Seska Academy

Snow ducky

welcome students!

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Pref: straight bi gay





Match(you will find it here:


Family business: (variety!)



5'2/long white hair/mismatched eyes/fair skin

Name: Merina Delmonica




Likes: sweets,sleeping in,animals,singing,dancing

Hates: waking up early,sour foods,bugs,silence,stuck up boys

Talent: Singing, dancing(all types)

Personality: shy,wild,curious,strong,fun,outgoing,caring,honest ,smart

Match: Tim

Year: senior

Family business: dad is CEO of Intel mother dances around the world


Merina is an only child and brought up strict she Dances with her mom in the summers and during the school year works with her dad in a branch outside of the school in the city..when at school and no one is looking she is wild in her dancing and let's her hair down. She is matched up with no one her parents dissaproved of her match freshman yearshe is still waiting for him to show up. They dissaprove of girls making a deal she would marry a man after graduation and play with girls


Name: Lydia Grayson

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Pref: Bi

Likes Animals, long sleeps, singing, guitar,

Hates Jocks, carnations,

Talent Musical Prodigy (Can play all instruments plus sing)

Personality Nervous, daring, honest, intelligent, trustworthy, blunt.

Match: Grace (It's a dude,.)


Family business: Mother helps run RoboGals, she's going to be taking over and making robots with human emotions.


Lydia is a very sciency girl, she'll do anything in Science. Robots, potions, computers etc she'll know how to work it and work it well.
Name: Lily

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Pref: straight

Likes: Lollies, Games, oversized hoodies. Music

Hates: Stuck up people, poilitics,

Talent: Sings, Danced and plays allot o finstruments

Personality: She is shy and sarcastic "I'm shy at first but do the randomest stuf when i get comfortable with someone" describes her. Happy cheerfull


Year: 4

Family business: Owns a record Label

Bio: She grew up with a loving family and was pretty pissed of that she was just sent away.

*do not own this only to show what he would look like

(from his album Wonderland)


Name: Itou Sudo



Pref: straight


-sleeping in-singing-dancing-cute girls-being praised


-dumb girls-groupies-cameras(paparazzi)-not being no.1-getting bad grades


singer for the Band Yor he is the sole founder along side his best buddy(looking for buddy)

writes music and lyrics

Personality: outgoing,honest,loud,playful

Match: Lilly


Family business: his parents perfected virtual reality....


his parents spent there years perfecting virtual reality, they own the concept and its used in games and work as well at the school...they have only one sonand he he a very smart person excelling at everything he tries and is no.1 in school as far as academics goes but you wouldnt guess from the way he is
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Name: Tim Barker

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Pref: straight


Video games, Larp-ing, RolePlay, Small trinkets, soft voices


Overly dramatic girl, Jerk guys, his pet toad


Fixing and creating Trinkets


He is a very...strange boy, he goes off topic every so often, and can always find a way to make trinkets work better. His heart is kind and will help people in need.

Match(you will find it here:



Family business:

His dad works out of the country, and his mom is always out with friends, and other family members. His father some how earns more than $230,000 a year some how, and hopefully Tim will find out how someday.


Not mush to say, his parents were never around and is grandparents always gave him broken watches, and other trinkets that didn't work, he had to do something in his spare time. So he learn to build and repair things, and he learned it fast, his grades sky rocket'd, not in gym, or drama though.
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Name: Adam Lee

Age: 17

Preference: Straight

Likes: Philosophy and Graffiti

Hates: Government

Talent: Advanced in Political Science, Evolutionary Zoology, and Modern Literature

Personality: Lazy, but when he's interested in something he exelles. Charming, loves to talk.

Match: Flirts with anything that has female anatomy. Lydia?

Year: Junior

Family Business: Security Solutions. A mercenary company that aids rebel efforts for money.

Bio: Ever since he was a child he was exposed to violence and extremeist ideas. So, he developed some of his own. His parents were antigovernment activists who ran into millions from a Police Brutality charge, and formed an effort to free countries from imperialist entities.
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Gender: female

Pref: straight

Likes: singing, reading and cooking

Hates: conflict, fighting, is afraid of dogs.

