Empresses Aspect

    I knew I was forgetting something! Well, in that one the Empress looks like a scared naked maiden... and she has blond, long hair, also.
  11. Elcief

    Empresses Aspect

     I liked that one   :P  Personality aside, I believe there are only two drawed "versions" of the Empress. The first is Melissa Uran's Empress, a ¿blond? woman with a don't-mess-with-me expression, milky white skin and fire-like robes; that Empress looks Fire aspected for sure. The other...
  12. Elcief

    Spirit Courts, Buried Gods, and Yu-Shan

    They're gods who were vanished under Creation by the Primordials... I don't remember if RoR tells the cause.
  13. Elcief

    Charm cards ... do you use them?

    I use them when I'm not home or I don't have the book at hand.  I wouldn't pay for them, however, nor print them. They're not THAT useful to me.
  14. Elcief

    Empresses Aspect

    Killing the whole Deliberative because they offended you, killing your doctors if they can't cure your lover's nigh-incurable disease and challenging the Imperial Manse instead of dying against the Fae like a good soldier... all those things make her seem Fire aspected to me.
  15. Elcief

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    The Solars, definitely. IMO, they're the most useful Exalted type when it comes to flexibility. Power levels aside, the Solars make great heroes, great villains and great plot devices. After all, the rest of the Exalted were changed since the end of the First Age; their society, philosophy and...
  16. Elcief


    That's really, REALLY, creepy...  :shock: I wonder if the Yozis could match Auto in the crafting of Exalted -after all, he is THE crafter-. Perhaps, foreseeing such things, he "ciphered" the whole exaltation process, so no other Primordial (or Incarna) could ever do the same thing. As for...
  17. Elcief

    Bagrash Kol and my character!

    In FMA, Alphonse Elric's soul is inside a giant armor/golem 'cause he lost his human body.  Thanks, Exalted Midget! ^_^
  18. Elcief

    Bagrash Kol and my character!

    Fullmetal Alchemist, anyone?  :roll: If BK is not dead, I'm pretty sure he'd like to die... no one messes with Auto! :twisted:
  19. Elcief

    (Solar charm)Night of the Forsaken Sun.

    That's creepy!  Abyssal for one day, uh?  Sounds great to me  :twisted:
  20. Elcief

    Future of the Haslanti League

    Crimson Banner Executioner at least tried to recruit him, but the book states he is (or was, whatever) a member of the Haslanti League.