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  1. P

    Spy in us All (Sign Up and OCC)

    Accepted! Love it!
  2. P

    Spy in us All (Sign Up and OCC)

    Sorry, lost internet. Yeah id love to do it
  3. P

    Seska Academy

    Adam heard this lecture a milloin times before. Adam spanked Merina, "we're not so different, well I was told to befriend a Korean general's son and kill him in his sleep," he too laughed, "God, my summer trips are fun. So shall we part before you reunite with your kind? Or do you want my...
  4. P

    Seska Academy

    Adam knew Merina's type. Just like the mercs that raised him, deals with everyone loyal to no one. He admires the gall it takes to lead that life. " Hey, first you say you don't want me feeling uo any other skirts, then you say you want to pounce Musicboy over there," he said as he walked and...
  5. P

    Spy in us All (Sign Up and OCC)

    Being a spy is easier than it seems, its like...... spying, on people lolz.
  6. P

    Spy in us All (Sign Up and OCC)

    This IS open btw.
  7. P

    Spy In Us All

    Yuri sipped his coffee, the Italians did know coffee. He flipped open a folder his handler Maria sent him, the situation in South America was worsening, which ment big money. Jobs in Asia and Africa, America never had any money in it. Besides, with his accent they'd be sure to background check...
  8. P

    Spy in us All (Sign Up and OCC)

    There are spies in every organization, every army, on every level. Information is needed by everyone, spies are the easiest way to get that intel. You? You play a highly trained operative from an organization of your choosing, be it CIA, KGB, GRU, Delta Force, anyone. The other PCs have agendas...
  9. P

    Seska Academy

    I'm Adam, my parents run Security Solutions. It's a mercenary company that provides troops, training and guns to countries struggling for independence. I had a pretty weird childhood, growing up in warzones," his tale was riddled with gunfights and death, he was glad to be out and at this...
  10. P

    Seska Academy

    Adam stopped himself, "wouldn't want to give you the whole show in one sitting, besides, I'd like to get to know my food before I play with it." Adam placed Merina beside him and sat up. "Know any fun places? This courtyard is quiet and serene, I hate it."
  11. P

    Seska Academy

    Adam lied beneath Merina, thinking she'd be the only girl he'd even want to be with. "I can cater to your needs if you facilitate mine," he said with a huge smile. He kissed her for what felt like forever, feelinf her soft warm skin. Her body was warm, she was perfect.
  12. P

    Seska Academy

    Adam felt that feeling he gets in the bottom of his heart he gets when he meets a girl he's fallen for. "Trust me, there's nothing timid about me." Adam lied next to her seeing her in her full beauty, her breasts looked so soft. Adam hesitated, looked to see if anyone was watching. He had a...
  13. P

    Seska Academy

    Adam felt her warm soft lips against his and melted. He gazed in her eyes, lingering on her every word. " Well I was never much one for rules. You aren't married yet are you? If a man cannot provide for his female, she is entitled to seek love elsewhere. Outside philosophy, that means i dig you...
  14. P

    Seska Academy

    Adam sat next to his pretty new friend, reached behind her, grabbed her hip and pulled her closer. He stared into her eyes as if examining her very soul. Her eyes were different, odd almost. But weird was his favorite game. He looked at her smile, cutest damn thing be'd seen in a while. Her...
  15. P

    Seska Academy

    Adam stepped back from his gigantic mural. "I'd be more accomplished someone was watching...." he sighed again. He looked around and saw the very thing he loved. An audience. He jogged to the girl and gave a melodramatic bow, "Hello, and welcome to the greatest show on earth," he said with a...
  16. P

    Seska Academy

    Sure thing
  17. P

    Seska Academy

    Out in the courtyard, Adam was studiously practicing Latin, all over the walls. He enjoyed the thrill of breaking rules and having to escape authority. However, the thrill wasn't as strong here due to the lack in threat. Robots would just clean it and no one would notice. "Hmm, Shoulda thought...
  18. P

    Seska Academy

    Quick question, is everyone just immediately accepted? Or am i waiting for something/someone?
  19. P

    Seska Academy

    Name: Adam Lee Age: 17 Preference: Straight Likes: Philosophy and Graffiti Hates: Government Talent: Advanced in Political Science, Evolutionary Zoology, and Modern Literature Personality: Lazy, but when he's interested in something he exelles. Charming, loves to talk. Match...
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    Stir Crazy

    Name: Allen Green Age: 19 Occupation: Unemployed Description: He's a total slacker, but charming and smart. People take him for a criminal, but he only breaks the law when he's bored. So in short he's trying to find life, love and a hot meal if he can get it for free.