Talent: singing, cooking, sewing.

Personality: she is a shy, docile girl who is very studious. she is very girly, which is well portrayed by her hobbies. she can be very innocent and naive at times.

Match: Adam


Family business: Her mother was a florist, she never met her father.

Bio: her mother died of a lung disease when she was ten and she never met her father. despite this, she turned out to be a sweet girl.


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Name: Emerald

Age: 17


Pref: straight

Likes: sports, sweets and animals

Hates: spicy food, pink, anything pink

Talent:she is extremely sporty.

Personality: she is a sporty tomboy who is full of energy. she is just a tad bit naive around guys since she is so used to being one.


Year: junior

Family business: her parents run a family diner.

Bio: her only girly trait is her ability to cook due to her parents proffesions. she always played the boys so the few times she was flirted with she totally didnt notice.

Name: Grace Felix

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Pref: Straight

Likes Designing clothes and jewellery, red, lollies

Hates Making hats, sunsets, orange, lemons/limes

Talent Designing/making outfits for himself and sometimes others

Personality Charming, smiley, smart, easily scared, nimble fingers

Match Lydia Grayson

Year ???

Family business: His mother runs a clothes and jewellery designing company. Which he's taking over.


As long as he had remembered, his mother made ALL his clothes. He started making his clothes at 7 years old!


Name: ?
Summer Eliza Adams


Gender: ?


Cloudy Days, Music, Being Alone, Loudness

Sunny Days, Silence, Lots of People





Family Buisness:
Her parents are recording artists.

Summer can always remember being around music,but she very rarely saw her parents. Always working, always busy, never enough time in the day to see her. She started cutting at 10 and hasn't stopped. Most people think she ought to hate music but she absolutely loves it. There are days that she just sits in her room playing music and cutting. She normally wears hoodies when she goes out that way no one sees the scars and cuts.

Name:Fuyu Sicilla


Gender: male



family jobs: Their influence in the fashion industry is huge being famous for producing key fashions every time that grow popular with his gift offoresight he uses it to know what's going to be hot next..

Bio: they are part o a family that controls the fashion world..not much is known but it goes back to the early years of fashion in Milan not many realize the famous Sicilla brothers are part of a mob family whereas that is kept secret. They sometimes model there clothes that are known worldwide. Fuyu the youngest,Aki the middle, and Echi the oldest are all up for head of there family..

Personality:Fuyu is he serious one who loves to get things done in a timely manner.


*do not own this only to show what he would look like

*do not own this,altered to show what he would look like..

Name: Syko

Age: 17

Gender: male

Pref: straight

Likes: sweets, girls, archery, quiet spots,His laptop, reading, learning,power, seriousness

Dislikes:Sad girls, serious situations,being alone,Dumb people, noise,clingy girls

Talent:drums but can use many other instruments...

Personality:Echi is a very gentle man who will help anyone in need no matter what the consequences are and is quick to help his family. he can get very dark sometimes when you make him very mad, so i would advise against it. has a funny sense of humor when you get close enough to him otherwise he will greet you with a fake smile then complain about it after you have gone..he has a real kindness he only shows to his match and no one else..

Match: summer

Year: senior

Family business: His parents were in the band Yipsi very talented in singing and musical instruments...they are expecting him to also be on top in the music indusrty

Bio:born and raised in the music world since birth, everyone knows him as Syko. he took to the drums and never looked back. although he was trained in many other types he wont tell you at all...his real name eludes people syko came from his father....

Name: Kyle Barret

Age: 17

Gender: male

Pref: straight

Likes: spicy food, nice people, the beach and practicality

Hates: dishonesty, he despises cheaters and hates spiders

Talent: Drawing and martial arts.

Personality: is very non-violent and practical, but tries to be more social.

Match(you will find it here:


Family business: "Super billing Computers" a company which builds custom computers.

Bio: An Australian, Kyle has been moved around a fair bit, untill his parents opened their shop in melbourne and it increased 500% inside 2 years, meaning they had enough money to send their son to Seska Accademy.

EX: none
Sorry Dx I always forget to check here but like I said match up and join us in our rp! Don't be afraid to jump in and mix things up!!

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